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Thanksgiving Fun, Whether Your Celebration is in Person or Virtual

Turkey Day Trivia Game

By Alison KreuchPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Thanksgiving Fun, Whether Your Celebration is in Person or Virtual
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Whether you are celebrating Thanksgiving this year in person or virtually, here is a trivia game that is fun for all ages. Use it to challenge your guests’ knowledge of all things Thanksgiving for pre or post dinner fun. All you need is a volunteer to read the questions and a way to record answers. Get your “gobble” on, learn some fun facts along the way, and, of course, have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Trivia Challenge

1. A spooked turkey can run…?

A. 50 miles an hour

B. 5 miles an hour

C. 20 miles an hour

D. 60 miles an hour

2. What Native American tribe was invited to spend Thanksgiving with the pilgrims?

A. Sioux

B. Wampanoag

C. Red Sox

D. Comanche

3. What does cornucopia mean?

A. Horn of plenty

B. The goddesses’ blessings

C. May your table always be full and your friends many

D. Corncob pipe

4. Which character was the first Macy’s Day Parade balloon?

A. Felix the Cat

B. Spongebob Squarepants

C. Mickey Mouse

D. Bugs Bunny

5. What was the name of the Native American chief that helped the pilgrims survive the winter?

A. Massasoit

B. Geronimo

C. Washaki

D. Sitting Bull

6. The custom of watching football games on Thanksgiving Day evolved during the 1920’s. Traditionally, which two National Football League (NFL) teams host games on Thanksgiving Day?

A. Detroit Lions and Dallas Cowboys

B. Carolina Panthers and Miami Dolphins

C. Jacksonville Jaguars and Cincinnati Bengals

D. Houston Oilers and Cleveland Browns

7. In what year or years did the Thanksgiving Day football series go on hiatus?

A. 1939 to 1944 due to World War II

B. Never!

C. 2001, due to 9/11

D. In 1966 to 1971 due to the Vietnam War

8. Plymouth Rock is how big today?

A. The size of a car engine

B. The size of Carnegie Hall

C. The size of a peanut

D. The size of New York Block

9. What vegetable did the pilgrims have available for Thanksgiving but did not use because they thought it was poisonous?

A. Beans

B. Pumpkin

C. Tomatoes

D. Potatoes

10. Which gender of turkey says “gobble, gobble”?

A. The female, when she is eating

B. They both do!

C. The male, but only seasonally and when going to sleep

D. Neither!

11. Who was the first president to make Thanksgiving a national holiday?

A. Truman

B. Lincoln

C. Jefferson

D. Roosevelt

12. How high must a cranberry bounce before it is harvested?

A. 12 inches

B. 8 inches

C. 36 inches

D. 4 inches

13. How long is the Macy’s Day Parade?

A. 1.5 miles

B. 2 miles

C. 2.5 miles

D. 3 miles

14. How many calls did the Butterball Hotline expect to get in 2011?

A. 5,000

B. 8,000

C. 12,000

D. 15,000

15. How many Native Americans attended the first Thanksgiving?

A. None!

B. 12

C. 48

D. 90

16. What was the original name of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade?

A. Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

B. Macy’s Christmas Parade

C. Macy’s Holiday Parade

D. New York City Thanksgiving Day Parade

Thanksgiving Trivia Challenge Answers

1. A spooked turkey can run…?

C. 20 miles an hour

2. What Native American tribe was invited to spend Thanksgiving with the pilgrims?

B. Wampanoag

3. What does cornucopia mean?

A. Horn of plenty

4. Which character was the first Macy’s Day Parade balloon?

A. Felix the Cat

5. What was the name of the Native American chief that helped the pilgrims survive the winter?

A. Massasoit

6. The custom of watching football games on Thanksgiving Day evolved during the 1920’s. Traditionally, which two National Football League (NFL) teams host games on Thanksgiving Day?

A. Detroit Lions and Dallas Cowboys

7. In what year did the Thanksgiving Day football series go on hiatus?

A. 1939-44 due to World War II

8. Plymouth Rock is how big today?

A. The size of a car engine

9. What vegetable did the pilgrims have available for Thanksgiving but did not use because they thought it was poisonous?

D. Potatoes

10. Which gender of turkey says “gobble, gobble”?

C. The male, but only seasonally and when going to sleep

11. Who was the first president to make Thanksgiving a national holiday?

B. Lincoln

12. How high must a cranberry bounce before it is harvested?

D. 4 inches

13. How long is the Macy’s Day Parade?

C. 2.5 miles

14. How many calls did the Butterball Hotline expect to get in 2011?

C. 12,000

15. How many Native Americans attended the first Thanksgiving?

D. 90

16. What was the original name of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade?

B. Macy’s Christmas Parade


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