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5 Easy Newspaper DIY Art-and-Craft Ideas For Kids


By Vishesh GargPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Newspapers are a common item in every house but once you are done reading, it finds a corner of your house and begins to pile up day after day. And eventually, you want to get rid of that messy stack. In the end, you either sell or throw them away. The newspaper can be transformed into beautiful stuff that can be creatively crafted from old newspapers. Here, in this blog, we are going to discuss some easy newspaper art and craft ideas that you and your child can make together.


For making envelopes you need Old newspapers, Glue and Scissors. Start with unstick the edges of an old envelope and trace the rectangle on the old newspaper and cut and stick the edges of the newspaper to create a new envelope and slide down colored paper cut-outs into the newly made newspaper envelope and glue the triangular edges together after this your paper envelope is ready.

Picture or Photo Frames

For making picture frames you need some Newspapers, Glue, Scissors, a Knitting needle, and thick cardboard. Start with cutting the newspaper into strips of 10-12 cm. After that, roll these strips around the knitting needle and glue the end tip to secure the roll tightly. Further, remove the knitting needle and make many such rolled strips. After doing this, flatten the rolled strips and start curling them to form coils, and glue the ends of each coil. For the frame, you have to cut the cardboard into two rectangles, one rectangle from the background, the other rectangle from the middle to create the narrow border or frame. Then, stick the newspaper coils along the bordered edge and paint it if you want to.

Newspaper Coasters

For this craft, you just need Newspapers, Scissors and Glue. First step is to cut the newspaper into strips and roll it along the knitting needle and curl it up to make coils and Instead of just using the single coil you can grab the next rolled strip and curl it beside the first coil. Until many coils are curled into each other just repeat the process. You can curl them in circular or square shape and paint your coasters or decorate them in any way you like.

Paper Bags

For making paper bags you need Newspaper, Ribbon, Glue, and Fancy colored paper or lace paper. Firstly, Cut the newspaper into a long rectangle and fold its two edges to meet overlap at the center. Then use the folded line to split both the sheets to form two long edges and two short triangular ones at the corner. The folded bottom will become an elongated hexagon. After this, glue the overlapping edges and wait for the glue to dry, and gently open the bottom with your hand. You can put your gifts into the bag and can make holes in the lace paper to insert the ribbon and tie a bow.

Woven Basket

Grab Newspapers, Scissors, and Glue/ribbon to make a woven basket. Firstly, fold each newspaper sheet into half and then quarters into eighths longitudinally. Once you have enough folded strips start weaving and continue weaving until you have the bottom of the basket done. After that, turn the folds vertically and continue weaving and at the corners, bend the strips before continuing. You can decorate the top with a ribbon to complete the basket.

The above-mentioned are some interesting crafts with newspapers and if you wish to buy some of these essential craft items for yourself, don’t forget to visit TrueGether, one of the best eBay alternatives.


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