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A Future worth planning for

Where do you see yourself in 5 years

By Emily EdwardsPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
A Future worth planning for
Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash

It’s an often asked question not only in job interviews but also in the business world. At least one of them, the other being what are you doing. Whenever I used to come across this question. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? It is a hard question to answer; I got so stumped.

I did not know; it was hard to plan even my week. And before I started planning my weeks, it overwhelmed me by the day-to-day humdrum of life. Which is actually why one day I had enough and took the plunge. Planning is so freaking outstanding; we use it every day. Most people don’t notice it or even think about it. Like the to-do lists we conjure daily is a part of the planning process. And all of those post-it notes we make or any list, the same thing.

It’s the first step in becoming more organized. If there is anything you are going to learn about me is that I love to organize. Heck, I would say I am obsessed with it. I mean, who shouldn’t be? It helps the world run smoother.

Earlier this year, I bit the bullet and got a planner. It got so awful that I was standing there debating. I had it in my hand, and after waiting for what felt like an eternity. It found its way into my cart. It’s one of those weekly/monthly planner that usually goes for two years. But it is wonderfully cheap. It only cost me about $7 at Wal-Mart.

At first, it is daunting, but since I have used it about six months ago. It has been a lifesaver. It also made me realize how much we can get done in a day if we put our minds to it. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Why not use them to our full advantage.

But how is a question best answered in another post. What have we got to lose? The time is going to pass, anyway. That’s the beauty of it, and we can choose to do it all or sit on our butts and play on our phones.

I think it’s important to have goals in our life. If we do them, at least we have them. It also vastly affects our lives and happiness. Having a life goal or many can be a powerful motivator. Also, it can help us find our purpose in life. What’s outstanding is we all have one. We need to realize it. However, some start the journey too late in their minds. The most important thing is that they found it. Instead of just wasting their precious life away. Here are some of mine. I hope they will help inspire you as you do yours from the questions below.

It is a dream of mine to be a successful blogger or writer. Over the past few years, I have accrued a lot of experience—both great and downright horrifying. I want to share said experiences with the world. And let others out there like me know they are not alone. Even with my few failed blogs before. I have learned from others that it’s the heart to heart that counts.

Another benefit is that it would help with bills and such. But don’t think for a minute that it is my sole purpose with blogging. It’s that way with a lot of bloggers I have met out there. My favorite part about blogging is that it’s an evergreen industry. Meaning there is so much to learn. And it’s almost in a constant state of evolution.

I love writing and the freedom that comes with it. It’s so very wonderful to allow people to see the world through your eyes. However, it is a hard thing to do. The result is worth the effort. I truly believe that there is a story in all of us waiting to be let out. Whether that is writing a fantasy book or our biography, it’s a story that only we can tell and one that will help others on their path. That’s one passion I have, and another is editing. Call me weird, but it just irks me to no end when I can’t properly read a story.

Another way a planner would help is to travel. I hate sitting still; ask my family. I have a bucket list to knock items from, and it grows almost everywhere I go. The sad part is my husband and in-laws are content with where we live. And I am okay with it. But I still yearn to see more than just trees, horses, and the big city near us.

I often daydream about visiting exotic places, with or without my family. Enjoying the city, or the scenic mountainsides, or the vast ocean. Because there is more to this world than just a forest of trees and houses dotting the landscape, and they have proven it to create well-rounded individuals. As they travel through different cultures. I think it because they expose you to things outside of your comfort zone.

I seem to have a knack for it. And I want to simplify it for others. I love helping others to learn and grow. Especially for something as simple as editing. I understand I am, what seems to be, the only one who loves it. But I think once you see how simple it is. You will learn to love editing too. I know many people hate editing with a passion and think it’s a nuisance.

But look at it as a means to grow and learn. I also think that others need to relearn grammar. Not that I am judging. Just observing that we as humans forget a lot as we age. And grammar along with editing is one of them. Also, have you seen the shorthand for texting these days? I always inwardly cringe when I do.

I don’t particularly appreciate having a lot of baggage. Mentally, emotionally, or even physically. It leads to being exhausted all the time. And it scientifically proved some mental illness stem from having too much stuff. Looking at you, hoarders of the world.

I also think that others can benefit more from being minimalistic. I am not saying get rid of everything—just the extra crap lying around with no proper use at all. And honestly, I believe life would be better for everyone. If they realized how much of the stuff, we have or own is completely worthless.

I crave isolation, and I hate living with other people. All I want to do is get an RV or a place away from civilization. Call it my anxiety or being an introvert. I don’t care for many people or parties, with only a few exceptions. I would love to have a few more dogs and my hubby, of course. But to know that I don’t have to pay rent anymore to a landlord, rv-ing is such a freeing thought. Also, to get out of living under other people’s roofs is about 90 percent of my life so far. I love my family, and I am grateful for the help. Despite that, who doesn’t want to live on their own.

These are a few of my goals for the next 5 years. Mind you, they are personal life goals and not meant for everybody. But hopefully, this helps you get on the right path to better focus and less meandering. Because going through our daily lives can get pretty dull if there is no goal. So my first challenge is to figure out what you want your life to be like in 5 years or even 10 years. Then work your ass off to get to that point. But write them down in a notebook or something like that. Or else you might forget and lose your way.

If you don’t know what you want, then all I can say is look inside yourself. And ask yourself three questions about whether money and time were not a reason. What would I want to do? What career would I choose if nothing was stopping me? And, what could I accomplish in 5 years? You will soon see just how much your goals will come to light. That is my second challenge for you.

how to

About the Creator

Emily Edwards

Hi everyone. I live on a farm in the wonderful state of colorado, usa. When i am not working on said farm. I am writing to my hearts content. I love sharing it with everyone. I have always believed that every person has a inner story.

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