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7 Sleep Resolutions to Make a Better 2022

Take more breaks. Taking regular short breaks, rather than always working for long stretches, has been shown to boost productivity and creativity.

By Mohammad Zahidul IslamPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

1. Clean out your closet. Articles from the Health section include 'Cutting Edge Treatments', with articles on genetic disposition to becoming an alcoholic, the drug Mir vet, and the drug Antaeus. Novelty items have been a frequent feature of the journal, including fake correspondence between fictional characters and articles with titles such as The Man Who Fell Through the Earth, The Penguin of Death, and The Man with Three Legs. The term 'hilarious' has been used concerning the title of one paper.

2. Wipe your kitchen counter. A counter can have an intense effect on whether you have a productive day or an unproductive one. One study found that people's perceptions of productivity, in terms of the number of tasks they completed and the quality of their performance, significantly improved after a 9-inch kitchen counter was removed from the room. Another study had participants build an electronic compass by rearranging blocks on a floor. The researchers found that participants who built the compass were significantly less likely to switch to a 'go-nowhere' task. These types of data point to the potential impact of the environment on job performance.

3. Stop 'Twitter farming'. Whether you're a prime minister, a member of parliament, or an office worker, being in the public eye, and having to make public appearances, can strain your ability to concentrate. Research has shown that a phone's ringer can reduce efficiency by an average of 18 percent, and an unanswered message can decrease productivity by over 8 percent. The solution is simple: if you're bored, put your phone on silent and leave it in your pocket or bag.

4. Replace your washing machine. When new washing machines arrive on the market, they're almost inevitably advertised as having 'no threads', 'no limescale', and 'no splashes'. The opposite is true. The researchers reported in the journal Environmental Science & Technology that the amount of washing water used by a typical American home doubles every 2.5 years and that it is responsible for producing 400 grams of treated wastewater. According to this research, one such machine can produce more than 3,000 liters of treated wastewater per day.

5. Stop using paper towels. While you may not realize it, you use about 100 paper towels a year. Paper towel use was found to lead to a waste of 12.5 kg of paper towels, and so a change of habit to a towel dispenser might lead to a savings of 40,000 towels per year. Even if a change to a roll-away dispenser costs a bit more upfront, it will save you money over the long term.

6. Change your seat. Sitting is a notorious productivity killer. A desk-based occupation can negatively impact productivity by about 22 percent. Researchers in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine found that long hours sitting at your desk were associated with higher blood pressure and an increase in heart rate. In terms of physical health, this study showed that the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease increased by 41 percent.

7. Take more breaks. Taking regular short breaks, rather than always working for long stretches, has been shown to boost productivity and creativity. One study showed that people performing complex work under time pressure were less creative if they were asked to complete their tasks in a non-task-oriented way. The results indicated that people performing tasks that were thought of as 'untask-oriented' produced more creative work. To stay productive in a complex, task-oriented workplace, regular breaks are the best solution.

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Mohammad Zahidul Islam

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