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Spring Fever! 💐

Dreading the spring cleaning? Don't know what to do or where to start? Read me!

By Luna FaePublished 5 years ago 3 min read
The flowers are out! 

Spring is pretty much here, and I think I speak for many when I say it's about time! This is the wonderful time of year, when the day is finally long again, driving is no longer another form of ice skating, we can shrug on a thinner jacket, that doesn't make us look like we're taking style tips from snow balls, and we are excited when we see dirt and grass or even just the ground again. Spring is personally my favorite time of the year for all the little reasons. Birds are singing again, snow melts making way for gorgeous green fields and so many colorful flowers pop up out of seemingly nowhere. But this time of year also means something else: facing up to the mess that is your house after months of hibernation.

Suddenly you look around and see piles of trash you stashed in the garage, because trudging through the snow to get to the garbage can was too much, organization has come and gone like your couch-hopping cousin, and not only that but you look in the mirror, and realize there is hair in places that summer would never in a million years allow. So what do we do when spring begins singing her sweet song?

The dreaded, most common word for it is "clean." But I think of this time as more of a "cleansing," if you will. It's a ritual I get extremely excited about, because new beginnings are always a big breathe of fresh air and somehow so relieving!

Let's start with your home. There are so many things you can do for it, and cleaning is only one step to making it feel new and refreshed. Do those dishes! Do that laundry! The best part about laundry is that you can get other things done while your clothes are doing their thing. And just think, once everything is clean, you don't only feel a sense of refreshment and ease, but then it's time to freshen the decor! Here's a list of things you can do to shake off that cabin fever!

  • Get some flowers! Pick 'em, buy 'em, either way they make for a stimulating decoration.
  • Add color to wherever needs it! New table cloth? Maybe a new coat of paint? Add color anywhere that makes you happy!
  • Look into spring/summer Hygge techniques. It's just as important for your mental health to be cozy and comfortable in the spring and summer as it is in the winter time.
  • Start reading a book that will help awaken that spring spirit. It can be absolutely anything that sparks the imagination, and less reliance on technology for entertainment is always a good thing!
  • Start an exercise routine. I know, I know, everyone says this but truly, even just taking a walk down the street each day for a few minutes, can do a lot of good. And why not do more that makes you feel good?
  • Start a bullet journal. Trust me, sitting in the garden or next to a window with tea and just writing your heart out is highly underrated! Give it a try and see what you think.
  • Meditate. Another highly underrated practice and believe me, you don't need any special skills to be able to do this. Just sit, put on some soothing music, and let your mind quiet. If it wanders that's perfectly fine! Just bring it back gently to quieting your mind. Take it easy on yourself! The more you do anything, the better you get at it.

There are so many other things you can do like getting a new hair style or developing a new habit that has been on your mind for a while. The important thing is that you do something to mark the beginning of warmer seasons. Take this opportunity to smile and take care of yourself! Having a clean home, mind, and self all contribute to a healthier, happier mindset, so don't brush them off. Enjoy the little things and enjoy the sun being back! Happy Spring!

Thanks for reading!

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About the Creator

Luna Fae

Hello Lovelies! I am a Military wife, artist, singer, writer, reader, animal lover, and all around goofball who loves exploring and making people smile. I'm so excited to have this writing outlet and hope you love what you read! Blessed Be!

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