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Writing Platforms Are Just Another Popularity Contest

And I've Always Been Socially Awkward!

By Analise DionnPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 6 min read
Writing Platforms Are Just Another Popularity Contest
Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash

Even though I first joined Vocal back in May, on a bit of a whim, thinking I'd prove to some friends that I'm not the incredibly talented writer that they seem to think I am, I've found myself on an interesting journey thus far. I seem to have fallen into some kind of rabbit hole and I don't know that there will be any turning back.

I certainly have many stories to tell. The idea of relatively quick publication and getting paid to have people read my work is a novel and attractive thought. I also have to admit that Vocal's challenges, offering relatively large cash prizes for themed work in varying genres, certainly provide an incentive to keep trying, while building on our skills as writers.

I signed up with my real name and submitted my very first piece to the 'Color is Pride Challenge'. The first draft I submitted was rejected, not for poor writing, but because of religious content.

I have to admit that I was somewhat taken aback. When I had read through Vocal's guidelines and perused some other writings on the platform, I had assumed that the 'No religious content' thing was meant more as a 'don't be preachy, presumptuous, and hateful', but I guess I was wrong. So I tweaked my poem and resubmitted this...

It isn't nearly as inspiring or powerful as the original, but it's still a decent poem. It didn't win the challenge. When I shared it on my social media it didn't garner many reads either. All of the feedback I received was quite positive and some of my friends seemed quite excited to see me take the leap.

In the back of my mind, I knew that the 'No religious content' rule was going to prove a bit of a challenge, but at first, I just left that thought swirling about the back of my brain. You see, without being able to share the spiritual side of my life's journey, it presents as a bit of a nightmare and it's anything but.

My 2nd piece, 'Saved by a Thread', was written for yet another challenge. Again, I didn't win but got some positive feedback from friends. Mind you some of the feedback made me realize that maybe I didn't really want the whole world connecting my family, friends, and me to my writing. The Summer Fiction Series challenge reinforced that thought and I switched to a pen name before I wrote any more.

Switching to a pen name meant that when I shared my writing on Social Media, I almost immediately stopped getting reads. It's not like I had a huge following, to begin with, but apparently, those who had been reading weren't interested in reading other people's work. That meant I was going to have to find other ways to build an audience if I was actually going to get paid for writing.

Let me note here that I'm not in this to become an overnight success. I don't expect to make millions by any means. It would, however, be nice to make enough from my writing to occasionally make a withdrawal from my 'Wallet'. I also need a little bit of feedback on this little venture if I'm going to continue on. So I did a little research and stumbled into a few writers' support groups on Facebook.

This is where I feel like I may be starting to shine, just a little bit. I don't think I'm making any huge waves, my highest read count on any given day barely broke 30. In the big picture that's barely a blip on the radar. The new friendships being forged, encouragement and positive feedback are what add a little sparkle to my day.

It still feels like a global popularity contest though. I find myself checking Facebook notifications more often seeking the approval and feedback from fellow writers. I desperatly want my work to touch someone, anyone.

I know that it would touch readers much more deeply if I could share the spiritual side of my stories. Faith is what brought me through all of the ugliness in my life. Spirituality is what allows me to hold my head high without bitterness today. Apparently though, that is a sensitive subject and Vocal seems to think it would end up being offensive.

Still I'm watching my popularity grow. It's evident as I watch my story stats and wallet. Slowly but surely my earnings are gaining momentum. In my first month I earned a whopping 10 cents from reads. In June, I started using a pen name and earned a measily penny. Thanks to the support from other Vocal members that I uncovered in those Facebook groups, each month that number gets just a little bigger. I'm almost certain that with a little effort I could easily double last months $1.14 earnings from reads. The key is in writing, then getting it out there.

Thankfully there have been several bonuses received along the way. Those boosted my earnings enough to actually make a withdrawal worthwhile. I'm just six months into this adventure and have earned back two thirds of my Vocal+ membership fee. Perhaps by the time my first year is up, I'll have paid for my membership and made enough to buy a meal. 🤷‍♀️

There have been a couple of tips received along the way, and let me tell you, THOSE really make my day! When people feel that my work is worth a little bit more than just a heart and subscribe I know I have touched them on some deeper level. That's the ultimate goal for me.

It's been interesting to watch the movement of my stories through my stats page. Stories written months ago creep slowly down the ratings. I can sometimes give them a tweak and a boost, but they still seem lost somewhere below the 'Top Ten'. Yet in the last month I have seen three stories soar into my 'Top Ten' in just a matter of days.

It's an intricate dance really. One must write, write, write. Then share... share it everywhere! Just sharing YOUR work isn't enough to get you noticed though... unless it's to piss people off. Fellow writers want to see that you are returning the favor. They want to hear your thoughts on their writing, too. They want to get to know you on a much more personal level, they don't just want to read and be read, they want to engage and connect.

I have always been a bit of an awkward duck. This 'social engagement' thing was never really my cup of tea. I much prefer to just stay hidden away, behind my pen name and a closed door on an isolated farm. Vocal has pushed me far beyond my comfort zone. I've never been 'popular'. I've been told, more often than I care to remember, that no one wants to hear what I have to say. I'm almost starting to think that particular tide just might be turning... At least my stats are starting to whisper that my popularity is growing. It's the gentle stroking my ego needs and on that note, I would just like to say thank you to all of my Vocal friends for supporting my journey 💞

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About the Creator

Analise Dionn

This life began with trauma. Now married, with 2 adult children and raising a grandchild with FASD/PTSD/ADHD. Navigating this very personal journey of healing with ADHD, thriving after a lifetime of abuse... all through the grace of God.

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