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How Seneca Changed My Life As A Writer: 7 Stoic Quips Every Modern Writer Should Embody

#5 almost sums it all up

By Rick MartinezPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Marie-Michèle Bouchard on Unsplash

If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable

What this means to you as a writer is that you need to have a clear sense of purpose and direction to succeed. You can't just drift aimlessly, hoping that you make it somewhere eventually. To reach your writing goals, you must be deliberate about every step you take and understand where it is leading.

Seneca's quote helped me stay focused on becoming a better writer. Every day, I would remind myself that no matter how challenging the writing process was, it was all part of the journey. Knowing that my hard work and dedication would pay off in the end kept me motivated to keep going.

A great captain sails on, even with his canvas in tatters; even if he has scrapped the ship's equipment, he keeps the remnants of his vessel on course

This means to me as a writer that you should never give up, no matter how difficult it may be. Even if the odds are stacked against you, keep writing and pushing forward until you reach your goal.

Seneca's words reminded me that even when I faced times of doubt or discouragement, I could always find a way to stay on track and persevere toward my writing ambitions. This idea alone has been a great source of strength and motivation for me during the more brutal moments.

You act like mortals in all that you fear and like immortals in all that you desire

This means to you as a writer that you should be aware that your writing is limited and finite, but also have faith in yourself to create something timeless. You should strive for excellence by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and challenging what's possible.

Seneca's quote helped me stay humble about my work but ambitious enough to keep striving for something better. It also reminded me that becoming a great writer was not unattainable but something I could achieve if I worked hard enough. This perspective has given me the confidence to keep improving and growing as a writer.

It is not that we have a short time to live but that we waste a lot of it

What this means to you as a writer is that you should make the most of your time. Don't let yourself get caught up in procrastination or other distractions preventing you from reaching your writing goals.

Seneca's words have been a great source of inspiration for me, reminding me to stay focused on my work and not waste any more time than I had to.

It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness

What this means to you as a writer is that success doesn't come easily. You must be willing to work hard and make sacrifices to achieve greatness, just like any other profession or skill set.

Seneca's quote has been my mantra throughout my writing journey and helps me stay motivated when I feel overwhelmed or discouraged. It reminds me that even though the process may be difficult at times, it is all part of the journey to becoming a great writer.

To be everywhere is to be nowhere

What this means to you as a writer is that you need to focus on the task at hand and avoid distractions. Trying to do too many things at once will only lead to burnout and poor-quality work.

Seneca's words have helped me stay focused on the writing project and not get sidetracked by other tasks. Knowing that if I put all my effort into each task, I can achieve great things has been a great source of motivation for me.

We suffer more often in imagination than in reality

What this means to you as a writer are those times when you think people are laughing at you or that your work isn't good enough. This quote is a reminder to focus on the reality of the situation and not be blinded by fear and insecurity.

Seneca's words have allowed me to push aside those thoughts of self-doubt so I can keep working towards my goal without letting irrational fears get in the way. It's taught me to trust in my ability and focus on the hard work it takes to become a great writer.

The final word

Seneca's words have been a great source of inspiration and motivation for me as a writer.

They remind me to stay humble and focused while believing in my potential to create something timeless. By keeping these reminders in mind, I can push through any difficult times and work towards becoming a great writer.

Always wanted to write and don't know where or how to start? Then this clan is for you.

how to

About the Creator

Rick Martinez

I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy | Bestselling author | Former CEO turned ghostwriter |

California born, Texas raised.

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