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The Blue & Yellow Can

By Babs IversonPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Marcus Urbenz on Unsplash

What can you do with a stuck zipper? The best way to loosen a stubborn zipper is with WD-40. Last week commenting that I was grateful for my allergy medicine, today, I was ever so grateful for WD-40.

Admittedly, there isn't a time in my past or present when there wasn't a can of WD-40 around the house. The all too familiar blue and yellow can is a lifesaver of sorts. In the basement, in the garage, or under the sink, you know where it is. You know that WD-40 will save the day.

Do you know why the water displacement product is called WD-40?

At the San Diego Rocket Chemical Company, three technicians were in charge of the project that was to find a water displacement compound. Doing research for a rust preventative solvent and degreaser to protect missile parts, the three technicians' persistence and tenacity paid off. In 1953, after their 40th formulation, the technicians were successful. That's why their product was called WD-40.

While Corvair Company purchased the water displacement compound in bulk to protect their missile parts for their Atlas rocket. Employees were so impressed with the product. There was shrinkage at the company. Their employees were stealing it using it in their homes. Once the executives caught wind of what was happening, they made an executive decision and smart move to put the product in aerosol cans and market it to consumers. You know how that turned out! At times, it seems everyone has a blue and yellow can.

By the way, the formula for the product is a guarded secret. Would you believe that millions of gallons of WD-40 are manufactured each year?

What is your favorite use of WD-40?

By Min Xu on Unsplash

Back in 2004, WD-40 celebrated an anniversary, asking the states what their favorite use of the product was. According to the compiled list, California's favorite use had to deal with the Golden Gate Bridge. WD-40 was used to penetrate the bolts.

By Brandon Mowinkel on Unsplash

Naturally, New York's favorite use of WD-40 was protecting the Statue of Liberty from the elements.

By Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

If you are dealing with lipstick stains, you guessed it. Get out that can of WD-40. Please be careful when spraying. Speaking of stains, it will remove tomato stains from clothing. In case you need to remove traces of duck tape, you can use the product on that too. When it comes to splattered grease on stoves, WD-40 removes that as well. In addition, it removes stains from stainless steel sinks.

When you are needing a lubricant, be sure to have a can of WD-40 close by. Here are some of the lubricant uses:

stops the squeak in electric fans

fan belts on washers and dryers - keeping them working

prosthetic limbs

tracks in sticking home windows and makes them easier to open

wheel sprockets on tricycles, bicycles, and wagons

noisy door hinges on doors at home and on your vehicles

riding lawn mowers gear shift and mower deck lever.

By Zac Gudakov on Unsplash

WD-40 is a keeper:

keeps flies off of cows

keeps ceramic/terra cotta garden pots from oxidizing

keeps glass shower doors free of water spots

keeps scissors working

keeps rust from forming on tools

keeps bathroom mirrors from fogging

and keeps pigeons off the balcony (something about the smell).

By sanjiv nayak on Unsplash

Yes, there are more uses for WD-40. If you need to protect silver from tarnishing, grab the WD-40. Cleaning and lubricating guitar strings, you bet you can. Problem with tangled jewelry chains, WD-40 to the rescue and untangles them. Getting ready for Summer cookouts on the grill, you can use WD-40 to remove grime from barbecue grills. You can use WD-40 to restore and clean leather dashboards in vehicles. It's an all-around problem solver.

It might be an urban legend, but it's said that some people have sprayed it on their hands, and knees to relieve arthritis pain. Don't think that's a good idea.

In Conclusion!

When it comes to protecting, cleaning, lubricating, and removing, there isn't any better product than WD-40. So, be grateful. There is always something to be grateful for. Today, it's WD-40!


About the Creator

Babs Iverson

Barbara J Iversen, also known as Babs Iverson, lives in Texas and loves her grandkids to the moon and back. After writing one story, she found that writing has many benefits especially during a pandemic and a Texas-size Arctic Blast.

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran2 years ago

    WD-40 is so versatile and definitely a life saver. So grateful you shared this one!

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