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Reading Fiction-What Is Your Favorite Place to Indulge In Reading?

Have you discovered the best place for reading fiction

By Richard AppiahPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Reading Fiction-What Is Your Favorite Place to Indulge In Reading?
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Do you have a specific reading spot where you like to relax and unwind? Is there a place where being empty-handed feels strange? The relationships between what we read and where we read them can be so strong that changing them might be tough. Have you ever attempted to read a business book in the same spot as you would ordinarily read a novel? Did you find it difficult to read more than a few pages? Certain actions are associated with certain locations in our thoughts, which might be tough to shake. Rather than fighting it, select a location that is conducive to the type of reading you want to undertake. In this essay, I'll go through a few typical locations and suggest appropriate reading material.

1. At the workplace.

I find it strange to read a novel while sitting at my desk in front of my computer. To be honest, reading anything that isn't business-related can be challenging. Of course, as editor of Espresso Fiction, I'm frequently reading short tales while sitting at my desk, and that's fine with me. In fact, when I find a narrative that I truly enjoy, it's a complete disconnect since I'm not conscious of any other noises or distractions. And when I'm done, I have no idea what time it is. It generally just takes a minute or two until I'm back in the present, but for the next 15 minutes or so, I'm in another world. One of the things I enjoy about fiction is that it transports you to wherever the author wants you to go.

2. Step outside.

Reading a compelling novel is ideal while lounging by the pool on a sunbed or sitting on the grass. That way, you'll be able to easily shut out the background noise. Of course, a novel is hardly the ideal choice if you are meant to be watching youngsters. You'd be better off picking something you can dip in and out of without disrupting the flow of your reading.

3. The Hammock

My wife recently installed ours after I showed her exactly where it should go and we talked about how to secure it in place. I really missed having it. It's a wonderful sensation to lie spread out and stare at the sky and trees while listening to the birds. Reading in a hammock has only one drawback: staying awake! So choose your material wisely; if you don't want to fall asleep in a few minutes, something hilarious or lively is your best chance.

4. You're in bed.

Reading on the bed appears to be a popular reading posture because it is a terrific way to unwind from the day's stresses and drift off to sleep. I've discovered that choosing anything overly engaging causes my thoughts to race (the exact opposite of what I want) or convoluted causes me to quit up after only reading a page or two (this makes for a very long read and usually ends with me putting the book aside in favor of something else).

5. On the sofa.

Another fantastic place to read because your body gets some rest as well. This is a terrific place to read a novel or, if you're short on time, a short tale.

6. Coffee Shop

This is the ideal spot for reading a magazine or a short tale that will keep your interest but can withstand the inevitable interruptions. Both are something you can sink your teeth into and emerge from feeling rejuvenated.

7. On the airplane.

Time flies when you're reading a big novel that hooks you from the first page and doesn't let go. You'll understand what I mean if you've ever been on a long flight with a fantastic book and not wanted the flight to end until you finished it.

8. On public transportation.

You must once again select your reading material with care. A novel that is too intriguing may cause you to skip your stop and want to return to your reading right away. It's best to select literature that corresponds to the length of your journey: short stories or articles for short excursions, periodicals for longer flights, and more sophisticated or thought-provoking novels for longer journeys. Because public transportation is an excellent opportunity to daydream, something that demands reflection and thought can be ideal if time permits.

What is your preferred reading location and position? Do you change up your reading material depending on where you are?


About the Creator

Richard Appiah

I am a blogger and digital marketing expert. I love animals, reading, writing, and a big fan of soccer.

I also write for MEDIUM

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