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6 Tips for Preparing Your Home to Keep Cool This Sydney Summer

Prep your home to keep cool this coming summer with these tips.

By Geminair SolutionsPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Summer in the Harbour City is one of the most anticipated in the country. For those who love getting a tan under the sun or those who enjoy the great outdoors, summer is the best season that they've been waiting for. On the other hand, the rest of the population who'd rather enjoy the comfort of their homes have been preparing their AC units all spring to help combat the upcoming summer heat.

Inevitably, the summer months can bring some of the highest energy costs into your household as you blast your air conditioning Sydney for better cooling. But if your AC would keep on running all season with its coldest temperature, it could ruin its lifespan and might cause a sudden unit breakdown.

The good thing is, there are other ways that might help you in preparing your home to keep cool during this coming Sydney summer. Check out the list below and start your preparation.

Put up your blackout curtains, blinds or shutters

Did you know that 87% of heat gained in your home is through your glass windows? Putting up blackout curtains, blinds or shutters on your windows and other parts of the house that are directly hit by the sun will help regulate the temperature in your home and you'll finally be able to enjoy the comfortable air from your air conditioning unit.

But if you have enough budget to spend before the summer comes, you can upgrade your windows and have it glazed. These are called energy-efficient windows as they will help reduce your energy costs, lessen the thermal temperature and will aid your house to have a brighter, cleaner, and healthier environment.

Set your thermostat on a timer

Turning up your thermostat in the morning is the best idea during summer. It may sound unusual and can cause a sudden skyrocket in your bills, but at night, you can set your thermostat timer to a lower temperature for a comfortable night's sleep. That alone can help reduce your energy bills by 10%. However, if you can afford to keep yourself the most comfortable by keeping your air conditioner on throughout the day, at least let a thermostat help you control the temperature inside your home.

Seal all gaps and holes

Before setting up your air conditioner ready for the near Aussie summer months, you should ensure to seal all gaps and holes in your house. These gaps are mostly found in your window sills, door frames, and other unnoticed holes that you might not be aware of. Sealing all those gaps ensures that the cool air will stay inside your house and keep the hot air just outside.

Make sure to keep your exhaust fan off

The role of an exhaust fan is to pull odours, fumes, and moisture from an area of the home. On the other hand, exhaust fans also pull the cool air outside. So, if you can cook without the need for an exhaust fan, then do so. As it will only make your air conditioner work even harder to give you the cool air that you need.

Close rooms that are not being used

Keeping all the cool air in the living area and closing all other rooms is one of the best and easiest practices to do. This will immensely help reduce your energy costs and power consumption because your aircon unit won't have to work harder to cool a bigger space than it needs to.

Use cotton fabrics

Picking the right fabrics to wear and to use around your house can also contribute to keeping it comfortable during the summer heat. Also, avoid wearing dark-coloured clothes and linens as it is a natural heat absorber. Choose to wear light-coloured ones so they can be more comfortable. It is also recommended to change your sheets into cotton fabrics to get a better night's sleep.


Before spring ends, make sure to have your air conditioning unit ready for summer. Aside from either a regular or seasonal maintenance, the tips listed above will help you keep the cool air inside your house and you'll be all prepped for the steamy summer heatwaves.


About the Creator

Geminair Solutions

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