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The Secret Life of Misfits - How to Find Your Inner rebel and Take on the World

The Secret Life of Misfits

By Osman MohammedPublished about a year ago 4 min read

I've been a misfit my entire life. I was the odd-man-out in every single social scenario, because no one could relate to me. I was different and not good at baseball or science or any of the other things people liked to do. But never did I feel so alone. I used to think that everyone's secretly happy when they're not around me, that everyone's withdrawn and feels guilty about it. But the more time I spent with other people, the more realized I became just how lonely it can be being an outsider. Misfits don't just exist in books; we're real people with feelings and personal stories and secrets - secrets we keep from ourselves until we find someone who gets it. If you’re feeling like an outcast too, worry not -- this article is filled with tips on how to find your inner misfit and start living a better life for yourself.

Fight the feeling that you’re a failure

I was feeling really down one day and decided to sit down and write down all of the things that were making me feel bad. When I got to the bottom of the pile, I realized that the only thing that dampened my mood was the feeling that I was a failure. It was then that I realized that inner-misfit feelings aren’t always negative. Feeling bad doesn’t mean you have to stay there. In fact, it’s human nature to feel bad before you can do something about it. So instead of letting those feelings consume you, remember that you were made to be different. And just because you don’t see the world the same way as everyone else, that doesn’t mean you can’t have an impact on the world around you.

Network, network, network

The more you interact with people, the more you’ll find that you’re not the only one who feels this way. Whether you realize it or not, you’re bound to make friends pretty quickly - and they’re bound to be outcasts too. You’ll quickly discover that outcasts are the ones everyone wants to be friends with. So the first thing you need to do is network - with other outcasts. Meet people who are just like you and find the common ground that you both feel comfortable with. You’re going to find your tribe - people who understand you best and will be there for you when you need it the most.

Tell your own story

We’re each unique and have our own stories to tell. While there’s no way to know what another person’s story is going to be, you can at least try to tell your own story and identify where you’re coming from. If you want to talk about how your day went, tell your story about what happened in your life. If you’re looking for someone who’s going through the same thing, you can even chime in with your story and see if anyone can relate. Tell your story and show people what you’re made of - you’re going to meet so many imperfect people in life who would do anything for a honest relationship, and you’re going to be infiltrating that world soon.

Use social media to find and meet people

Social media is a great place to find people to meet, but it’s even better for finding kindred spirits and making friends. You’re going to meet people on social media that you probably haven’t even met in real life yet - people who are going through the exact same thing as you are. You can also use social media to find and meet people in your field of interest - people who are just as lost as you are. Outcasts often find themselves in fields where they don’t belong, so it’s helpful to meet outcasts in other areas and find common ground. You’re going to make new friends - genuinely, genuinely good friends - and those friendships are going to last a lifetime, no matter how many misfits you become.

Stop panicking and go for it!

Sometimes you’re going to feel like an outcast - especially if you’re an introvert like me. And that’s okay. You’re going to feel lonely, you’re going to feel afraid, and you’re going to feel like a failure. But instead of panicking, just go with it. Contrary to what people might tell you, it’s okay to feel – and act – a certain way. You may not be the “perfect” outcast, but you’re the most perfect person for the job and you’re going to do everything in your power to make the world a better place.

Find your tribe - people who understand you best

After you make friends, the journey to becoming an outcast won’t be as scary. You’ll have people to turn to for support - your friends from school, your family, and people in your field of interest. Your tribe will be there for you - they’ll understand what you’re going through and they’ll be there for you, too. They’ll give you space and they’ll listen to you - which you need more than anything right now.

Take care of yourself — physically, emotionally and mentally - before you go out into the world again

Healthy eating. Getting enough sleep. Getting enough exercise. Taking care of your mental health - these are essential parts of surviving as an outcast. And they’re all easy to forget. But they’re important! Healthy eating - protein at every meal, veggies, and healthy fats. Getting enough sleep - at least seven hours, on average, and getting enough sunlight exposure. Getting enough exercise - at least 30 minutes, three times a week. Taking care of your mental health - therapy, counseling, or both, if needed.


Being an outcast is difficult, but it doesn’t have to be lonely. You just have to know how to take care of yourself and make sure you are contributing to the world around you.

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