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Advanced Features to Have in Your Dating App to Boost User Engagement

Dating App Advanced Features

By Rohan SinghPublished 11 months ago 7 min read

Before a few years ago, dating apps started as a small niche, today have reached every smartphone despite different countries, genders, preferences, and more as well as currently trending at their peak.

Currently, dating apps are just growing rapidly due to the widespread use of the internet and the increasing interest of the younger generation.

The traditional approach of meeting with a partner in a coffee shop and falling in love, at first sight, has faded away. After all, thanks to these dating apps made it easier to find a partner just with a swipe.

It is hard for many people to approach others in real life which is why these dating apps have amplified in popularity as it has transformed the way we approach connection and navigate our romantic life.

Recent studies have hinted towards the behind-increasing popularity of online dating indicating dating market value which was valued at USD 7.55 billion in 2021 will likely see a rise at a CAGR of 12.65% by 2030.

With these stats, it is clear than ever that the online dating market is expanding and becoming more competitive.

On one side, where businesses are leveraging dating app development services from leading agencies to provide their users with the best service. On the other side, users are becoming pickier and looking to download the best app which is feature-rich and easy to use.

Among all these to get your app to stand out in the market, it has become more than necessary to get such advanced features that make your app memorable for users.

This blog is the right thing you need to read right now, where we have curated the list of advanced features which will assist you in turning the tables in the market.

Advanced Features to Include in Your Dating App

The essence to beat the competitive market is user engagement and to make your user glued to your app it is necessary to have some tactics that increase your app engagement.

With tactics, we mean some value-adding and exciting features that enable your app to become the talk of the town as soon as it hits the market.

Below are some amazing and advanced features to upgrade your app game -

  • Profile Verification
  • Group Chats
  • Quizzes
  • Avatars
  • AI-based Chatbots
  • Discover Nearby Events
  • Advanced Search
  • Profile Performance Checker
  • Behaviour Analysis
  • Profile Recommendation
  • Gamification
  • AI-Based Video Calls
  • Facial Recognition to Find Lookalikes

1. Profile Verification

Increasing the use of dating apps helps people from loneliness and boredom. But this also raises concern about their safety as more and more users also increase the chances of meeting more catfishers, frauds, and scammers.

Reports clearly say that around 20,000 people in the USA are being catfished every year.

It has become more than necessary to make your app trustworthy for your users, especially for those who have suffered from harassment previously.

Therefore, it is surely necessary to verify profiles by asking your user to fill in all vital information including hobbies, likes, dislikes, and photos to make sure they are the same person who they claim to be.

2. Group Chats

People on dating don’t always seek romantic relationships. Sometimes they also look out to meet new people or make friends.

53% of users say that they are using dating apps to find friends. Keeping this in mind that users may be lonely; you can provide them with an opportunity to involve in conversation and make plans for the evening without getting into the rat race of dating.

So, getting a group chat feature in your dating app will surely spark your app engagement and will give your user a fun ride to enjoy.

3. Quizzes

Quizzes are interesting to make people hooked on your app. As much as it is enjoyable to talk about yourself, it ignites a feeling of thrill and fun while discovering more about another person which is why Tinder has brought quizzes called “Vibes” to ask goofy questions to their users.

It has been the “Headline grabber” as soon as it was launched in the market.

Integrating such a feature in your app with the help of a dating app development company will surely assist users to make better choices while choosing a dating app and increase user engagement for you.

4. Avatars

Changing hairstyles, and dresses, and even switching ethnicities and creating a virtual representation of yourself gives offers a sense of playfulness and adventure to everyone.

Avatars are everyone’s choice and give them creative freedom to alter their virtual companions to express themselves uniquely.

Additionally, Avatars can promote a sense of connection and companionship with other users, as they involve and relate with others through their unique virtual personas.

Whenever possible, you can hire dating app developers to integrate avatars that align with your brand standards striking a presentation of your brand in the user's mind.

5. AI-based Chatbots

In current times, what we are experiencing is just the tip of the iceberg. With high demands, AI will expand in the upcoming years.

46% of dating app users believe they would want AI to analyze their bio and help them find like-minded people.

AI chatbots can lend an extra hand by suggesting lines to initiate a conversation more than “Hi, hello”.

Chatbots help to mimic user interest and preference that handle the preliminary meet and greet part of the dating process by suggesting replies to particular messages. After all, talking to

6. Discover Nearby Events

This excellent dating app feature can help people to explore events through which people can easily take their love interest further and plan meetups. By creating different categories like fitness enthusiasts, romantic people, and more.

People can attend events that might spark their experience with each other, this may also help them in finding and meeting people with similar interests.

7. Advanced Search

You can add an Exceptional advanced search feature in your app for people to explore from dating to friendship everything.

In the vast pool of dating, it is necessary to put forward such an option that helps them filter narrow down searches, and meet like-minded people.

People have become selective and have diversified preferences from astronomy to age, caste, gender, and many more.

Therefore, to enhance their experience with your app, it is necessary to offer them advanced search to help them get desired results asap.

8. Profile Performance Checker

A profile is the first impression that users have before swiping right or left. With the help of a profile performance checker, you can easily evaluate the profile which helps them to meet with the right partner quickly.

You can assist them in many ways as if the user is getting fewer swipes or matches you can suggest to them some ways like profile completion or writing an attractive bio to help them connect with others.

With the help of the right mobile application development company, you can integrate a profile performance checker in your app that can help newbies as well as previously experienced to make a profile that will aid them in more compatible matches.

9. Behaviour Analysis

Behavior analysis should be considered as a topmost feature that can help in increasing user time on your app.

The research on Behaviour analysis is based on different information including social media, pages visited, search preferences, and many more.

This was not possible earlier but all thanks to big data solutions and AI to make it happen. Now, Behaviour analysis can help in more advanced and efficient matching.

10. Profile Recommendation

Once user lists their hobbies, likes, or some common question, the data is utilized by the dating app to recommend such profiles that fall into line with others’ personality.

But by automating such profiles that share common interests, your user can have a good experience with the app and come again on the same app.

Such features in your app can make match-making more relevant and compatible.

11. Gamification

Gamification refers to adding game mechanics to your dating app solution. Gamification is a new norm in dating apps where to increase user interaction and engagement, users can take part in different games and get rewards in the form of points.

Gen-Z is taking the most interest in the dating world. Keeping that in mind, you can provide some fun activities for top profiles, swipe surges, and more.

12. AI-Based Video Calls

During the pandemic, when everyone was caged in their houses, it became to take the conversation to the next level. Therefore, people opted for video calls as a viable option.

Keeping that in mind, providing AI-based video calls is a great feature through which they can screen their dates and get to know better.

You can hire mobile app developers and get an AI-based video call feature integrated into your app.

This will foster a deeper connection and provide little help before the awkward first date.

13. Facial Recognition to Find Lookalikes

Talk about a commendable feature in your dating app and you can’t finish the list without the feature “Facial recognition to find lookalikes’.

Users can upload photos of different people including celebrities, friends, or their ex.

The dating app can utilize facial recognition and by locating key components of faces they can help user to find lookalikes who resemble their preferences.

By making use of advanced algorithms, you can get a unique feature for your app that helps the user to connect with someone they find attractive.


With the increase in online dating and more availability of options around them, people are rushing towards dating applications in search of a friend or love interest despite different races, sexualities, and preferences. This also increases the need for dating apps with modern tech that is filled with fun features.

In such a scenario, to keep up with the corresponding surge in demand and gaining a competitive edge is challenging. It requires high-user engagement and customer retention and to achieve that you need advanced and modern features that cultivate high engagement for you and promote more meaningful connections.

To assist you in that, we have compiled the best dating app features above to arouse your creativity and provide you with more options.

Maybe, you can even develop such a feature that can make your solution a “never-seen-before dating app”. The possibilities are endless, so jog your idea and develop a dating app with the help of a reliable dating app development company to create a remarkable and revenue-generating app.

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About the Creator

Rohan Singh

This is Rohan Singh, Chief Executive Officer at SemiDot Infotech, Top rated multi award winning software development company providing a full suite of services and solutions like website development, mobile application development

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