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5 Top Natural Repellents for Deterring Frogs That Really Work

Best Natural Frog Deterrents

By Heather WhitneyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Have you ever had a frog invade your backyard? It's not a fun experience. Frogs can be very pesky, and they can destroy your garden in no time. If you're looking for some natural ways to keep frogs away, you're in luck.

Check out these five methods that are sure to help!

Why is Important To Keep the Frogs Away

Most people think of frogs as harmless creatures that are more likely to jump away than cause any harm.

However, there are some species of frogs that can pose a serious threat to humans and animals. These frogs usually have toxic skin secretions that can cause illness or even death if ingested. In addition, some frogs can spread diseases like Salmonella and chytridiomycosis, which can be devastating to local amphibian populations.

For these reasons, it is important to take measures to keep frogs away from areas where they could come into contact with people or other animals. This may involve removing potential breeding sites and using barriers to keep them out of certain areas.

While it may seem like a hassle, taking these precautions can help to protect both people and animals from the dangers posed by these creatures.

Top Natural Frog Repellents


Did you know that salt can deter frogs? It's true - a small amount of salt sprinkled around the perimeter of your home can help to keep these amphibians at bay. But why does salt work so well against frogs?

For one, frogs are highly sensitive to changes in their environment. Even a small change in the salinity of their surroundings can cause them stress. In addition, salt is abrasive and can irritate the delicate skin of frogs. As a result, they will often avoid areas where salt has been sprinkled.

So if you're looking for a natural way to keep frogs away from your home, reach for the salt shaker! A light dusting of this common household ingredient can go a long way towards keeping these unwanted guests at bay.

Coffee Grounds

One way to deter frogs is to spread coffee grounds around the perimeter of the area you want to protect. Frogs are sensitive to the acidic nature of coffee grounds, so they will avoid areas where coffee has been applied, enough to send them running in the other direction. What's more, the rough texture of coffee grounds can also be irritating to a frog's delicate skin.

Additionally, coffee grounds can help to improve the drainage and aeration of the soil, making it less hospitable for amphibious creatures.


Vinegar is an effective way to deter frogs. The acidity of the vinegar is toxic to frogs and other amphibians. Vinegar will burn the skin of a frog and cause frogging (skin shedding).

Vinegar also alters the pH of the water frogs live in, making it unsuitable for them to live in. If you have a frog problem in your garden, spraying vinegar around the perimeter of your garden will help to keep them out.

You can also add vinegar to ponds or other water features to make them less attractive to frogs. Just be sure not to use too much vinegar, as it can also be harmful to plants and other animals. Used in moderation, however, vinegar can be a helpful tool in deterring frogs from your property.

Essential Oils

While essential oils are typically associated with their pleasant aromas, they can also be quite effective at deterring frogs. Frogs are attracted to areas with standing water, which makes many yards and gardens prime real estate for these amphibians.

In addition, frogs are also drawn to the scents of certain plants and flowers. As a result, using essential oils that mimic the scent of these natural frog repellents can help to keep these creatures away from your property.

Citronella oil, for example, is often used as a natural mosquito repellent. But did you know that it can also help to keep frogs at bay? Similarly, lemongrass oil can also be used to deter frogs.

Black Pepper

Black pepper may be a common household spice, but it can also deter unwanted guests, like frogs. frogs are sensitive to irritating substances, and the active ingredient in black pepper, piperine, is no exception.

When piperine comes into contact with a frog's mucous membranes, it causes discomfort and temporary blindness. As a result, frogs will avoid areas where they sense black pepper. While this natural repellent won't last forever, it can give you some short-term relief from these pesky amphibians.


While there are many frog repellents on the market, not all of them work. However, the five natural repellents we’ve listed here have been proven to be effective in deterring frogs and keeping them away from your property.

If you’re having trouble with frogs invading your space, give one of these a try!

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About the Creator

Heather Whitney

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