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Private water wells are generally shallow (less than 200 feet [60 m] deep). They are usually built with solid steel or heavy plastic liners with grooves that allow water to enter

By Sara White Published 4 years ago 4 min read

Private water wells are generally shallow (less than 200 feet [60 m] deep). They are usually built with solid steel or heavy plastic liners with grooves that allow water to enter. They usually contain underground aqueducts to prevent freezing. More than 15 million households (approximately 15% of North Americans) have private water wells to supply drinking water. Private water wells must be protected from contamination.

Consuming contaminated groundwater could cause illness.Groundwater contamination can come from many sources, including:

  • Filtration through landfills
  • Faulty septic tanks
  • Underground storage tanks
  • Fertilizers and pesticides
  • Runoff from urban areas

If your family gets drinking water from a private well, do you know if this water is safe to drink? What health problems could you and your family face? Where can you go for help or suggestions?

The information on this website will help you answer these questions.EPA regulates public water systems. However, EPA does not have authorization to regulate private drinking water wells. Private water providers are not subject to EPA standards. Some state and local governments do set rules to protect users of these wells.

Unlike public drinking water systems, private wells do not have experts who regularly check the water source and its quality before it is sent to the tap.

Households that use private wells must take special precautions to ensure.the safety of their drinking water providers.

Types of wells

There are three types of private drinking water wells.

  • Drilled wells are holes in the ground dug with shovels or backhoes
  • and are generally lined (ridged) with stones, bricks, mosaics, or other material to prevent collapse. Because they are generally shallow (approximately 10 to 30 feet [3 to 9 m] deep), dug wells have the highest risk
  • of contamination.
  • The bended wells are drilled hydraulically or beaten on the ground and drive water
  • from the saturated zone of water. Drilled wells are also shallow (approximately 30 to 50 feet [9 to 15 m] deep) and are at moderate
  • to high risk of contamination from nearby land activities.
  • The wells Volumetric are deeper (about 100 to 400 feet [30 to 122 m]) and,
  • usually, the lining pipe is of metal or plastic, which protects the water from the well of pollution sources. Volumetric wells have a lower risk of contamination. However, no well can be considered without risk of contamination.

Construction of the well

Proper construction and ongoing maintenance of the well are key to the security of your water supply. The state agent that licenses specialized water well contractors, the local health department, or a local water system professional can provide you with information about the well construction.

The well must be located in such a way that rainwater flows away from it. Rainwater can lift bacteria and dangerous chemicals from the Earth's surface. If this water accumulates near your well, it can infiltrate and potentially cause health problems.

Water well drills and well pressure tank installers must be well bonded and secured. Make sure your groundwater contractor is registered or licensed in your state, if necessary, and preferably certified.

If your state does not have an authorization or enrollment program, visit the resources of the National Ground Water Association for private well owners. EXIT AND DENIAL to find certified water well contractors near you. The National Groundwater Association has a voluntary certification program for contractors. Some states use Association tests as their assessment for authorization.

Keep your well safe

To keep your well safe, be aware of possible sources of contamination nearby. Check with your local health department or environmental program for distance requirements. Possible sources of contamination could include:

  • Septic tanks
  • Cattle land, silos, septic leach fields
  • Oil tanks, waterproof manure storage, and
  • fertilizer handling and storage
  • Accumulation of manure

Tips to keep your well safe:

  • Carry out well maintenance, detect problems early, and correct them to protect well operation. Many homeowners tend to forget the value of good maintenance until problems reach crisis level, which can be expensive.
  • Keep up-to-date installation and well repair records, as well as pipe and water analysis. Those records can help you detect changes
  • and possible problems in your water system. If you're having trouble, find a local expert to check your well construction and maintenance records.
  • Protect your well area. Be careful about storing and disposing of household and lawn care wastes and chemicals. Farmers and gardeners who practice properly minimize the use of fertilizers
  • and pesticides.
  • Take steps to reduce erosion and prevent runoff from surface water.
  • Often check underground storage tanks that contain heating oil, diesel, or fuel.
  • Make sure your well is protected from livestock, pet and wildlife waste.
  • house

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