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Giving Tips on Vocal

How to Join the "Vocal Tippers Club" and Why it is So Important

By Maria CalderoniPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

There have been many articles written about how to get more tips on Vocal! I want to talk about giving Tips! Tips are an amazing way of “paying it forward,” of encouraging aspiring writers, of throwing good out into the universe and watching to see what comes back.

Tips for Writing! REALLY???

Back in the early days when I was a brand new Vocal member the idea of someone giving me a tip for writing sounded amazing! I mean, get paid, voluntarily for my favorite hobby! To be completely frank, the idea felt a bit preposterous! Who pays for reading a story?!

Tipping for the arts has actually been a long time tradition and I realized the tips I had generated as a musician in a posh German restaurant back in my college days were in the same category! People enjoy giving a small gift of appreciation when a work of art has touched their soul (or possibly because they too have walked in the struggling artist's shoes and know the power of that one tiny dollar to reignite their waning inspiration and encourage them to keep creating).

I remember back in the 70's my mom talking about tipping artists. And I believe it was she that instilled in me the practice of stopping and admiring the art of street musicians and always leaving them a little something if I could. Though she loved music, she had not inherited her mother's amazing musical gifts and often joked that the only tips she ever got were to bribe her to please stop singing. (This wasn't true, and she actually carried a reasonable tune but I digress.)

My personal history with tipping and a rather insecure view of my own written work (maybe someone will pay me to stop writing?!) led me to simply skim over the fact that receiving a tip on Vocal was a realistic possibility.

I Got a Real Tip!!!

Then it happened! That quiet little email shouting into my soul! "You have received a tip on Vocal!" It was an anonymous dollar! Someone somewhere out in the universe had read something I wrote AND was touched enough to send me money! This was the realization of a dream! I was finally a real paid writer! (Well kind of, but I expect all of you can resonate with the small dopamine surge that happens every time you see that beautiful email!)

By Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

That first tip inspired me to want to reciprocate. What an inexpensive way to send good out into the world. To offer a token of appreciation to a struggling creator! I was in! But wait. There were a few obstacles standing in my way. Sigh ….

Could I Really Be a Tipper Too?

I live on a very tight budget and while a dollar is only a dollar, it is still a dollar. And a dollar here and a dollar there quickly add up to me blowing my budget and having to scrimp on groceries. Sigh. I needed to figure out how much to budget and how to keep track without adding another task to my very busy life….. hmmmmm

The other obstacle I needed to overcome was security. I do not love having my credit card number just hanging around out there on the internet waiting to be compromised, so I needed to set up the ability to send tips but in a secure way ….

These two barriers, I am embarrassed to admit, allowed me to shift tipping to the back burner and simply go on with verbal encouragement. I mean, hearing positive feedback and seeing the heart count rise on a new story is also of great value! I could just keep my budget in check and dedicate time and enthusiasm to reading, commenting on and "hearting" as many stories as I could. Right?!

Then one day it happened! I could not believe my eyes. In fact, I sat staring at the email my emotions fluctuating between embarrassment, (who do they think I am) and elation! Someone had tipped me $5.00 for one of my stories! I quickly clicked into my Vocal Wallet to see if I could figure out the source of this tremendous encouragement.

There it was, my college roommate, someone who means the world to me, sharing this huge gift of encouragement. I couldn't believe it. I quickly texted my appreciation and this was her response. The words that finally kicked my butt into gear and motivated me to solve my tipping dilemmas.

"Your writing is really good, and my girls have taught me to always tip artists!"

Both her generous words and pocketbook inspired me not only to keep writing but to start tipping!

Tipping on Vocal Made Easy AND Secure

Here is how I overcame my obstacles. I share in the hopes that you too, will join the ranks of the thoughtful tipper. The more we circulate the encouragement, the more we will all be inspired to keep improving our craft and reach all the writing hopes and dreams we hold sacred deep inside our tender hearts.

The Tipping Solution

It was convenient that I found one solution which solved both of my objections to setting up a tipping stream. The solution was a simple, and free, little app called "Privacy."

Privacy has security features that meet my Cyber Security relative's strict criteria. In fact, it was he who clued me in to this wonderful little tool which has provided me much more "cyber peace of mind."

I did have to connect a payment method to Privacy and I felt comfortable with this as it had been appropriately vetted first. And then... here is the magic! From there on out, anytime I needed to enter my credit card into a website I simply told Privacy to generate a new card for my use.

I can set up a single use card for a one time purchase and put a maximum amount on that card and voila. Purchase made. No security risk!

Or .. and this is what solved my tracking dilemma, I can set up a card and link it to a specific merchant so it will accept recurring payments but…. I can also choose a budget! I can limit each individual transaction or I can set a monthly cap on my generosity!

Problems solved! I didn't need to worry about my banking security and I didn't need to stress about tracking my Vocal gifts. When I have reached my max for the month, my attempts will simply be denied. And if I feel Very strongly about sending that one last over budget tip before the new month rolls around, I have complete ability to quickly access Privacy on my phone and temporarily (or permanently if my own tipping income has increased enough to afford it) up my limit for the month.

Privacy will also provide you with a secure and easy way to join the elite ranks of the "Vocal Tippers Club" spreading encouragement and hope to many aspiring and striving writers…..

Your First $5.00 is Free

But…. If you need just a tiny bit more incentive, Privacy has extended an offer of a gift to you of $5.00 for your first 5 tips on Vocal, or your first really big $5.00 tip on Vocal, or (you can actually use it to buy anything you might want to purchase online). And I will also receive a $5.00 referral bonus if you sign up!

Paying It Forward

It's generosity where everybody wins and we can just keep spreading the encouragement. It's like those "pay it forward" lines you hear about at your local coffee stand where someone pays for the order behind them, and that person pays for the next customer and so on. If we all start with a free $5.00 from Privacy and get this tipping ball rolling can you even fathom the amount of good will, encouragement and inspiration being generated?. It gives me goosebumps imagining it!

Thank you for all of your contributions on Vocal and in the universe. Your words, your writing brings value to the human race. Keep writing. Keep honing your skills and keep on encouraging all the other writers in your life to do the same.

By Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

(I would not be true to my other identity as a financial coach, if I did not also mention, that for those who eschew the use of credit cards at all, but are looking for an easy and secure way to make internet purchases without compromising their bank accounts, this checks all of those boxes too!)

Here is the link to that will get both of us a free $5.00!

Here also is a link to several Facebook Groups where you will develop friendships and find people to share stories and maybe even tips with.

Vocal Media Creators Support Community

Vocal Creators Cooperative

Vocal Creators Saloon

The Vocal Creators Lounge

Vocal Media Creators Hub

As always, thank you for lending me your ears. I am excited to see a great boon in tipping as we all start off with $5.00 in our new Vocal tipping accounts.

If you found this helpful, sharing is always appreciated. And if you would like to view my other stories, you may access them here.

how to

About the Creator

Maria Calderoni

Born a lover of stories. I love to read, write and tell them. Tales of inspiration, resilience and struggle.

A life long learner, I enjoy nothing more than sharing interesting and useful things I have learned so far.

Please join me.

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