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The Secret Is Revealed: Increased Solar Panel Efficiency Is Possible

Solar Panel Efficiency Has A Backstory

By Lana GregoryPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

The solar industry has good news for you! From now on, you have the possibility to increase solar panel efficiency. People usually face challenges regarding reaching a target solar panel output. They basically don't know how to do that. I'd hurry to tell you that by increasing photovoltaic (PV) panels' efficiency, the power output increases, too. Why is that so? To answer that question, let's start with another one - what is solar panel efficiency? It is a metric measuring a PV panel's capability to convert the sun's energy into consumable power. What does it mean to increase efficiency? Increasing efficiency is bringing the solar equipment to its best state for maximum sunlight exposure. In that case, solar panels get the opportunity to supply energy to your house more efficiently - increased efficiency! Accordingly, solar equipment converts considerably more sunlight into electricity. Consequently, the solar panel output rises as a result of more efficient solar energy generation. See, increased efficiency - increased solar panel output. Now, let's proceed with the article to acknowledge how to increase the efficiency of a solar panel.

#1 Installing Solar Panels In Unshaded Areas

The number one rule for improved efficiency is exposing solar equipment to the sun as much as possible. If even a minor part of PV panels are shaded, efficiency decreases. For you to imagine the level of importance of installing the equipment in an unshaded area, even one cell of a PV panel is under the shade, it is a massive bottleneck for efficient energy generation. Why is that so? When one cell gets shaded, it doesn't function as efficiently. Hence, it becomes a resistor and impacts other cells close to it. It turns out, a considerable quantity of cells stop functioning as before and contribute to decreased efficiency. To avoid such issues, while installing solar panels, be attentive to bypass tall buildings and trees. Plan the installation process wisely - make sure your PV panels are exposed to sunlight to the greatest degree. Take advice from a solar panel company like Nevada Solar Group, if necessary.

#2 Routine Clean Your Solar Panels

Most of the time, people think that purchasing solar equipment is the only step they need to take while going solar. It is partially right. When you just want to be a part of the solar world, you solely complete that step. Indeed, if you want to go solar in a qualitatively different manner, then cleaning and maintenance of PV panels should be at the center of your attention. Specifically, routine cleaning procedures should be undertaken whenever frequent bad weather patterns like snow or rain get noticeable. The dirt that accumulates in the solar panel hinders its efficiency. To prevent such things, take a soft cloth, soap, water, and gently clean your PV panels at least once a year. By doing that, you ensure uninterrupted solar panel performance, increased efficiency, and output.

#3 Let Professionals Do Their Work

People love to save money. However, it is not always that being a savvy consumer is an advantage. Solar panel installation is one of the most serious steps in going solar. That procedure should be done in a detailed and professional manner. Otherwise, the system won't function as it should. One of the functioning issues will arise with efficiency. With time, you will notice the efficiency decrease. If you placed your solar panels in an unshaded area and cleaned them, then the problem is the incorrect installation of the solar equipment. Some of the main issues connected to installation include the placement of solar equipment to the wrong angle to face sunlight, insufficient temperature levels' fluctuation, and many more. Make sure that the company of your choice provides professional personnel for the installation process.

Going solar doesn't end with a solar panel purchase. Consider other factors if you want the full enjoyable experience.


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