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Save Our Planet

By: Moneisha Monroe

By Moneisha MonroePublished 4 years ago 3 min read

There are a few things we can do to save our planet Earth and the environment. We can use our voice, be informed, be political, travel responsibly, eat sustainable, reduce trash, and make a promise or pledge.

We are the first generation to know that we are damaging the resources and we may be the last to do anything about it. Using our voice is one of the most important things we can do to the right people, particularly if it is. Advise these people to take steps to protect our natural world. Using social media is one of the most effective ways of getting companies to listen to us, so tell them we want an improvement. You can speak and encourage your friends, neighbors and coworkers to make meaningful improvements too. Speak to each other and make your voice heard.

The more you know the better you can stay informed. It leaves you better equipped to connect with your friends, neighbors and coworkers you want to influence. Keep up with news about the state of our natural world, work out what to do, and make it a better place.

Everyone who is over 18 can vote on Earth. This is an opportunity to vote for someone representing you and your views, making the environment a top priority. Being involved in politics is not limited to voting and it's certainly not limited by how young you are. More and more young people work together each year to show our political leaders that they want change. We have to make sure that we hold our politicians to account. You can do that by contacting your local parliamentary member (MP) or by attending constituency meetings where you will have a chance to make your voice heard.

One of the most efficient ways to reduce your impact on the environment is through responsible travel. This means choosing a more sustainable way to get to your destination, whenever you can walk or cycle. Transport is among Earth's most polluting sectors. But vacationing closer to home can greatly impact your carbon footprint. A short-haul return flight can account for 10 percent of your annual carbon emissions, and long-haul flights can determine your carbon impact completely. Get creative and try finding alternative ways of traveling. If you choose to go abroad and see the local wildlife, keep in mind how ethically you can go about it. Be cautious of attractions involving any unnatural animal interactions.

Food production is a major driver for the extinction of wildlife. What we eat contributes about a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions and accounts for nearly 60% of global loss of biodiversity. Farming meat and dairy animals requires space, and huge water and feed inputs. One of the biggest causes of forest loss today is the expansion of agricultural land for the production of animal feed, for starters soy. And meat production produces vastly more carbon dioxide than plants like vegetables, grains and legumes. Moving away from a meat-dominated diet toward a more vegetable-based diet can reduce your environmental impact. Vegetarian and vegan food is rising massively and becoming much more common in restaurants, cafés and supermarkets, so you're rarely going to struggle. Not only that, but reducing meat and dairy products can cut down on your weekly food bills.

We must make duplication of our resources unethical in all aspects of our lives. Recycling what we can reduce the amount of new materials we are generating and up-cycling is an innovative way of making old things more valuable. It's not just the items we're purchasing. It's calculated that one-third of all food produced in the world is missed or wasted. Seek to consume as little food as possible and reuse the organic waste you can't eat.

You may make a commitment to make an improvement of your own life and join a worldwide community of people working to protect our planet. The change of one person can sound small, but together we can make a difference.


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