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How To Get More Views on YouTube Fast - Proven Tips

By Samantha DuffyPublished 11 days ago 10 min read

Getting a lot of views on YouTube quickly can change how you look at your content. The first source shares the strategies that helped them reach 189k views a month on YouTube.1 They suggest using "BOGY" thumbnails. These feature bright colors like blue, orange, green, and yellow. It makes your video stand out among the red, black, and white thumbnails commonly seen.1

Making strong video titles is also key to YouTube success. The first source advises adding numbers and using brackets or parentheses in your titles. They also say to keep your titles short, 40-50 characters long.1 These tips can get you more clicks and help your videos show up better in search results.

The first source offers a template for video descriptions too. It should start strong, have a 150-word summary, and include helpful links. Doing this helps YouTube understand your content better. It can also boost how many people see your videos.1

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Key Takeaways

  • Use "BOGY" thumbnails with blue, orange, green, and yellow colors to make your videos stand out.
  • Incorporate brackets, parentheses, and numbers in your video titles to boost click-through rates.
  • Craft a well-structured video description with a strong intro, 150-word outline, and strategic links.
  • Leverage YouTube's suggested videos by using competitor tags to increase your visibility.
  • Encourage user engagement through comments, shares, and subscriber growth to boost your rankings.

Optimize Your Video Thumbnails

To get more views on your YouTube videos, optimizing your video thumbnails is key. The first source says that 9 out of 10 top-viewed YouTube videos have a custom thumbnail.1 YouTube itself notes that "Thumbnails are usually the first thing viewers see when they find one of your videos."1 Using certain strategies can make your thumbnails stand out and catch viewers' eyes.

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Use "BOGY" Thumbnails

The "BOGY" color scheme is essential for eye-catching thumbnails. "BOGY" means using blue, orange, green, and yellow. They help your thumbnails stand out from the usual red, black, and white background on YouTube.1

Include Human Faces in Thumbnails

Research shows that videos with human faces in the thumbnails get more clicks.1 Including someone's face up close makes your video more appealing and relatable to viewers.

Highlight Video Subject with Text and Colors

Besides the BOGY color palette and human faces, use text and bold colors to draw attention. This method clearly shows what your video is about. It makes viewers more likely to click and watch.

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Craft Compelling Video Titles

The title of your YouTube video is very important for more views. The first source shows that YouTube itself says the title is key. It can either make people watch or turn them away.1

Use Brackets or Parentheses

Adding brackets or parentheses at the end of your title makes it better. Studies have found this can up your clicks by 33%.1

Incorporate Numbers

Try including numbers in your title, like the amount of tips you share. This trick also helps catch your audience's eye more.1

Keep Titles Between 40-50 Characters

Make sure your title is short, around 40-50 characters. Justin Briggs' research shows that shorter titles do best on YouTube search.12

Use these tips for youtube video title optimization. They're great for making effective youtube video titles that stand out. By applying these eye-catching youtube titles and embracing youtube title best practices, you'll draw in more viewers and grow your youtube growth.

Optimize Video Descriptions

Optimizing your video descriptions on YouTube is vital. YouTube itself says that good descriptions help its algorithms understand your videos better.3 In doing so, your videos can get the right attention and reach your intended viewers. Follow some key steps to make this happen.

Use the "MVC Formula" for Tags

The "MVC Formula" is great for tagging your videos.3 It means focusing on the "Main Keyword," adding "Variations," and including the video's "Category." This method helps YouTube show your videos to people who are interested in that topic.4

Copy the Proven Video Description Template

A great video description template exists, according to the first source.3 They suggest starting with a captivating intro, then summarizing the video's key points in about 150 words, and lastly, adding relevant links. By using this guide, your video descriptions will meet the standards for youtube video description optimization, effective youtube video descriptions, youtube seo tags, and video description best practices.

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How To Get More Views on YouTube Fast

A detailed overview is given on how the writer boosted their YouTube channel to 189k views each month. It details many strategies like making better thumbnails, catchy titles, the "MVC Formula" for tags, and how to use YouTube's suggested videos. Also, it talks about getting people involved, sharing on various platforms, running contests, and more.1

Other sources add more insights on increasing views. They look into what counts as a view, why views matter for YouTube and earning money, and how Google search helps your videos be seen.5

Using these tactics can make your videos more visible, grow your audience, and boost your channel's success.15

The main source highlights YouTube view optimization. It shows that most top videos have a unique thumbnail. YouTube itself says that what you write in video descriptions helps it understand your content better.1

This source also stresses making video titles that grab attention. It suggests using specific characters, numbers, and keeping titles short. These practices make your videos more likely to be clicked on.15

It also suggests using the "MVC Formula" for tags. This method means you include the main keyword, variations, and category. It improves how YouTube categorizes and suggests your videos, growing your audience.1

Also, the second and third sources talk about important strategies. They mention using YouTube’s suggestions, getting viewers involved, and sharing your work on other sites.5

By using all these strategies, you can notably raise the views on your YouTube videos and increase your channel's success.15

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Leverage YouTube's Suggested Videos

Successful YouTube channels gain many views from suggested videos.6 YouTube picks suggested videos based on their tags and other info.7 These suggested videos are very important, making up over 70% of all views on the platform.7

Use Competitor Tags for Suggested Views

The first tip is to use tags similar to those of your competitors.6 This can help your videos appear as suggestions when people watch your competitors' videos.6 YouTube looks at things like same-session views, common topics, and previous views to make suggestions.7 So, by adjusting your tags, you boost your chances of being recommended next to popular videos, increasing your views.6

It's also key to rank well in Google searches because YouTube videos often appear at the top.7 If your videos rank high and are optimized for search, you can bring in more viewers.7 By focusing on suggested videos and improving your search results, you can grow your audience.

Encourage User Engagement

Making your YouTube channel successful means having lots of comments, likes, and subscribers. These things help your videos get seen more by people. To get more of these, you need to talk with your fans by answering comments and asking them questions. Also, don't forget to tell them to share your videos with others.8

Respond to Comments

Replying to your fans' comments makes them feel heard. It also tells YouTube that your videos are interesting and worth watching. When you talk to your fans, they are more likely to help spread the word about your content. This 'two-way street' effect can really boost your channel.89

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Ask Questions to Viewers

Asking your fans questions is a great way to get them talking. This makes them feel like they're part of a community. It also helps you learn what they like. With this knowledge, you can make videos that they'll enjoy even more.8

Encourage Sharing

Getting your fans to share your videos with others is a smart move. It can make your channel grow a lot faster. More shares not only bring in new fans but also tell YouTube that your videos are cool. Then, YouTube might recommend your videos to more people.

Promote on Other Platforms

To boost your YouTube views, it's key to share your videos on other sites. Use social media like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to reach more people. This brings more viewers to your channel and makes you more visible online.

Share on Online Communities

Promote your videos not only on your profiles but also in online groups. This way, you meet new viewers interested in your topic. They might watch and enjoy what you post.

Cross-Promote with Other YouTubers

Working with similar YouTubers is a great move. You can join each other's content. Or, team up for reviews and giveaways. This sharing introduces your channel to their fans, boosting your views and engagement too.

Optimize for Search Engines

To make sure your YouTube videos do well in searches, you need to make them great for YouTube and Google. Start by talking about your main keywords in the video.1 This makes YouTube understand your video better and helps it rank higher in searches.

Mention Target Keywords in Video

Aside from updating the video's title, description, and tags, using your main keywords in the video itself can really help.1 It shows YouTube what your video is focused on and helps Google see why it's important, which can help it show up in more searches.

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Upload Transcripts and Closed Captions

One helpful tip is to upload accurate transcripts and closed captions.10 This way, Google can fully understand what your video is about, making it more likely to show up in searches. Videos with closed captions also tend to get more views.10

These steps can make your YouTube videos better for both YouTube's and Google's searches. This can help you get more views and build a bigger, more interested audience.1310

Run Contests and Giveaways

Running contests and giveaways is a great way to get your YouTube fans involved and boost your video's reach.11 YouTube has set rules for these events. Platforms like allow users to get more chances to win by interacting with videos.11 This approach can help you get more views, comments, and even new subscribers to your channel.

To make your contest or giveaway work, offer a cool prize that your viewers will love.11 Ford, for example, got a big boost in people talking about their car, just by giving away 100 of them.11 Ask for simple entries, like a comment or share, to get more people involved and spread your message wider.

12 According to the second source, giveaways are fantastic for upping your video views and subscriber count.12 Embedding YouTube videos in contests can also really draw people in.12 Mini-games in your contests not only entertain but also keep people engaged and interested.12

12 Having great thumbnails and video titles is crucial for getting noticed on YouTube.12 Use words like "giveaway" and "prize" in your titles to catch more eyes.12 Pick prizes that your audience wants, and they'll be more likely to participate.12

12 Talking to the YouTube support team can give you tips and the help you need for a successful contest or giveaway.12 By using these methods wisely, you can really improve your youtube contests and giveaways, youtube video promotion tactics, and your youtube subscriber growth strategies to build up your channel.


This article gives you a full guide on increasing views for your YouTube channel. It suggests optimizing thumbnail and title13, crafting gripping descriptions13, using YouTube's suggested videos14, engaging with viewers15, promoting on other platforms15, and hosting contests14. By trying these tips, you can make more people see your videos. This can help you grow your channel and connect with a larger audience.

YouTube has more than a billion users13. Video traffic makes up 82% of internet use15. 90% of top videos have customized thumbnails and use calls to action13. By making better video titles, descriptions, and tags, you can get more views. This can also increase your subscriber count.

Also, sharing your videos on social media can greatly help. Visual content is very shareable on social sites, making your reach wider15. Contests and giveaways are great strategies to involve your audience and get more views14.

By following this comprehensive YouTube marketing guide, you can boost viewership and improve your channel's success. Keep at it with the strategies for getting more YouTube views and adapt to YouTube's changes.

Explore Your Views! Proven YouTube Growth Tactic #ClaimHere


What is the "BOGY" thumbnail technique?

The "BOGY" thumbnail technique uses blue, orange, green, and yellow. These colors make your video thumbnails pop on YouTube's red, black, and white backdrop.

Why should you include human faces in your YouTube thumbnails?

Studies show that people are drawn to video thumbnails with faces. Adding human faces makes your thumbnails stand out and attract more viewers.

What are the best practices for crafting effective YouTube video titles?

For better video titles, consider adding brackets or parentheses. Also, use numbers and keep the title short, around 40-50 characters. These tips can attract more clicks and views.

How should you optimize your YouTube video descriptions?

To optimize video descriptions, start strong with a catchy intro and a 150-word summary. Add relevant links. For tags, follow the "MVC Formula" - Main Keyword, Variations, and Category.

How can you leverage YouTube's suggested videos to get more views?

Share tags with popular videos in your niche to appear in their suggested videos. YouTube uses video metadata, including tags, to suggest videos to viewers.

What are some effective ways to encourage user engagement on your YouTube channel?

Engage viewers by responding to comments and asking questions. Encourage sharing to strengthen your audience connection. This also shows YouTube that your content is engaging.

How can you promote your YouTube videos on other platforms?

Share content on social media and collaborate with other YouTubers. Options include guest appearances, co-creations, and product reviews or giveaways.

How can you optimize your YouTube videos for search engines?

Mention your keywords in the video for better optimization. Upload transcripts and captions, as the third source advises, to further help search engines understand your video's content.

How can running contests and giveaways help increase views on your YouTube channel?

Contests and giveaways can boost audience engagement and video promotion. Offer attractive prizes, make entry simple, and encourage sharing to increase views.

Explore Your Views! Proven YouTube Growth Tactic #ClickHere

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    SDWritten by Samantha Duffy

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