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100 Social Distancing Activities pt.1

Fun things to do when the Apocalypse is Nigh(or when it feels like it)

By Gabrielle FoxPublished 4 years ago 6 min read
Photo by Charlota Blunarova on Unsplash

Guess what? … I’M STRESSED!

I know I'm lucky to be home and healthy but I think it’s also important to acknowledge that even when we're home and healthy we can still be stressed, confused, or just blatantly scared. There is so much going on in the world right now, and focusing on all of it is a lot! Thus, it is essential we find ways to put it all down, even for 10 minutes a day. We're human, and we have to start letting ourselves be human.

I've had… a fair amount of time on my hands so I've made an extensive list of fun, random, obscure activities for when you don't have the mental space to try and creative. Be well, and let's get weird with it. <3

Fun things to do when the Apocalypse is Nigh

***All of the following gifs are from***

1. Netflix Party. Sync your Netflix with your friends, family, neighbor's dogs, whoever! And watch something together. (Bonus points if you have a projector!)

2. Marie Kondo your LIFE. You know that book about “keep what sparks joy, let go of what doesn’t.” I recently did this to my room and L.OV.E.D. it! I highly recommend undertaking this adventure, it helps you feel accomplished, it occupies your mind, and it kinda puts life in perspective. (the book is called the life-changing magic of tidying up, by Marie Kondo.)

3. Tell Zoom Ghost Stories. Just because we don't have a bonfire with friends doesn’t mean we can't tell ghost stories. Go get creeped out… in a good way?

4. Crack a book! Please take up the lost art of reading for fun.

5. Make a Vision Board. A vision board is the love child of scrapbooking and goal setting. Pinterest some inspiration, think about your goals and go for it!

6. Make a list of everything you’re going to do when this is done. Who's the first person you’re going to hug? Are you going to party? Travel? Move yourself into your friends house so you never have to be separated again?

7. Take a bubble bath. This does not need an explanation.

8. Meditate. Seriously download a guided meditation app or do a session one on Spotify/apple music. This is not a request. (P.s. apps like Headspace are giving discounts, free trails, or free access to meditation packs about how to cope during this time.)

9. Yoga. Find your inner Zen and finally be able to touch your toes? Score.

10. Online shopping. I mean… ya can’t go to the store now! Just be hygienic when your goodies arrive.

11. Draw. Fun fact drawing can be a form of meditation. Google “Zentangles” trust me.

12. Game night! If you live with roommates break out the games! If you don’t live with someone but still have board games, video chat someone and play! Games like Never have I ever, and Taboo might be the easiest to play virtually.

13. Learn Origami.

14. Give yourself a manicure/ pedicure.

15. Watch your favorite childhood movies. The nostalgia! The jokes that you GET now! May I suggest Emperor’s New Groove, this movie aged well!

16. Cook! Comfort food? Always a good idea.

17. Take up running.

18. Make yourself a new Schedule. Help yourself find some flow, literally write out how you would ideally like your days to go now.

19. Host a Comedy Night. I KNOW you have some funny/bizarre stories. Write it down, have a friend write theirs down and swap!

20. Gratitude Journal. Today I’m grateful for warm socks fresh out of the dryer.

21. Take up witchcraft… or just reread Harry Potter.

22. Skype/Zoom Dates with your Besties. Ya know what’s nice? Human contact.

23. Choreograph a dance. I am thisclose to downloading Tik Tok and making my sister learn dances with me.

24. Download a dating app out of sheer blinding boredom.

25. Go for a walk. If it’s safe. Remember 6 feet or one Leonardo DiCaprio apart.

26. Go for a drive. If you have a car… obviously.

27. Write letters to your friends. My friend recently mailed me a postcard and it was too cute!

28. Get up early and watch the sunrise.

29. Go stargazing. Got a telescope? Binoculars? 20/20 vision or glasses? Go look at the stars. Let’s remember how big the universe is, how small we are, and yet we’re all here together.

30. Complete a Goal. However big or small, start that goal you’ve had in the back of your mind this whole time!

31. Make Dreamcatchers. It is truly an art! Even if you just have a hula hoop and some yarn, get crafty.

32. Exercise! Can we just acknowledge how nice it would be to come out of this with abs or poppin’ calf muscles? Like yeah... I’m an athlete now!

33. Play videogames. Again… no explanation needed.

34. Plan your dream vacation. And figure out how to take one once this is all over...

35. Start a Side Hustle. You got some free time? Like I have to ask! Find a way to make it work for you online!

36. Catch up on Sleep. It is estimated that it takes 2 weeks to catch up from sleep deprivation.

37. Face Masks! I aim to come out of this with glowing skin… once the stress acne clears.

38. Start a virtual book club. *adjusts fake reading glasses*

39. Write a 5-year plan. It can def feel like time is slipping by, especially when you can’t leave the house! So let's look at the big picture and plan figure out how to achieve our goals despite all this.

40. Make funny videos. On Snap, Tik Tok, whatever! Even if you just make yourself laugh, it’s 100% worth it.

41. Reenact movie scenes with your roommates. I'm seriously considering recreating the bike scene from E.T. with my sister… I just need a bigger basket.

42. Have a mini- picnic!

43. New Movie Showing. Find out the premiere dates for upcoming releases on Netflix/ Hulu/ Amazon/ Disney+, put it in your calendar and plan a showing.

44. Get Some Sun. Open your curtains, window, go outside, etc. It does wonders for your mental state.

45. Eat Fresh Fruit.

46. Foster an Animal. This might be out of reach for most, but if you have the ability and want to foster an animal, consider it! Animal shelters are struggling to care for their pets, also having a pet does wonders for one’s mental health.

47. Build a Fort. Just because we’re adults doesn’t mean we shouldn’t build forts, it means we can make even BETTER forts!

48. Go on a media diet. Our mental health is super effected by what we take in and watching news story after news story about the pandemic, can definetely take its toll! Try to set a limit on your news check in's. It could be once a day, it could be once a week!Whatever you have the emotional space for, do that!

49. Have “Brinner”. Concept: Breakfast for dinner. Waffles, pancakes, omelets!

50. Have a Solo Dance Party.

*I KNOW you're tired of scrolling. See part 2 for the other 50! … ya know, when you're ready... no pressure*


About the Creator

Gabrielle Fox

Chicana. Feminist. Writer.

I aspire to be real, not perfect.

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