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How to Think Innovative

Thinking like a smart people is very important .

By Sharad GuptaPublished 3 years ago 11 min read
How to Think Innovative
Photo by Tachina Lee on Unsplash

Being an innovative thinker is all about challenging the brain, solving problems, and discovering new things.

You may be able to improve your brain health and intelligence over time by remaining curious and following the below mentioned tips which can help you to be innovative and smart.

You should know about how to think innovative or how smart people think

All yearn to become more intelligent.

We want to be competent in our life, just as we want something of perceived worth. Intelligence is the most admired and valuable tool of all our personality traits.

Aside from fantasies of bringing humanity to a new age and taking credit for it, knowledge makes life simpler.

Intelligent people tend to have an easier time with things. You can solve problems quicker, earn more money, and work less with intelligence.

Things you should consider to think smarter in life

1. Inquire and Pay Attention to the Answers

Being smart also entails being inquisitive.

Curious people want to know how the world works, how people think, and what it all means.

Another strategy for thinking smart is to ask a lot of questions. Assemble a group of intelligent people around you.

Avoid confirmation bias here as well. You won't learn much if you hang out with intelligent people who think the same way you do.

2. Be receptive to different viewpoints.

We close ourselves off to fresh ideas when we cling too tightly to what we currently believe. And intelligent thinking entails considering, assessing, and reviewing new concepts.

It is essential to be accessible to all sides of an argument; true critical thought necessitates a thorough examination of the opposing viewpoint.

Avoid confirmation bias, be genuinely open to the counterargument, and be incorrect if you want to start thinking smart.

3. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise does have the effect of making you more intelligent. If you incorporate 30 minutes of aerobic exercise into your everyday routine will help you think more clearly and intelligently.

A healthy mind will lead to a healthy body, and this is scientifically proven. Exercise will supply more blood and oxygen to the brain, which is beneficial to cognitive health.

4. Recognize what you don't know.

Brilliant people are aware of what they don't know. They do not act as if they know everything.

When you understand more, you become more aware of how much you don't know.

The universe is highly complicated, and there are almost infinite viewpoints from which to examine it. Always get ready to learn something new from others.

5. Curate your life with care.

You can always curate your friend's circle. You should select your mates carefully.

The books they read, the things they purchase, the furniture in their homes, the TV shows they watch, and so on are all carefully curated by intelligent people.

Intelligent people make sure that everything that enters their lives has been carefully chosen.

6. Study in-depth about anything

Reading up on a variety of topics is one way to think wise. It is also important to aim for depth knowledge. Another way to become wise is to delve deeply into an issue.

Try to learn everything you can about a single subject. So, get to work on your study in-depth and see where it leads you.

7. Learn a new language to stretch your mind.

It is either use it or loses it. When it comes to our brains, this is the motto. So, if you want to think better, put your brain to the test.

Language learning puts the brain through a rigorous workout. Your senses go into overdrive when you read, hear, and converse in a language.

Learning a new language is one choice. Even though you are a notoriously slow language learner, you can find that the process is still highly beneficial to my brain.

Learning another language improves our concentration and attention, according to studies.

So, if you want to think more clearly, try learning a different language. Push your brain to its limits and put yourself to the test. You will even get a second language under your belt.

8. Reduce your phone usage

Our smartphones provide us with immediate access to a wealth of knowledge.

This does not imply that they are making us smarter.

According to studies, to boost our brain capacity, we need to put our phones down, mingle with the crowd, get out and enjoy nature, and live without them.

9. Learn about a new culture

Finally, one of the best ways to think smart is to move outside and see the world.

According to research, fully immersing ourselves in a new culture improves our brain's capacity to understand many viewpoints simultaneously.

It would be best if you put innovative thinking seriously entails considering many, complex points of view. It's a form of critical thinking in which you don't just assume you're right. It's a way of thinking that respects the world's complexities while still being willing to learn new things.

10. Reconsider your viewpoints.

The world's greatest thinkers have re-examined their original ideas.

Scientists typically come to mind when we think of intelligent, famous people since they must adjust to the relentless stream of new developments affecting their life's work.

You should train your brain to adapt to new circumstances add facts, and you'll get smarter over time.

11. Recover from setbacks

Even the most competent people make mistakes. For example, famous filmmakers release box office flops, and manufacturers release goods that fail.

When an idea you think is brilliant fails, it can be embarrassing and painful. However, it happens to bring out the best of us.

12. Make your fortune.

Nobody ever accomplished something significant by just waiting for it to happen. Making good decisions takes time and effort; you must read, learn, and work to achieve your objectives.

Furthermore, working hard and creating your success is the path to happiness.

13. Manage your time

Allowing your online wanderings to get the best of you is a bad idea. Make a priority list for yourself. Spend time on your thoughts, but don't break out the hammer when you hit a brick wall. Relax and take a break instead.

Set aside time to unplug from work. Your coworkers and manager will try to reach you when your phone is locked to your hip around the clock. Keep your cool and turn off your phone on weekends and evenings.

14. Choose your mates carefully.

You are basically of the five people with whom you spend the most time. Your peers will influence what you do and the patterns you grow. They will also have an impact on your mood.

It would be best to surround yourself with a carefully selected group of people that you admire and who share your beliefs.

It is critical to consider the five people in your inner circle because they can profoundly and profoundly impact you. Choose a few people who will assist you in being the best version of yourself, and then nurture those relationships with care.

15. Eat healthily

There is no need to order fast foods online; the best fares can be found on the shelves of your local supermarket.

To function correctly, the brain needs fat. Despite its small size of about 2% of our total body weight, the brain consumes 20% of our resources. Don't let this gas guzzler go hungry.

16. Make a stand for what you believe in.

A wise person recognizes that it is time to stand up for what they believe in and stick to it, even though the situation becomes untenable.

Intelligent people are similar to rubber bands in that they can adapt to any situation.

There is a big difference between not doing anything because you are afraid and fail and do something anyway. Push for what you believe in if you feel your idea has potential.

Life is like riding a bicycle; you must keep going to maintain your balance. You should fight for your chance to shine, even if a critic has a "gut feeling" about your idea because if anyone else believes in it, you might succeed.

17. Remember that your action speaks louder than words.

We all know someone who likes to brag about themselves.

Intelligent people, on the other hand, understand that their actions speak louder than their words.

Self-evaluations were less reliable than evaluations made by those who had seen the participants conduct conversations. Allow your hard work to demonstrate your worth if you want to be taken seriously and accepted by colleagues and friends.

18. Do a variety of things to improve your intelligence.

Spend your time on several different projects. Spend 30 minutes on one job before switching to the next. You not only avoid boredom, but you also give your brain a chance to relax and heal.

The brain enjoys taking a break. Flexing various parts of the brain is the most effective way to boost your intellect.

In a gym, you switch between multiple machines to get a complete workout. You can become strained and exhausted if you overwork your muscle groups.

19. Review what you have learned so far.

Check what you have learned after you have learned it. You cannot remember if you do not know what you have learned.

Repetition is how memory works. When you repeat a fact, you are resetting the memory wheels.

Unfortunately, they often become dislodged in the jumble of knowledge that comes in.

Memories vanish in the whirlpool of thinking, just like keys in a crowded nightclub. Nobody remembers. Prepare for this inevitability by making a list of what you want to recall. Repetitive learning improves information retention.

20. Make sure you learn from your mistakes.

We can't learn to walk without first falling down, and we can't progress at work if we don't know where to start.

Errors are how the brain learns; when we make decisions, neurons are activated, and when those decisions are incorrect, the activated neurons are silenced.

Smart people learn from their mistakes and work to prevent them from happening again, and it only takes an intelligent person to recognize when a decision is incorrect.

21. Play Mental Games

Brain games promote themselves as a means of improving fluid intelligence.

This is true of problem-solving abilities transferred from the game to real-life scenarios, which is the core of the games.

Of course, if you keep playing the games, you will improve, but your developed talents must expand to include other areas.

Brain games claim to sharpen your cognitive capacity, but they might not be as good as your game console. Many apps claim to improve your IQ by playing simple games. These games claim that by playing games created by neuroscientists, you will profit from their findings.

22. Learn to play musical instruments

Picking up an instrument would make you more innovative as well as impress your peers.

When you play an instrument, you use a large portion of your brain at the same time. Consider your five senses.

23. Do Meditation

You will improve your focus, imagination, alertness, and intellect by starting a quick, regular meditation session.

Meditation has been linked to increased brain activity in several studies. Many well-known university researchers believe that meditation is good for the brain.

A mantra is the most common form of meditation for beginners. A mantra is a nonsense word or expression that you say to yourself silently. The mantra can take on any condition.

24. A proper night sleep is a major factor for a productive day

What you do at night has a significant effect on how you will feel the next day. Intelligent people are aware of this, and they take advantage of it by adhering to a nighttime schedule. Every person is different in their way; what works for one person does not work for another.

25. Stretch yourself out of your comfort zone regularly.

Life starts outside of your comfort zone. After all, when you get outside of your comfort zone is the only way to evolve and develop your skills and achieve your full potential. You can try a new sport, have lunch in a new place, or try exploration of urban environments that emphasizes playfulness and "drifting."

26. Please make a list of all the mistakes you've made and what you've learned from them.

You are taking a trial-and-error approach to life rather than being afraid of making mistakes. Try something different, evaluate what went well and what didn't, make changes to your method, and try again. That is, instead of seeing the mistakes as failures, see them as feedback.

27. Losers are drawn to conformity.

You will never know what you are capable of if you give in to society's pressure to conform. Consider your options, make your own rules, stray from the beaten path, and go your own way.

It is not just about acing an exam when it comes to thinking smart. It is more of a mental state. It is all about approaching relationships to listen and learn. It's also not about arguing your point or cherry-picking evidence to support what you already believe. And that's the first step toward learning everything there is to know.

28. Self-confidence

The strength comes from the phrase's lack of context as one less thing to take your attention away from the words. If an irritating idea enters your mantra, don't stop chanting. Instead, accept the thinking, guide it away from the mantra, and return your attention to it.

29. Increase your mental abilities

The method of analyzing information in a cumulative manner aids in the retention of knowledge. Experiences are stored in the brain's outer cortex until being transformed into memories in the hippocampus. The issue is mainly due to a lack of emphasis.

Consider those enticing push alerts on your phones. When we hear the telephone ring, we drop everything and pick up our phone without thinking. Of course, individual results can differ. Experiment with various focusing techniques and processes. One should always examine many options to see what works best for you. Meditation has shown wonders in several studies to increase intelligence.

30. Be optimistic in life.

Intelligent people are lauded in society, and good decisions are essential to our survival. Brilliant moments alter the trajectory of history.

Knowing what we don't know is an integral part of intelligent thinking. It is about seeing all sides of a debate or issue and respecting all viewpoints.

It is all about genuinely being interested in other people, locations, and ideas.

We all want to be wise, and contrary to popular belief, intelligence is not a predetermined characteristic that is decided at birth. What would you do to improve your intelligence? For beginners, forget about people being born intelligent. According to science, you can produce new brain cells and improve your intelligence.

To reach your full potential, work hard, fight for it, and test your brain every day. It's important to remember that knowledge isn't defined by knowing more than anyone.

Others claim that the amount and standard of education determine a person's intelligence. Others argue that intelligent people are good at problem-solving, making money, or adapting to change. To learn how to grow and become more innovative in life.

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About the Creator

Sharad Gupta

I am a passionate writer.

My interest include fashion, relationship, health , life , make money, dating , digital marketing , education , career, parenting , Investment and many more .

My aim is Read , Write and Help.

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