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Different Types of People When Angry

Anger Traits

By Raymond NyumuPublished 10 months ago 6 min read
Angry face

Anger is a universal emotion that can manifest in various ways. From explosive outbursts to silent seething, the range of reactions is as diverse as the people themselves. In this uproarious blog post, we explore the comical antics of individuals who display distinct behaviors when they’re angry. So, buckle up and get ready for a laughter-filled ride!

The Shouter:

Ah, the classic shouter! This individual can’t help but turn up the volume when they’re angry. Their anger manifests in a symphony of decibels that could rival a rock concert. They’re like walking megaphones, and the sheer intensity of their screams would make a banshee cover its ears! Their outbursts are so loud that nearby animals might mistake it for a mating call or an emergency siren.

Picture this: a tiny inconvenience occurs, and this person’s response is to let out a bellow that can be heard three blocks away. They might unintentionally terrify anyone within earshot, including their unsuspecting neighbors, who will likely mistake their fury for an audition for a heavy metal band.

The Cryer:

On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have the cryer. Picture someone whose anger transforms into a fountain of tears. They’re like a faulty faucet, leaking emotions left and right. While it may seem confusing at first, witnessing this display of anger mixed with waterworks can leave you wondering if you should hand them a tissue or an award for dramatic performance.

This person’s tears flow like a river, turning even the smallest disagreement into an emotional flood. It’s like they’ve entered an Olympic competition for the most dramatic reaction, and they’re determined to take home the gold medal. Their wailing cries could rival the sound effects in a soap opera, leaving you half-expecting a camera crew to appear and capture the moment for the next episode of “Days of Our Lives.”

The Laugher:

Oh, the enigmatic laugher! This person’s response to anger is to laugh maniacally, like a supervillain plotting world domination. Their cackling can be unsettling, as it leaves others questioning their sanity. It’s as if they’ve stumbled upon an inside joke with the universe, and no one else is in on it.

While others are fuming and stewing in their anger, this person finds the whole situation hilarious. They might burst into fits of giggles or break out into a full-blown laughter that echoes through the room. It’s like witnessing the Joker’s evil twin, minus the face paint and the crime spree. Their laughter becomes contagious, and soon everyone is laughing, not knowing what exactly they’re laughing about but enjoying the absurdity of it all.

The Destroyer:

When anger takes hold, some people transform into a demolition crew. The destroyer goes on a rampage, annihilating anything and everything in their path. They’ll smash plates, punch pillows, and perhaps even turn the living room into a battlefield. It’s a sight to behold, and it’s probably best to keep a safe distance to avoid becoming collateral damage.

This individual’s anger fuels an unstoppable force, turning them into a wrecking ball of destruction. They might unleash their fury on inanimate objects, demolishing furniture, walls, or anything that happens to be within arm’s reach. Their sheer strength and determination to break things can make you wonder if they missed their true calling as a professional wrestler or a demolition expert.

The Silent:

In stark contrast to the shouter, the silent type chooses to bury their anger deep within. They may look calm and collected on the surface, but beneath that composed exterior lies a simmering volcano waiting to erupt. Beware, for when the dam finally breaks, it’s a spectacle of epic proportions!

This person’s anger simmers beneath the surface, slowly building up pressure until it reaches its boiling point. Their silence can be unnerving, leaving others on edge, waiting for the imminent explosion. It’s like watching a suspenseful thriller, where you’re anxiously anticipating the climax. And when the eruption finally occurs, it’s like a volcanic eruption combined with a fireworks display—loud, dramatic, and impossible to ignore.

The Team “I am not Angry”:

Some individuals believe in the power of denial when it comes to anger. They’ll adamantly claim, “I’m not angry at all!” even though their clenched fists and red face say otherwise. It’s a comical sight to witness someone trying to convince themselves and others that they’re as calm as a Zen master while their anger is bubbling over like a cauldron of hot lava.

This person’s attempt to suppress their anger is both admirable and entertaining. They’ll insist that everything is fine, their voice tinged with a strained cheerfulness that betrays their true emotions. It’s like watching a sitcom character desperately trying to maintain their cool, even as chaos unfolds around them. But no matter how hard they try, their anger finds a way to seep through, leaving everyone around them amused by their futile attempts at masking their true feelings.

The Sleeper:

The sleeper is an interesting breed. When they’re angry, they bypass the usual reactions and opt for an impromptu nap. Picture this: you find them in the middle of a heated argument, only to discover that they’ve dozed off mid-conversation. It’s as if anger has the power to drain their energy, leaving them in desperate need of a nap. Sleeping Beauty, but make it irate!

This individual’s anger seems to have a sedative effect on them. The moment tension arises, they slip into a state of drowsiness that defies all logic. It’s like watching a human-sized teddy bear suddenly deflate and collapse into a deep slumber. One can’t help but wonder if they’re using anger as a secret sleep aid or if their body simply shuts down in the face of conflict. Either way, it’s an amusing sight to behold and a reminder that anger can have unexpected side effects.

The Team Walk Away:

This individual has mastered the art of anger management by taking a swift exit. When confronted with a frustrating situation, they’ll calmly say, “Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom,” and disappear into the sunset. It’s a talent, really, to have the ability to physically remove themselves from a situation before they transform into the Hulk.

This person’s escape tactic is both impressive and amusing. They possess an uncanny ability to detect the first signs of anger and act swiftly to diffuse the situation. They might resort to hilarious excuses like needing to check on their imaginary pet snail or suddenly remembering an urgent appointment with their dentist. It’s like watching a magician perform a vanishing act, except instead of rabbits, they’re making their anger disappear into thin air.

The one that will forget they were supposed to be angry:

Sometimes anger comes and goes like a summer breeze, leaving no trace behind. This person can go from fuming with rage to “What were we talking about again?” in a matter of minutes. They have the attention span of a goldfish, and their anger dissipates faster than a magician’s disappearing act. It’s a talent to envy, really.

This individual’s ability to forget their anger is both perplexing and comical. It’s like witnessing a magical memory wipe in action. They might be in the midst of a heated argument, their face red with fury, only to suddenly get distracted by a passing butterfly or a funny meme on their phone. Before you know it, they’ve completely forgotten what they were angry about, leaving everyone else scratching their heads in bewilderment.

The Delayed Reactor:

Last but not least, we have the delayed reactor. This individual has mastered the art of holding onto anger until the perfect moment. They’ll keep their cool in the face of adversity, only to unleash their wrath hours, days, or even weeks later. It’s like a time bomb waiting to explode, and when it finally happens, it’s like an earthquake combined with a fireworks display.

This person’s anger operates on a delayed fuse. They might experience a frustrating event and appear unfazed at the time, only to unleash a verbal barrage of fury when you least expect it. Their delayed reaction can leave you feeling like you’re walking on eggshells, never knowing when the explosion will occur. It’s like being caught in a surprise party where instead of balloons and confetti, you’re showered with a torrent of rage.

Anger is a fascinating and often amusing part of human nature. The diverse reactions to anger showcased in this extended blog post highlight the quirky and humorous side of our emotional spectrum. So, the next time you encounter someone fuming with anger, take a step back and appreciate the hilarity that ensues. After all, laughter can be the best antidote for a tense situation!


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