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10 Practical Tips to Get Back to Reading Again

how to get back to reading again

By Mohideen Abdul katherPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Reading is an essential part of our lives, as it provides us with knowledge, entertainment, and helps us improve our cognitive skills. However, in the digital age, with an increasing number of distractions and shorter attention spans, many people struggle to get back into reading. If you're one of them, don't worry, as there are several ways you can reignite your passion for reading. In this article, we'll discuss some practical tips to help you get back to reading again.

Start small

If you haven't read in a while, it can be challenging to jump back into a thick novel or a complex non-fiction book. Instead, start with something small, like a short story or a novella. This can help you ease back into the reading habit without feeling overwhelmed.

Set aside dedicated reading time

If you're serious about getting back into reading, you need to make it a priority. Schedule some dedicated reading time into your daily routine, even if it's just for 15-20 minutes a day. This will help you establish a habit and ensure that you make time for reading in your busy schedule.

Find a genre that interests you

If you find that you're not enjoying what you're reading, it can be tough to stick with it. Take some time to explore different genres and find one that interests you. Whether it's sci-fi, romance, or thriller, there's a genre out there for everyone. You'll be more likely to stick with your reading habit if you're reading something that you enjoy.

Mix it up

Variety is the spice of life, and the same goes for reading. Don't limit yourself to one genre or type of book. Mix it up and try different authors, styles, and formats. You might be surprised at what you enjoy.

Join a book club

Joining a book club is a great way to get back into reading. Not only will you have a group of people to discuss books with, but it can also provide you with some accountability. Knowing that you have to finish a book by a certain date for the book club meeting can be a great motivator to keep reading.

Set goals

Setting goals can be an effective way to get back into reading. Whether it's a specific number of books you want to read in a year or a goal to read a certain number of pages each day, having a target can help keep you motivated and on track.

Make reading a social activity

Reading doesn't have to be a solitary activity. Invite friends or family members to join you in reading. You can even start a book club with them. Sharing your reading experience with others can make it more enjoyable and rewarding.

Create a comfortable reading space

Creating a comfortable reading space can help you get into the reading mood. Find a quiet and comfortable spot in your home, like a cozy armchair or a corner of your bedroom. Make sure the lighting is appropriate, and you have everything you need, like a blanket and a cup of tea.

Disconnect from technology

Technology can be a significant distraction when it comes to reading. Try to disconnect from your phone, laptop, or TV while you're reading. This will help you focus and immerse yourself in the book.

Be patient with yourself

Finally, be patient with yourself. Getting back into reading after a long break can be challenging, but it's not impossible. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, and take it one step at a time. Remember that reading is a journey, and the most important thing is to enjoy the process.

In conclusion, getting back into reading can seem like a daunting task, but with a little effort and patience, it's entirely achievable. By starting small, setting

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About the Creator

Mohideen Abdul kather

as a lazy person, I often find myself spending hours just sitting and overthinking, but instead of letting that be a negative thing, I have turned it into a creative outlet.

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