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international day of the girl child oct 11th 2022

A happy and healthy girl child with a safe and progressive environment is what we all dream for a better world

By check dotnetPublished 14 days ago 3 min read

On Gregorian calendar month nineteen, 2011, United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 66/170 declaring Oct eleven because the International Day of the woman kid, to acknowledge ladies’ rights and therefore the distinctive challenges girls face round the world.

The International Day of the woman kid focuses attention on the necessity to handle the challenges ladies face and to push girls’ direction and therefore the fulfilment of their human rights.

Adolescent ladies have the proper to a secure, educated, and healthy life, not solely throughout these essential adolescence, however conjointly as they mature into ladies. If effectively supported throughout the adolescent years, ladies have the potential to vary the planet – each because the authorised ladies of these days and as tomorrow’s staff, entrepreneurs, mentors, social unit heads, political leaders and mothers. associate degree investment in realising the facility of adolescent ladies upholds their rights these days and guarantees a a lot of just and prosperous future, one during which half humanity is associate degree equal partner in finding the issues of global climate change, political conflict, economic process, malady hindrance, and world property.

International Day of the Girl Child 2022: Significance

The rights of oppressed ladies round the arena want a voice. International Day of the Girl Child requires human beings to grow to be that voice of alternate and empower them. There are deeply-rooted gender biases which have created complex mindsets main to demanding situations confronted with the aid of using ladies each step of the manner to reap their potential.

International Day of the Girl Child targets to elevate consciousness approximately those troubles and paintings closer to an action-orientated plan to uplift younger ladies. Because empowered ladies are the destiny of a outstanding and innovative society.

International Day of the Girl Child: Background

In 1995 on the World Conference on Women in Beijing international locations unanimously followed the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the maximum innovative blueprint ever for advancing the rights of now no longer most effective girls however ladies. The Beijing Declaration is the primary to particularly name out ladies` rights.

On December 19, 2011, United Nations General Assembly followed Resolution 66/one hundred seventy to claim October eleven because the International Day of the Girl Child, to understand ladies` rights and the specific demanding situations ladies face round the arena.

The 2020 subject of International Day of the Girl is “My voice, our identical destiny.” This is a hanging name to understand women` inheritance of the nevertheless-unfinished Beijing Agenda, their knowledge at the demanding situations they face particularly for his or her sexual and reproductive fitness and rights, and their endless potential as change-makers.

To commemorate the day, WHO co-prepared a digital intergenerational speak among woman advocates and high-degree leaders approximately setting women and their rights on the centre of selection-making processes.

Lubinda, a 15-yr vintage advise from Zambia, captured the sentiment of the event: “If each toddler may be given the hazard to explicit themselves and speak approximately troubles which might be affecting them, then we are able to have a huge variety of voices being represented.”

“At the identical time, we need to be ready with the knowledge, due to the fact with out it, we can now no longer be capable of participate [in international systems].”

Walking the speak: significant young people engagement at WHO

“The fitness and well-being of women is a concern for WHO,” stated Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, on the digital event.

“We need to come collectively to enhance the lives and fitness of women, however women themselves need to be on the centre of that effort. I am satisfied to mention that we can quickly be launching a Youth Council to have interaction with the management of WHO on worldwide fitness troubles.”

Earlier this yr, the WHO-UNICEF-Lancet Commission A destiny for the world`s kids?, known as for kids and young people to be meaningfully engaged in selection making and rules that have an effect on their fitness and their futures.

As a cosignatory of the Global Consensus Statement on Meaningful Adolescent and Youth Engagement,

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