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How to choose the best full size wood platform bed frame with storage

Wooden beds are commonplace in the bedroom scene. They come in all shapes and sizes, depending on the preferences of the clients who are using them.

By marcusspeckPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Increasingly, designs are being made that aim to utilize the space and storage capability of these beds fully. Storage within beds is not a new concept but has been around for many years and is now taking the bedroom scene by storm. In this article, we will discuss full size wood bed frames with storage.

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Shelves cut into the wood bed frame

Wooden beds have storage capabilities in both the head and footboards if appropriately harnessed. When a client is willing to experiment with new designs, shelves are fitted into the ends of the beds in the head and footboards.

The headboard is made thicker, and shelves are cut into the wood. Such shelves are used to store bedside items since they are small. They can also be used to store scented candles or even glass vases. The footboard could also be raised and made into small shelves for the storage of books or magazines, socks, glasses, and beauty items. The shelves could be cut into unique designs that are used as aesthetic enhancers in the bedroom.

Foldable mattress with storage underneath the wood full bed frame

Some beds come equipped with a foldable mattress frame, which folds or lifts upwards to reveal storage space. These have hollow structures with lots of real estate underneath. The storage offering is well hidden and can be used to store things one holds dear or stuff one wants to keep secret.

This storage solution is necessary when a client requires extra space but doesn’t want it to be too open to every prying eye. Also, this offering of space allows for a preference selection since a foldable mattress could mean it is a sofa bed, too, providing more functionality to the owner, an added plus.

Loft made wood bed frames

Loft refers to a bed designed as having space beneath the full size platform bed that could have been a bottom bunk. Instead, it has been fashioned into a storage space. The bed itself is raised off of the ground to provide this space. The bottom area, storage space, is partitioned and semi partitioned into a couple of drawers and storage locations.

There could be stacks of drawers too, making up several levels of them. Loft-type beds are a new design that appeals mainly to single people living in studio apartments but looking for more storage in their homes without extra clutter.

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Wooden full size bed frame with one large drawer to the side

Wooden platform bed frames borrow from the traditional queen or king-size with storage on the bed’s frame side. When the mattress is raised off of the ground, the structure has an extra space below it. A design could be made so that the full length of the bed has one big drawer that runs to the end of the bed.

This drawer could be partitioned into two or more spaces for storing clothes or even unused items that one has attached sentimentality. The one large drawer is also useful in storing bedding such as duvets, which aren’t required that often. This storage space can act as an item of aesthetics when the large drawer is removed.

Drawer modeled wood bed frames

Wood bed frames are shaped around a chest of drawers, which act as the bed’s base, and a mattress lays upon them. This storage solution for a large king-size bed is useful since it saves the owner money spent buying a separate chest of drawers that would be for the same purpose. Instead, the drawers are modeled to look like any ordinary chest of drawers.

They are vanished in a colorless coat maintaining their wooden look. They can also be fashioned and designed to blend in with a traditional bed design with the handles, and edges cut into the wood directly instead of having handles for the same.

Headboard and footboard drawers in a wood bed frame.

Headboard drawers are new in the bedroom décor scene. They are complicated to design and require a lot of precision to come up with a quality product. The carpenter needs to make the headboard to be thick, breadthwise, to give room for the drawers to be fitted. Afterward, the bottom to the top of the bed is cut up, and then shelves are fixed on it.

The drawer handles, and opening system is then attached as a finalizing step to this. Typically, these types of drawers are usually small, and they blend in well with shelves that are placed in the headboards. Headboard drawers on the sides could be made on one side of the bed or both, depending on the client’s preference and liking.

Footboard drawers, on the other hand, are relatively simpler to design, build, and finish. Since it is more likely that the footboard will be facing away from a wall, these drawers usually are fixed along the whole length of the footboard. The drawers are pre-designed and built, then attached as a sort of mini-cupboard on the footboard. The doors open outside away from the breadth of the bed too. In addition to providing storage space inside the drawers, the top of these drawers is a point where potted plants, books, or clothes can be placed (it doubles as a dresser).


In conclusion, wooden full size platform bed frames with storage are not uncommon in the modern bedroom today. Storage is more than just space. Having storage options in a wooden bed is an option that a client should consider when getting one. Bed frame storage is a statement geared towards having a more elegant experience within the bedroom.

Beds with storage options help one to save on money spent getting dressers or separate cupboards. As such, they help one reduce the clutter that is so often associated with rooms too small for the items in them. Storage in wooden beds is a new trend that will surely take center stage in future designs of beds. This is absolutely the new wave in décor.


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