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Ten things a classy lady must not do on a date.

Ten behaviours that cheapen a lady on the first date.

By sylvia simonPublished about a year ago 2 min read

These are the 10 behaviors that make ladies appear cheap, rude or just lacking in etiquette on the first date.

#1 Not taking your time to prepare for the date. If you have a first day to someone, you must make sure that you look your best as a lady and your overall appearance is presentable. You must not have on the most expensive dress, but just look clean, polished and beautiful.

#2 Going on a date with too many expectations. It is just a first date, manage your expectations. You're there to get to know your date better, have a good time and enjoy your meal.

#3 Taking charge too much, or not allowing the man to lead. No, it is not your job to open the door to pull back the chair. Allow your date to be a gentle man and be kind to you.

#4 Flagging down the waiter to place your order. Do not flag down the waiter, allow your date to signal the waiter over.

#5 Being rude to the waiter or any of the staff. Being rude to the staff is such a poor move because they are there to serve you and to make your experience in the establishment better. It is not because you are better than them or they are worse than you. They're there working an honest job. So you must show maximum respect to the restaurant stuff in case your date is at a restaurant.

#6 Drinking too much or drinking like a fish, do not drink like a fish. Just limit your alcohol intake so that you can remain ven classy and enjoy your date.

#7 Ordering for more food that you can consume and even for more food that you can pay for only other words, you do you can conveniently finish and what you can normally afford to eat. No matter the status of the man, do not try to order them too much and take home. It is just a show of greed that will leave him wondering if you only came because of the food.

#8 Discussing your ex. Keep the conversation light and enjoy your time out. Bringing up your ex in the conversation will not make your date to pity you or respect you any better. Rather, it will make them to see that you are still obsessed with your ex and you haven't moved on yet.

#9 This point is also closely related to the last. Do not discuss too many details of your past, with your new date. Just keep the conversation light. In fact, it is not your job to entertain your date. As the man. He is leading in that situation and it is his job to entertain. You're supposed to enjoy his companyand get to know him better and also let him know some basic things about yourself too. From here, you can know whether you can establish a personal connection with him or not.

#10 Never place your bag on the floor. Your purse should be on your lap or over the chair you're sitting on simply because there may be so many germs on the floor which you can't even. see. You aren't sure how clean the floor is. So it's not advisable to keep your bag on the floor. It's just not okay to do that!


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