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Top 10 Health Benefits of Eating Eggs

One of the few foods that should be considered "super foods" is eggs.

By PrakuzoPublished 2 years ago 9 min read

Top 10 Health Benefits of Eating Eggs

One of the few foods that should be considered "superfoods" is eggs.

They're chock-full of nutrients, some of which are hard to come by in today's diet.

The following are ten health benefits of eggs that have been proven in human studies.

1. Extremely nutrient-dense

Eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense foods available.

A single cell in an egg carries all of the ingredients needed to grow into a young chicken.

  • 6 percent of the RDA for vitamin A
  • The RDA for fol-ate is 5%.
  • 7 percent of the RDA for vitamin B5
  • 9 percent of the RDA for vitamin B12
  • 15 percent of the RDA for vitamin B2
  • 9 percent of the RDA for phosphorus
  • 22 percent of the RDA for selenium
  • Vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B6, calcium, and zinc are all abundant in eggs.

It has 77 calories, 6 grams of protein, and 5 grams of good fats.

Eggs also include a number of trace nutrients that are beneficial to one's health.

In fact, eggs are almost the ideal food. They have a small amount of practically every nutrient you require.

It's even better if you can get your hands on pastured or omega-3 fortified eggs. They have a greater omega-3 fat content and are richer in vitamins A and E.


Whole eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense foods available, containing a small amount of practically every nutrient your body requires. Even better are omega-3 enhanced and/or pastured eggs.

2. Cholesterol-Dense Foods That Don't Affect Blood Cholesterol

Eggs do have a high cholesterol content.

In fact, a single egg has 212 mg, which is more than half of the 300 mg daily recommendation.

It's crucial to remember, however, that dietary cholesterol doesn't always mean higher blood cholesterol.

Every day, the liver creates a significant amount of cholesterol. When you consume more dietary cholesterol, your liver generates less cholesterol to balance things out.

Nonetheless, how people react to eggs differs from person to person.

  • Eggs have no effect on cholesterol in 70% of persons.
  • Eggs can boost total and LDL cholesterol in the other 30% of people (known as "hyper responders").

People with genetic diseases such as familial hypercholesterolemia or the ApoE4 gene variation may want to limit or avoid eggs.


Although eggs are rich in cholesterol, the majority of people do not experience an increase in blood cholesterol as a result of eating them.

3. Increase HDL (or "good") cholesterol levels

High-density lipoprotein is an acronym for high-density lipoprotein. It's commonly referred to as "good" cholesterol.

Higher HDL levels are associated with a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health issues.

Eggs are a wonderful strategy to boost HDL levels. In one study, eating two eggs every day for six weeks resulted in a 10% increase in HDL levels.


Regularly eating eggs raises HDL (the "good") cholesterol levels, which is associated to a lower risk of numerous diseases.

4. Contains Choline, an important nutrient that most people are deficient in.

Choline is a nutrient that most people are unaware of, despite the fact that it is an extremely important element that is frequently paired with the B vitamins.

Choline is required for the formation of cell membranes and has a role in the production of signaling molecules in the brain, among other things.

Choline deficiency has devastating symptoms, but it's fortunately uncommon.

Choline can be found in abundance in whole eggs. This vital component is found in abundance in eggs, with each egg containing more than 100 mg.


Eggs are one of the best dietary sources of choline, an essential mineral that most individuals don't get enough of.

5. Are Associated with a Lower Risk of Heart Disease

LDL cholesterol is commonly referred to as "bad" cholesterol.

High LDL levels are widely established to be connected to an increased risk of heart disease.

However, many people are unaware that LDL is split by subtypes according on particle size.

LDL particles come in two sizes: small, dense LDL particles and large LDL particles.

People with mostly small, dense LDL particles have a higher risk of heart disease than people with predominantly large LDL particles, according to numerous studies.

Even while eggs may cause a slight increase in LDL cholesterol in certain people, studies suggest that the particles transform from small, dense LDL to giant LDL, which is a good thing.


Eating eggs appears to modify the LDL particle pattern from small, dense LDL (bad) to big LDL (good), which is connected to a lower risk of heart disease.

6. Contains the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which are important for eye health.

One of the effects of aging is that one's eyesight deteriorates.

Several nutrients can aid in the prevention of some of the degenerative processes that can impair our vision.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are two of these pigments. They're potent antioxidants that build up in the eye's retina.

Consuming enough amounts of these nutrients has been shown in studies to lessen the incidence of cataracts and macular degeneration, two prevalent eye problems.

Both lutein and zeaxanthin are abundant in egg yolks.

In one 4.5-week trial, consuming just 1.3 egg yolks per day elevated blood levels of lutein by 28–50% and zeaxanthin by 114–142 percent.

Vitamin A, which is abundant in eggs, is also worth mentioning. Vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of blindness worldwide.


In conclusion, the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin are critical for eye health and can help prevent macular degeneration and cataracts. Both contain a lot of eggs.

7. Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Pastured Eggs Reduce Triglycerides

There are certain eggs that are better than others. The nutritional makeup of the hens differs depending on how they were fed and grown.

Omega-3 fatty acids are considerably greater in eggs from hens kept on pasture and/or fed omega-3 enriched diets.

Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to lower triglyceride levels in the blood, a well-known risk factor for heart disease.

Consuming omega-3 enhanced eggs has been shown in studies to be an effective approach to decrease blood triglycerides. Triglycerides were lowered by 16–18% in one study by consuming just five omega-3 enriched eggs each week for three weeks.


Omega-3 fatty acids may be found in substantial concentrations in omega-3 enriched and pastured eggs. Triglycerides in the blood can be reduced by eating certain types of eggs.

8. High-quality protein with the proper ratios of all essential amino acids

Proteins are the body's primary building blocks.

They're utilized to create a wide range of tissues and compounds, both structurally and functionally.

It is critical to consume enough protein in one's diet, and studies reveal that current recommendations may be inadequate.

A single big egg has six grams of protein, making it a great source of protein.

Eggs also contain all of the important amino acids in the proper ratios, ensuring that your body can fully utilize the protein in them.

Protein can help with weight loss, muscle mass gain, blood pressure control, and bone health, to mention a few benefits.


In conclusion, eggs are a good source of high-quality animal protein and contain all of the essential amino acids that humans require.

9. Doesn't Increase Your Risk of Heart Disease and May Lower Your Stroke Risk

Eggs have been wrongly maligned for decades.

It has been suggested that they are hazardous for the heart due of the cholesterol content.

In recent years, a number of studies have looked into the link between consuming eggs and the risk of heart disease.

A study of 17 research including a total of 263,938 people found no link between egg consumption and heart disease or stroke.

A number of other research have come to the same conclusion.

However, several studies have discovered that diabetics who consume eggs have a higher risk of heart disease.

Because these studies can only reveal statistical associations, it's impossible to say whether the eggs are truly causing the elevated risk. They can't prove that eggs are to blame for anything.

It's likely that persons with diabetes who consume a lot of eggs are less health-conscious overall.

Eating eggs improves risk factors for heart disease on a low-carb diet, which is by far the optimal diet for those with diabetes.


In much research, egg consumption and the risk of heart disease have been found to be unrelated. However, some studies have discovered that persons with type 2 diabetes have a higher risk.

10. Are filling and help you lose weight by causing you to eat fewer calories.

Eggs are a great source of protein and are extremely satisfying. Protein is the most satiating macronutrient, hence they're a high-protein food.

The satiety index, which measures the potential of foods to promote feelings of fullness and limit later calorie intake, gives eggs a high score. In a study of 30 overweight women, eating eggs for breakfast instead of bagels increased feelings of fullness and caused them to eat fewer calories for the next 36 hours.

Another study found that swapping a bagel breakfast for an egg breakfast resulted in considerable weight loss over an eight-week period.


Eggs are a high-satisfying food that can help you eat fewer calories later in the day. Eating eggs on a regular basis may help you lose weight.

Final Thoughts

According to studies, eating up to three whole eggs every day is completely safe.

Going beyond that hasn't been examined, so there's no indication that it's dangerous.

Eggs are, in many ways, nature's ideal food.

They are also inexpensive, simple to cook, go with practically any meal, and taste fantastic.

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