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How to Start Using Your Writing Talent for Good Causes

Being able to write fluently and professionally is an incredible talent, and one which should be nurtured every single day.

By Jilian WoodsPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

If you’re a writer, whether a talented amateur or a dedicated freelancer, it can sometimes feel as though the writing is a wholly self-serving act, something which has little ability to help those around you. However, a few things could be further from the truth. All over the world, from your local town, to communities on the other side of the planet, people are in need of skilled writers who have the power to make a significant difference.

Every time you write an essay, or pen a tagline, or note down a piece of web copy, you’re working on your abilities, and improving your craft. If you can find ways to use that talent to help others, and spread good energy in any way you’re able, it’s fair to say you’re taking your expertise to new heights, and are doing something that you can be deeply proud of. Let’s take a look at five different ways in which you can use your writing skills for the good of others, and ways you can take your writing career to the next level.

Help Out Small Businesses With Copywriting

Running a small business can be incredibly hard, and it can often feel like there are a million different things to do at the same time. As such, creating quality inspirational copy for websites, social media, or print can sit pretty far down a small business manager’s list of things that need doing. However, having an engaging and powerful copy is the kind of thing that can really turn a business around, and bring customers to their door. If you know a small business in your area that requires help when it comes to writing, why not offer them your assistance? You can either charge a small fee, or come to some other arrangement that works for both of you. For example, you can create a copy for the business owner in exchange for a positive reference for future work, or exchange for free services as payment in kind.

Write for Charities and Non-Profits

It goes without saying that if you’re looking to help others with your writing skills, then looking for writing opportunities with non-profits and charities is the most obvious place to start. Most charities rely primarily on volunteers for almost every aspect of their operations, and this will include their copywriting, blogging, social media, and print media aspects. Why not check out which charities operate in your city or town, and reach out to them to offer your skills? You’ll gain valuable experience, and a great asset to your portfolio. You can also rest easy in the knowledge that your talents are being used in a wonderful way, which could be making a powerful positive difference to the lives of others.

Become a Pro Essay Writer

The essay writers at EssayPro know the warm glow of helping others with their talents more than most. By assisting overworked students to get their top grades, they really do make a massive difference to lives all across the globe, and it’s the perfect way to earn great use of their talents while also making money, too! EssayPro is all about linking up students with expert writers, who are able to lend a hand by constructing fantastic quality essays, pieces of coursework, theses, and dissertations (among many other things), and working side-by-side with the students to ensure they get the grades they need for success. Being a writer in this sense can be a fantastic way to keep your skills in check, and it also opens a world of opportunity for research and exploration of a wide array of subject matters, which many of us actually miss when we finish university.

Boost Your Local Scene With Reviews

Your city or town is most likely bustling with culture and fantastic opportunities to discover the hottest new scenes… but most of us will never hear about it unless eager and willing writers, such as yourselves, get out there and pen the reviews and write-ups, which help give a scene a real buzz. By providing reviews and pieces of writing for local media, blogs, and social media channels, you’re able to flex your creative muscles, while also contributing massively to the culture of your hometown. Who knows? Maybe you’ll discover the next big band, award-winning restaurant, or event!

Run Writing Workshops

Budding writers need all the help and assistance they can get. Through local writing workshops, meetups, conferences, and events, writers can gain new skills, and make the connections and networks they need to succeed. If you’re a talented writer with some work experience under your belt, you may want to consider running a writing workshop or event in your hometown, which will enable you to pass on some pearls of wisdom to your fellow authors, bloggers, or copywriters, and meet new people at the same time. It’s a fun and rewarding way of giving something back to like-minded fellows, and there’s no doubt about the fact it can really help get your name out there as a writer to look up to, and look out for.

There you have it: five amazing and simple ways to do some good with your writing, and put your skills and talents out there for others to benefit from. What are you waiting for? Try some of them today!

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About the Creator

Jilian Woods

Slowly but surely influencing on your consciousness by using magic words in my writings

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