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The Cornerstone

Resurrecting the Rejected

By Frank OdhiamboPublished 11 months ago 2 min read

In a world bustling with ideas, beliefs, and philosophies, one concept stands tall, beckoning deep thinkers to unravel its profound meaning. "The stone that the builders rejected is now the corner stone" is a timeless phrase that resonates with the very essence of human existence. Beyond its biblical origins, this enigmatic statement holds a powerful message for those who dare to question societal norms and challenge conventional wisdom. Join me on a journey to explore the significance of this cornerstone and its transformative potential.

The Builders' Rejection:

Imagine a magnificent architectural masterpiece taking shape before your eyes. Skilled craftsmen meticulously select stones, each one meant to contribute to the foundation of the grand structure. Yet, as they sift through countless options, one stone fails to capture their attention. Its rough edges, unconventional shape, and seemingly insignificant appearance led the builders to reject it, casting it aside as unworthy. Little do they know that this seemingly insignificant stone is destined for greatness.

The Paradox of Rejection:

Life often mirrors this architectural metaphor, as individuals are rejected, discarded, or marginalized by family, community or society due to their differences. Innovators, artists, philosophers, and visionaries frequently find themselves on the fringes of acceptability, their ideas disregarded or suppressed. Yet, it is precisely these individuals who have the potential to become the cornerstones of change, transformation and progress.

The Power of Individuality:

The rejected cornerstone symbolizes the power of individuality and the importance of embracing diversity. Every human being possesses a unique set of experiences, talents, and perspectives. Society, with its inclination towards conformity, often overlooks the value that lies within those who deviate from the mainstream. It is crucial to recognize that these deviations may hold the key to unlocking new possibilities, challenging the status quo, and ushering in a wave of change.

The Journey of Self-Discovery:

Within the depths of rejection lies an opportunity for self-discovery. When faced with the rejection of society, individuals are forced to confront their own identity, beliefs, and values. This journey of self-exploration can lead to a profound understanding of one's purpose and potential. It is during these moments of introspection that the rejected stone begins to unveil its hidden beauty and transformative capacity. More on this is written in my book "Finding Your Higher Self" which come in either hard copy, PDF Version or the Amazon Kindle version.

The Resurrection of the Cornerstone:

Just as a phoenix rises from the ashes, the rejected cornerstone, once overlooked, can emerge as the cornerstone of a new foundation. History is replete with examples of individuals whose ideas, inventions, or contributions were initially dismissed, only to later shape the course of human civilization. From Galileo Galilei challenging the geocentric model of the universe to Rosa Parks igniting the Civil Rights Movement, these cornerstones of change have transformed our world.

"The stone that the builders rejected is now the corner stone" encapsulates the essence of human progress.

As thinkers, we are called to challenge the status quo, embrace diversity, and recognize the untapped potential within each person. By cultivating a society that values individuality and open-mindedness, we can resurrect the cornerstones that were once discarded, thus creating a brighter and more inclusive world. So, let us reflect on the power of this enigmatic phrase and dare to embrace the rejected stones that hold the promise of transformation within them.

Further Reflection; When have you seen something or someone that was rejected or tossed aside turn out to be very important? What was your reaction? Or Could that be you currently?

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About the Creator

Frank Odhiambo

Frank Odhiambo is a seasoned and passionate writer renowned for his compelling and thought-provoking pieces. Global award winner for "Voice of reason" He has established himself as a prominent voice in the world of authors and writers.

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