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A Home Guide to Solar Panel Technology

Guide to solar panel technology

By Enrique HormilloPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

Statistics show that approximately 6% of American homes have already installed solar panels, while 46% of U.S. homeowners say they are thinking about installing one. Homeowners who power their houses with photovoltaic power technology receive multiple benefits, such as more affordable electric bills, higher home value, and reduced carbon footprints.

If you’re thinking about switching to a more sustainable energy source as a way to make your home more greener and more energy-efficient, this guide will break down everything you need to know about how solar panels work. Let’s get started!

What Is Solar Panel Technology?

Solar is the most accessible and abundant energy source on the planet. It uses energy from the sun and converts it into consumable electricity. Either the sunlight is directly used as thermal energy or with the help of photovoltaic cells in solar panels and transparent photovoltaic glass.

Solar panel technology is the central means of collecting solar energy. It contains a large quantity of photovoltaic cells that converts photons (the tiny packets of energy released from the sun) into electricity. The photovoltaic (PV) technology used to turn sunlight into electricity can provide power for lighting and air conditioning systems of residential and commercial establishments.

Solar panels are usually large and flat objects that are installed on top of your home, which is commonly seen on the roof. If you’re planning on getting solar panels, you should take note of your roof’s surface and measurement.

How Does It Work?

The idea of solar power is simple: turning the natural energy coming from the sun into electricity with the help of solar panels.

Solar panels are created by putting together solar cells, also known as PV cells. These cells carry a thin semiconductor wafer manufactured from two layers of silicon: one that is positively charged, and the other is negatively charged. Moreover, the panels are also built with a metal frame, a glass casing with a special film around it, and wiring that enables current from the solar cells to flow freely.

The transformation of energy is called the “photovoltaic effect,” which is the basis for solar panel technology. It is when the solar panels soak up the photons and the energy they generate allow electrons to let loose into the electric field generated by the solar cells. Then, the electrons turn into a current, generating electricity.

The electricity fed into a solar inverter converts direct current (DC) into usable alternating current (AC), which is the form of electricity that can power up homes, offices, and other establishments—and even machinery.

Is My Home Suitable for Solar Panels?

Many homeowners think that as long as you have a roof, it can qualify for solar panel installation. However, there are cases where rooftops may not be suitable for installing solar panels due to age or excessive shade on the roof. Moreover, the size, shape, and incline of the roof are also important factors to consider.

On the bright side, you can still make use of the power of solar panels even if your roof isn’t suitable or you don't own your home. Ground mount solar and community solar installation are two ways you can access solar power without using your roof. Ground mount solar installation allows you to install your solar panel system on an open space within your property, while community solar gardens gather members of the neighborhood to share a solar panel system.

The cost of solar panels varies depending on how many of them you wish to purchase and if there is any other electrical work necessary to make your house suitable for solar power.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Now that you know the fundamentals of solar panel technology, it’s time to deliberate on the positives and negatives.


● Lower electricity bills - As mentioned earlier, using solar panel technology can reduce (or potentially eliminate) your electricity bills. Electricity is one of the biggest costs of maintaining a home, and with the number of appliances and other electrical devices you own that needs power, the monthly cost can ramp up quickly.

With the right application, switching to solar can dramatically reduce your electricity consumption. While it requires a decent investment, the savings it brings for the long term can pay you back in no time.

● Energy security - The sun rises every day, and it’s something that cannot be bought or stopped from functioning. That said, when you go solar, you’ll never have to worry about connection interruption or power outages. Moreover, since solar energy cannot be commercialized, you don't have to worry about rising costs.

● A clean and reliable energy source - Since solar panel technology largely depends on the sun, it serves as a consistent source of energy. As long as it absorbs the sun’s rays, it has the ability to convert sunlight into electricity. The best part is you don't harm Mother Nature while using its natural resources.


● Costs a lot to install - The primary downside of installing solar panels is the cost since it can be expensive. The upfront cost of installing them can make you think twice about going for it, but know that the price has significantly decreased over the years. Additionally, solar panels have a lifespan of 25 years. That’s 25 years of low electricity bills. When you think about how much you can save on your energy bill with solar power, the long-term savings will outweigh the initial cost.

● Dependence on sunlight - Since solar panels rely on sunlight to generate power, that means they cannot work during the night, so this is when you use commercialized electricity. There will also be cloudy days, which can decrease the amount of power you can get from solar. However, you can preserve the efficiency of your panels by using a battery to store power, which you can use come night time.

Different Types of Solar Panels

There are different types of solar panels you can choose from, and the main types are as follows.

● Monocrystalline solar module: This is the oldest form of solar panel technology, and thus, the most developed type. It takes less space than polycrystalline panels but can provide the same efficiency.

● Polycrystalline solar module: This can be recognized for its bluish solar cells. It is built much simpler, which makes it a lot cheaper. However, more space is necessary to install this type of panel as you tend to need more of them.

● Thin film solar cells: Compared with the first two, this type is made from a variety of PV materials, including silicon and cadmium. These can be produced as a whole and can be more flexible.

Switch to a More Sustainable Energy Source

While the installation of solar panel systems doesn’t come cheap, it has never been more accessible and affordable to homeowners in the past years. As improvements in the solar panel technology continue and the cost of going solar drops, it’s time that you consider switching to this source of power generation.


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