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Pretty Girls Suck at Modeling

Being Pretty Has Little to Do with Being a Great Model

By Little AlicePublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Being "pretty" is low on the list of important model qualities

Contrary to popular belief, modeling has very little to do with "being pretty". Often times, professional models don't look like much out and about on a typical day, and "pretty girls" tend not to translate well on camera.

Pro models don't do "duck face"

"Pretty girls" tend to be stiff on camera. They are often divas with a capital D. They don't take direction well. Often, they will see direction either as a personal attack ("I know what I'm doing!") or they simply don't understand the "language" as photographers often use hand gestures and specific jargon to explain what they want on camera (such as tilting their hand to indicate moving the head or body in a certain direction). Doing a photoshoot is an entirely different experience than posing for an Instagram photo, and many don't understand that until they're actually in front of the camera.

Pro models know how to connect with the photographer

Modeling is about knowing your body, most importantly, knowing your flaws. Most pretty girls will do everything they can to ignore their flaws, which means, they tend not to know how to hide or downplay them. Working the camera means being aware of your whole body, not just worrying about capturing your "good side". The biggest challenge that most models face is many don't know what to do with their hands. Beyond a few standard poses, most "pretty girls" tend to lack movement and diversity on camera. They tend to have 3-5 "standard" poses, and then they're done. Whereas professional models can come up with hundreds of different poses.

Posing is much more difficult and painful than you would think

It takes practice to "cheat the camera". This means when sitting, hovering over the chair rather than actually sitting so your thighs don't flatten, or posing with your arms or legs a certain way that is unnatural, but looks more flattering on camera. Understanding these "cheats" makes for better photos, but it takes experience to learn them. Many "pretty girls" are unwilling to learn, thinking they can coast on their "pretty" rather than learning actual skills.

Pro models mean less Photoshop

Photoshop is another falsehood that many "pretty girls" tend to believe in. The reason that professional models are hired for photoshoots is to ensure the least amount of work for the photographer. This means fewer flaws to photoshop out and a higher percentage of usable photos (good poses, good facial expressions, and understanding of lighting). Often, "pretty girls" will rely on the photographer to "Photoshop" the images to make them usable, rather than working to create dynamic poses, utilizing lighting and makeup to downplay their flaws, or having flattering facial expressions. Some even go so far as to show up hung over, sunburnt, with greasy hair, the list of ailments goes on. Photographers hate having to edit out bad skin, dark circles under eyes, and a mess of flyaway hairs from a bad updo. Making more work for the photographer in post (editing) is not a good way to get hired back.

Rolling eyes and snide looks at the pros don't win you any favors

"Pretty girls" also tend to be entitled on set. Many of them will become argumentative with the photographer, especially if they don't understand what is being asked of them. As mentioned, professional models often don't look like much au naturale, but in front of the camera they become a completely different creature. "Pretty girls" don't tend to understand this concept, and will often make judgement comments or passive aggressive moves on the pros if they are on set with multiple models. This type of behavior kills their career before it even starts, as divas are not tolerated by photographers, and the industry is pretty close-knit. Calling a pro model "plain" or even "ugly" is a common mistake these girls make in never being hired again.

Posing in a gauzy dress in freezing temps is not easy

Modeling is so much more than just being "pretty" on camera. It's understanding posing, lighting, working with the photographer, and honestly, also putting up with a ton of pain and discomfort. Models have to follow strict regiments with their hair, skin, nail, and body care. As well as, often times, posing is a workout in itself with muscles straining to hold difficult, unnatural poses, all while maintaining flawless facial expressions. Even the wardrobe can be uncomfortable or even painful. And let's not forget battling the elements with outdoor shoots; whether it's warding off heat stroke, hypothermia, or being drenched in the rain.

Models are not typically chauffeured in limos or drinking champagne on set

Unfortunately, the media has painted this "glamorous" picture of what modeling is, and many "pretty girls" fall for it. They think it will be "easy", that they will make tons of money, and photographers and designers will fall all over themselves to work with them. These things are simply not the case. The work of modeling is anything but glamorous and models often have to learn the tricks of the trade and "prove" themselves by doing trade work or low paying work in order to learn and make lasting network connections.

Modeling takes hard work and dedication

While "pretty girls" can certainly beat the odds and learn to work beyond their blessed good looks, it is true that many simply fizzle out early on in their "careers". It's important to remember that as pretty as the photos are, modeling is a tough gig.

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Little Alice

I am a creative soul. Author. Artist. The world is my blank page.

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