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The Top 7 Moments for Braces in Pop Culture

From Musicians to Cartoon Characters, There Are Countless Familiar Faces That Owe Their Smiles To Braces

By Grand DentalPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Did you know that in the U.S. alone more than 4 million people have braces? So, if you feel like the only one who needs orthodontic treatment, you aren’t. In fact, this teeth-straightening solution has become so popular throughout the decades that it has made its way into mainstream media! Some of the most famous Hollywood stars have worn braces either in real life or on screen. Here are seven iconic pop culture moments that featured braces.

Katy Perry’s Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) Music Video

For well over a decade now, Katy Perry has been a chart-topping artist. In one of her most popular music videos (which has over a billion views on YouTube) she wore noticeable metal braces and headgear. Of course, they were just a prop to complete the 80’s aesthetic she was going for. In real life, she’s never worn braces!

Drew Barrymore in Never Been Kissed

Never Been Kissed is a much-loved movie that debuted in 1999. In it, Josie Geller (played by the amazing Drew Barrymore) wore noticeable metal braces along with her bright pink prom dress. While traditional braces continue to be an effective orthodontic solution, there are much more discreet options now, including Invisalign! So, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with your dentist to discuss your treatment options.

Sean Astin in The Goonies

When Mikey and his friends discover that their homes are going to be destroyed to build a country club, they decide to take matters into their own hands. Using an old pirate map to search for buried treasure, they venture underground with the bad guys hot on their trail. The whole time, Mikey (played by Sean Astin) rocked his braces!

Darla in Finding Nemo

Who could forget Darla, the braces-wearing, dentist-going, fish-killing enemy in Finding Nemo? Even though she arrives to her appointment and almost gets ahold of Nemo, our hero is able to escape thanks to some quick thinking. Although the movie came out nearly 20 years ago, Darla continues to be a popular Halloween costume!

Gwen Stefani’s Red Carpet Look in 1999

Growing up, Gwen Stefani wasn’t able to get braces to fix her teeth. She promised herself that if she ever had the money she would invest in orthodontic treatment. By 1999, she did! The lead singer of the pop rock band No Doubt was so proud that she was able to fulfill that promise that she happily showed them off at red carpet events (along with some bright pink hair, of course!).

Ben Stiller in There’s Something About Mary

When the movie begins, we see Ted (played by the hilarious Ben Stiller) with an awkward demeanor, untamed hair, and, of course, a mouth full of metal. Originally a sleeper hit, There’s Something About Mary ended up grossing more than $369 million! So, it’s safe to say this was a big pop culture moment for orthodontics.

Jimmy Fallon in the Ew! Music Video

A former SNL cast member, an actor in countless movies, and the host of his very own show, Jimmy Fallon is a talented comedian who never fails to make his fans laugh. His Ew! music video was no exception. Both his alter ego (Sara) and’s alter ego ( rapped the entire thing with braces and all!

These are just a few of the many braces-related pop culture moments – we have no doubt that there will be plenty more to come too! If you are unhappy with your smile due to crooked, gapped, or otherwise misaligned teeth, then there’s no time like the present to find out if braces are right for you.

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