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You Are The Last Hope For Humanity

Humanity is still live.

By ArJunPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Humanity is still alive, but only just. The dystopian world you were born into may seem hopeless, but it's up to you to change that. After all, there's nobody else who can save humanity from the edge of extinction! Will you succeed? Find out in this choose-your-own-adventure style guide on how to save humanity from extinction!

Life on Earth

Given its status as a relatively newly discovered planet, scientists have not yet been able to discover whether life has evolved on Mars. There is reason to believe that microscopic organisms could have existed in Martian lakes and rivers around four billion years ago. Today, however, conditions on Mars are too harsh for most forms of life to survive. Nonetheless, some people believe there might be microorganisms living deep beneath Mars' red surface even today - or evidence of extinct or ancient life forms that once thrived there. If these theories turn out to be true, it would indicate that we are not alone in our quest for survival - at least when it comes to our corner of space and time. It's possible that life exists elsewhere in our solar system, but we will need more advanced technology to find it. On Earth, there are many places where liquid water flows freely and organic molecules exist. It's also possible that microbial life could exist below ground, shielded from extreme weather by rock layers tens of kilometers thick. But what about other planets? How likely is it that extraterrestrial life exists? Is humanity really unique? Or will future generations uncover evidence of alien civilizations? Our best bet may be to search for signs of microbial activity on planets orbiting other stars (exoplanets). Although they're very different from Earth-like planets, they may harbor simple lifeforms similar to those found here on Earth.

Animals are disappearing fast

According to conservationist organization WWF, a shocking one third of all animals on Earth are threatened with extinction. If we continue to destroy their habitats and hunt them for trophies, many of these species will be lost forever. This is not only bad news for us - if we don't do something soon, it's possible that humanity could disappear completely as well. You are our last hope for preventing a mass extinction - what will you do? How can you help save some of these amazing creatures before it's too late? Let's brainstorm some ideas together!

Human population will become unsustainable in 30 years

Pollution, climate change, scarce resources, and political corruption will lead to mass famine and global war. Civilians are fleeing urban areas to escape persecution in a one-world government. They turn to you as their last hope for survival. You will travel as far north as Canada and south as South America in your quest to build an army of recruits strong enough to defeat your enemies. At stake is more than just humanity’s future—it’s yours too! It's time for humanity's last stand! Your home base is located in a new city that has been built on top of a mountain range overlooking all other major cities around the world. From here, you will recruit people from each country and train them into specialized units based on their strengths. You'll need to be creative with how you use your limited resources because every day brings new challenges: food shortages, enemy attacks, dwindling fuel supplies...and worse! Can you survive long enough to reach zero population growth? Will mankind live on? Or will it die out forever? Only time will tell...but it starts now. Your adventure begins today!

If there were no rules or restrictions: What would YOU do if there were no rules or restrictions? Would you become an astronaut or explore underwater worlds?

Nuclear weapons are spreading

Until recently, humanity didn't have to worry about nuclear weapons proliferating. Sure, everyone knew they existed and that there were a few rogue nations that wanted to use them, but we could all breathe a sigh of relief knowing that their deployment was far off into some distant future. Unfortunately, in recent years countries with long histories of animosity have acquired these devastating weapons and begun tinkering with them. Worse still, rogue actors are also getting their hands on them or could easily do so in short order. In short: It is no longer safe to assume nuclear weapons will be used only by large countries with tightly controlled command structures. And even those well-established nations are starting to lose control of them. What's more, it's now clear that these aren't just deadly military assets; they're powerful tools for blackmail and extortion as well. A single suitcase nuke can bring an entire country to its knees, forcing it to capitulate to demands like never before. If you're lucky enough not live in one of these countries (or if you've already been killed), then consider yourself lucky—you don't have to worry about your government being forced into terrible decisions because someone has a small nuclear arsenal at his disposal. But if you're reading this post from inside one of those unfortunate countries, then I'm sorry to say things are going downhill fast—and there's nothing you can do about it except get out while you still can.

Global warming

According to NASA, more than 93% of climate scientists agree that global warming is real and human-caused. So what's next? A lot of people think that because it seems like a low-probability event, we shouldn't invest much time or money in trying to stop it. According to data from a recent study published in Environmental Research Letters, 3.4 billion years ago life on Earth was almost entirely wiped out by an extreme greenhouse gas event that nearly boiled off all our planet's water and killed about two-thirds of its living things — a so-called snowball Earth scenario. If we don't do something now, you could be one of those two-thirds. And if you're not worried yet, here are some scary facts: The average surface temperature of our planet has risen 0.8 degrees Celsius since 1880 (1.44 degrees Fahrenheit). In 2015 alone, we saw record levels of carbon dioxide emissions and a record number of hot days worldwide. And as temperatures rise higher still, Arctic sea ice continues to melt at unprecedented rates — which may have far-reaching effects on ocean currents and weather patterns around the world (not to mention sea levels). What can you do? You can start by spreading awareness about global warming with your friends and family; after all, nothing changes until someone changes their mind.

Overpopulation will be critical in less than 20 years

What’s going to happen when we run out of resources? What will people do when there’s no more food and water? This is a real-life nightmare that experts are predicting will happen in less than twenty years. While you may not be able to control your immediate environment, what you can do is learn how to start a new civilization, just in case it comes down to that. These steps should help you get started. Good luck! (Link goes here) P.S: Got an opinion on starting your own civilization? Let us know about it in the comments section below... We’d love to hear from you!


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