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How Your Subconscious Mind Can Help You Manifest Your Goals

When it comes to setting goals and working towards them, most people focus on their conscious mind. That’s the part of you that knows exactly what you want, and can also come up with strategies for how to get there. It’s great at logical, analytical thinking, and coming up with a plan of action. But what if there's another part of you that is just as important when it comes to manifesting your goals? Your subconscious mind might not be able to create detailed plans or analyse problems in a logical way; but it’s still the place where all your beliefs are stored. And these beliefs directly impact your ability to achieve what you want in life. If you don’t believe that you deserve success (for example) then no matter how hard you try or how many strategies you come up with, nothing will change. You might feel stuck because your subconscious is holding you back. So let’s take a look at three ways we can work with our subconscious mind to facilitate manifestation...

By Darnell MckenziePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
How Your Subconscious Mind Can Help You Manifest Your Goals
Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Ask Your Subconscious Mind Before You Make a Decision

Your subconscious mind is like a computer, and it stores all your beliefs, habits, and behaviors. It’s also where your intuition lives. If you want to access your intuition and make better decisions in life, it’s important to check in with your subconscious mind first. Ask yourself, “What do I know about this decision? What does my intuition tell me?” If you get an answer, then you know you’re tapping into your subconscious mind. If you don’t get an answer, that’s OK too. It just means that you don’t have any intuition about the decision you’re making. But checking in with your subconscious mind before you make a decision is a great way to make sure that you’re not letting your old beliefs stand in the way of your manifestation.

See why people prefer to use the energy from this manifestation program to attract wealth, prosperity, love, and success almost immediately.( Click here to learn more)

Identify What is Currently Holding You Back

Your subconscious mind is always looking out for you. It wants you to feel safe, happy, and healthy. So if there are any beliefs that are holding you back or making you feel less than your best, your subconscious mind will try to come up with ways to protect you from that discomfort. It’s probably not doing this on purpose—it’s just trying to help you function in the best way possible. But sometimes, those beliefs become so ingrained that we don’t even notice that they are there. The first step in reprogramming your subconscious mind is to figure out what those beliefs might be. You can do this by sitting quietly and tuning into your emotions. What are you feeling when you think about your goal? Why do you feel that way? What is your body telling you? Once you can get in tune with your subconscious mind, you can begin to identify and then reprogram any negative beliefs that might be holding you back.

Reprogramming Old Beliefs

If you’ve identified that there are negative beliefs stored away in your subconscious mind, then it’s time to reprogram them. This is where visualization and affirmation come into play. When you visualize your desired outcome, you are actively creating new neural pathways in your brain which help to overwrite and reprogram your subconscious mind. When you use visualization, you are also working with your subconscious to create the conditions that you need to make your goal a reality. For example, if you want to manifest a new relationship, and you have some limiting beliefs about love and relationships stored in your subconscious, then you can use visualization to reprogram those beliefs by filling in the details of the person who will be your perfect match. You can use visualization to reprogram your subconscious by visualizing yourself already having what you want. You can do this in two ways: - You can use guided imagery to visualize yourself already having your goal. - You can write an affirmation that reflects what you want and read it out loud.

Visualization and Affirmation

If you’ve identified that there are negative beliefs stored away in your subconscious mind, then it’s time to reprogram them. This is where visualization and affirmation come into play. When you visualize your desired outcome, you are actively creating new neural pathways in your brain which help to overwrite and reprogram your subconscious mind. When you use visualization, you are also working with your subconscious to create the conditions that you need to make your goal a reality. For example, if you want to manifest a new relationship, and you have some limiting beliefs about love and relationships stored in your subconscious, then you can use visualization to reprogram those beliefs by filling in the details of the person who will be your perfect match. You can use visualization to reprogram your subconscious by visualizing yourself already having what you want. You can do this in two ways: - You can use guided imagery to visualize yourself already having your goal. - You can write an affirmation that reflects what you want and read it out loud.


Your subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of your behavior, and all your hopes and dreams. That means that it’s super important to work with this part of yourself to facilitate manifestation. So make sure that you check in with your subconscious mind at the beginning of every new goal, and reprogram any negative beliefs that might be holding you back. Focus on the positive, trust your intuition, and let your subconscious help you manifest anything that your heart desires.

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