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Easy Ways to Make Money

To Improve Your Financial Situation

By Shelley WengerPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Photo Courtesy of Canva

As times get more and more tight, more people are looking for ways to make some extra money so that they can get ahead in life. However, that isn’t always easy. In fact, it can take a lot of time and energy to start and grow a side hustle, especially if you want to make it a full-time gig.

Because of that, many people are looking for ways to make some extra money without doing all of that work. Here are some easy (yet not all that realistic) ways to make some extra money.

The best way to get rich is by being born that way. If your parents are well-off, you have a much better chance of doing well in life. Most parents are happy to support their children, so you may be able to get some spending cash from your parents.

If your parents are not rich, you may hope for a rich stepparent. Hopefully, your new stepparent will be happy to support you by giving you money as you need it.

If that isn’t possible, you could always marry rich. Though you should marry for love, the simple truth is that many people marry for money. It is much easier to get through life when you aren’t constantly worrying about money.

While all of these sound good, they aren’t typically realistic. Here are some things that you really can do to help you get ahead in life.

Looking into renting out your home. Many people are looking for ways to make money with their home. If you have a spare room, you could rent it out on Airbnb. You could also get a tenant if you need consistent income. Some people have a nice place for parties and they will rent it out for others to have parties at their home.

You may also want to look into investing some of your money. Many people invest money in real estate, stocks, and other places. You may want to talk to a financial advisor to ensure that the money that you invest will help you financially.

You may want to start a blog. Many people have a blog that helps them financially. By placing ads using Google Ad-sense, you can bring in some extra money every month.

You may also want to look into affiliate marketing. This is when you refer people to businesses and products, getting paid for their purchases. You can do this using your blog, though you may also use social media marketing to get people to buy the products that you want them too!

More and more people are trying to make money using YouTube. Even if you aren’t able to collect money every month with your videos, you can use them with affiliate marketing.

If you are really strapped, you may want to sell things in your home that you don’t use. You may have plenty of clothes and jewelry that you could sell to make money. If you have children, they are constantly growing out of their clothes and shoes. These would be easy to sell.

You may have some extra video games lying around that could bring in some money. What about extra furniture or decorations? There has to be something that you could sell.

That being said, others like to go to auctions and yard sales to get items that they can sell for a profit. Many people like to look for items that are collectible. They buy them cheap at yard sales and then sell them for a profit.

There are some apps that help you make money. Though you may not make a lot of money, you might be able to make some money playing games and giving your opinion. Some even allow you to watch videos and then answer questions in order to make some extra cash.

Though you may want to be born rich or even marry rich, the truth is that there are plenty of ways that you can realistically do to make your financial situation better. Many people rent out their homes or even just a room to make some extra cash. Others invest their money so that it can grow!

You may even start a blog or business. You may even be able to sell some things that you have around your home. Many people even go to yard sales and then sell these items for a lot more than they paid for them!


Previously published on Medium and/or Newsbreak.

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About the Creator

Shelley Wenger

Small town country girl in southern Pennsylvania. Raising two boys on a small farm filled with horses, goats, chickens, rabbits, ducks, dogs, and a cat. Certified veterinary technician and writer at Virtually Shelley.

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