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3 minutes workout before sleep to slim down your legs

What you should do to make your legs slender

By Emmanuel Uchechi Published about a year ago 3 min read

y, but this show has been a tremendous help to me! It aids in the reduction of fat deposits on the knees and hips, even in individuals who are already slim. Our workouts target the front, back, and inner parts of your thighs. Say goodbye to those thunder thighs! The best part? You can do these exercises right from the comfort of your own bed or couch, and it only takes three minutes! Let's begin with exercise number one: "Toning the Front of the Thighs." To perform this exercise, lie on your back with your arms by your sides. Raise your legs so that they form a 90-degree angle with your body, pointing your toes. Keep your knees as straight as possible. Now, bend and straighten your knees one at a time towards your body. Make sure your hips stay still, and maintain the 90-degree angle at the hips. Repeat this exercise ten times on each leg. Ready to give it a try? Let's go! This exercise not only tones your quads but also engages your knees and abs. Remember to keep your knees together and your thigh muscles tensed. Feeling the burn? That's a good sign that you're doing it right! Three, two, one... Well done! Now, let's move on to the next exercise: "Toning the Back of the Thighs." This exercise consists of two parts. The first part is similar to the previous exercise, except your toes won't be pointed. Start by lying on your back with your legs raised and your toes pulled towards your body. Keep your knees together and bend them one by one. Your toes should always be pulled towards your body, and your heels should touch your buttocks each time you bend your leg. Repeat this ten times for each leg. Ready? Let's begin! This comprehensive exercise tones both the front and back of your thighs, as well as your knees and abs. Keep up the good work! One last time... Now, let's move on to the second part. Great job! The initial position is lying on your back with your legs raised. However, this time, leave your knees slightly bent. Swing your legs towards you by lifting your buttocks off the floor and flexing your leg muscles. Repeat this 20 times. And go! Raise those butts off the floor, no cheating! If you feel tension in your hamstrings and a slight burning sensation, you're doing everything just fine. This indicates that the exercise is working as it should. No pain, no gain! Just a few more seconds... Done! Now, the final exercise awaits you. Exercise number three: "Toning the Inner Part of the Thighs." Last but not least, we'll target the inner portion of your thighs. Lie on your back with your legs raised, but this time, cross your right ankle over your left one. Both legs should be tense and pressed against each other. Bend your knees out to the sides in a "plié" motion, and then return to the initial position. Repeat this ten times with your right leg over the left, and ten times with your left leg over the right. Let's get started! This exercise is incredible for working and toning your upper legs, buttocks, and abs. Make sure to keep your legs flexed and pressed against each other throughout the exercise. You should feel the pressure in your legs to know that you're engaging the muscles effectively. We're almost done... And that's it! You did it! Wasn't so bad, was it? save this article so you can always come back to it every day and do these exercises with me. You won't be disappointed with the results. Thanks and remain blessed.

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