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How to Utilize Your Time Better

3 Tips to Prioritize Your Time

By William DeanPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
How to Utilize Your Time Better
Photo by Christina Isabella on Unsplash

Life can be overwhelming at times. Especially in a world that is constantly pushing us to do more with our time each day. We have our jobs, families, hobbies, side jobs, etc. It can all too easily feel like we will never have enough time to get everything done!

I know that I have tried to make to-do lists for the day, which leave me drained and feeling like I didn't accomplish anything. Which couldn't be farther from the truth since my list is 20 items long and I still got through half of it!

Most days, I have about 100 things that I would like to get done, but in all practicality, it isn't going to happen. This is where prioritization comes into play.

Tip #1 Pick 3 Goals Every Morning That You Want to Accomplish

When I say pick 3 things, I don't mean the daily tasks that you have to accomplish each day. For instance, if you have dirty dishes in the sink you obviously will need to clean them at some point (or not I guess, but that's kind of gross).

If your goal is to make a living out of writing, then you need to carve time out of each day to invest in that. So, the first thing you should do is take into consideration the non-negotiables of the day. Such as: going to work, picking your kids up from school, cooking dinner, etc. Now you have a better idea of how much free time you will have.

Then, you can pick 3 things that you want to accomplish that day that help you move towards your goal. Remember, they can be small things. For instance, I am working on a number of writing projects. This does not mean that I post something every day. This, in fact, does not mean that I am getting 2,000 words written every day (sorry Stephen King). There are days where I spend my time doing research and taking notes instead of writing. Once you pick your 3 things, commit to them no matter what!

Tip #2 Be Realistic About What You Can Get Done

Let's say you are working on a novel manuscript and you have a weekly blog page. Let's say you have 2 hours of free time out of your entire day. Your 3 goals for the day should reflect your time constraints. You could say: 1) I am going to write 500 words today. 2) I am going to do research for the hand-to-hand combat scene 3) I am going to brainstorm for this week's blog post.

You should also have a designated amount of time to complete each one of your goals. It may not feel like you are accomplishing a lot, but a little bit of time each day will eventually pay off. Remember, you don't need to accomplish your goal tomorrow. This life is a marathon, not a sprint.

Tip #3 Be Disciplined!

If you are trying to accomplish something, you have to put in the work. If you are spending those precious 2 hours of free time binge-watching a show on Netflix (which I harp on frequently) you are never going to get there. You have to take that free time and put it to work.

This is not to say that you shouldn't take breaks. This is not to say that you shouldn't enjoy your free time. What I am saying is that you need to earn it. If you have completed your 3 goals for the day, and everything else you had to do is accomplished as well, then, by all means, take the time to enjoy your favorite show.

These are a few tools that I implement into my daily life in order to find some much needed balance. I have so many things that I want to do each day! Between school, work, family, church, and a home to take care of; it can be extremely difficult to find time to write and to rest.

Utilizing these 3 tips has helped me tremendously. Is it perfect? Not at all, but living this life is an art, not a science. I hope you take something from this post that you can use in your daily life.

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