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7 Ways to Lower Your Electricity Bill This Winter

The holiday season also makes for a great time with family and friends, but winter doesn't bring good cheer everywhere.

By Marshall StevensonPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
7 Ways to Lower Your Electricity Bill This Winter
Photo by Alessandro Bianchi on Unsplash

For those who love the winter, it's a great time to be free of bugs, enjoy hot drinks and food, and play in the snow. The holiday season also makes for a great time with family and friends, but winter doesn't bring good cheer everywhere. In fact, it can be downright unkind to your electric bill, even more so than summer.

There are several reasons winter tends to raise electric rates more than other seasons, with the main one being the often extreme difference between the outside and inside temperatures. Here are some of the best ways to keep your winter bills under control.

1. Dress for the Season

This may seem like an obvious point, and there's little doubt you're putting on your coat when you're going outside, but if you want to save on your heating bill, it's important to layer clothes inside as well. This could be something as simple as wearing a housecoat, or you might decide to wear thicker winter socks or keep a blanket nearby at all times. If your core is warm, the rest of you will be warmer as well, and there are plenty of low-cost methods to keep you from resorting to turning up the heat.

2. Install a Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat can be controlled with your smartphone or any other connected device, and you can even program it with a heating schedule. This way, you can make sure your house is heated during the hours you're home without having to worry about wasting energy when you're not. While you can install one yourself, it's a good idea to contact electricity providers to make sure your system is compatible.

3. Check Your Airflow

One of the worst things you can do during the extreme season is block your air vents, so make sure they're clear of furniture or other obstacles. You should also regularly check your air filters to make sure they're clean. Test your doors and window seals for drafts as well, since letting in the cold this way can wreak havoc on your electric plan.

4. Use Portable Heaters

You likely already know not to bother with central heating in uninsulated rooms like garages, but if you spend a good amount of time in such rooms or in a personal workshop, your best option is to get a portable heater for these areas. These are typically energy-efficient, and you should have little trouble finding one that fits your needs for the best price. You can even use them in your house if you spend most of your time in one room to give your HVAC system a break.

5. Check Your Insulation

Speaking of insulation, this is important to check on, especially if this is your first winter in a new place. Insulation is important to keep rooms comfortable during all seasons, but an uninsulated attic can be particularly devastating during the winter. If you notice one room in your house is unusually cold compared to the others, this could indicate an insulation problem. It's possible the room was never insulated properly, or it may have been poorly repaired following damages.

6. Embrace Energy-Efficiency

If you have outdated appliances, it may be time to replace them with more efficient and eco-friendly options. Your water heater, as well as your washer and dryer, tend to use up the most of your electric utility, so keeping these units up to date is advisable. Your lighting also tends to be a significant chunk of your electric expenses, and simply switching to more efficient bulbs and turning the light off when you leave the room can make a noticeable difference.

If you're looking for a more complete change, you can research renewable energy options, like solar energy, and electric companies that can help you set them up. If environmental friendliness is a big concern, you might consider a better option for other tasks, like using reusable produce bags instead of plastic bags.

7. Switch Electricity Suppliers

Sometimes you can just find better deals with other companies. Switching to a company that offers even a few cents less for kilowatts per hour can easily translate into hundreds in savings over the course of a year. Compare electricity providers with iSelect to see if there are better deals available to you. You also may be able to switch to a fixed rate from a variable rate plan or even receive improved customer service and incentives.

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