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A Glimpse into the world of writing

Some untold truths about writings.

By Payal MotlaPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Hey do you write? Not really, is the general answer. But you must have never thought of taking up writing professionally. I am sure, your opinion will definitely change after reading this article.

Why should I write? And the answer is:

1) Writing is any outlet of your buried pain:

Often times we choose to ignore our pent up anger, frustration, depression, irritation etc. All these things negatively affects our emotional and mental health. When you choose to write your feelings and emotions down like, "Why am I feeling irritable?" or "Why am I depressed?". You have chosen yourself over the negative emotions and prioritized your health. Writing allows you to the required "ME TIME" that we don't easily get in this fast paced world full of distractions. So once you write these negative emotions are out of your body system freeing up the space and making you much more relaxed and at peace with yourself. That's my personal experience which I am sharing with you.

2) Writing allows you to overcome your failures:

For a very long time, I had been trying to accept my career failure. I could not clear my Final exams of Chartered Accountancy. I somehow could not accept that fact and was not able to get out of a sense of failure or looser that I was. It was not being able to get out of my system. That's when I started writing. I still remember that lonely night once all were asleep, I started writing about my failure. I don't know why I was crying as I was writing about them but you know what, after that incident , I felt much better. So sometimes its better to write as the pain and failures need to get out of your system.

3) Writing is therapeutic:

We have never really understood the power of writing. It is really therapeutic to write down your thoughts, emotions and how you feel. You can really see that your emotions and feelings can be taken out of your system through writing. It forces them to be out of your body clock. This leaves you in more relaxed and peaceful state. Also with regular practice of writing, you even start knowing yourself in the process. That's growth or maturity maybe.

4) Writing gives you the required "ME TIME":

To my surprise, writing has been the best thing that has happened to me since it has allowed me to spend time with myself. It has helped me in knowing my thoughts, my emotions and how do I feel. What are my goals, how do I wish to live my life, what are things that I enjoy, how do I plan to give back to my community and society in general. I am sure these thoughts will also come to you but only in your alone time with yourself. This has made writing more valuable to me.

5) Writing brings a sense of Balance:

Writing helps you to release your emotional outbursts, be it frustration, depression, irritation etc. Any overwhelming emotions and feelings that you have, gets released through writing. This leaves you as a more calm and composed person whose emotions are in balance. Any emotionally instability, whether positive or negative emotions, both are not good for us especially for decision making. Regular writing practice helps you to become a more calm and balanced person which otherwise you could not become. This helps in better self awareness, inter personal relationships and relationship with yourself. You are at much peace and at ease because of this.

So having shared some of my personal thoughts of my new found love of writing, what do you thing ?

Will I have one more writer on vocal after this!

Happy Writing!

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About the Creator

Payal Motla

I am a Financial geek, a Passionate content creator, a writer & a Trainer by heart. I would love explore the possibilites.

My instagram account @payalmotla

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