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What is Means to be an Author

So much more than this - Matthew Angelo

By Matthew AngeloPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
What is Means to be an Author
Photo by Thom Milkovic on Unsplash

Authors are creative thinkers with a knack for storytelling. They use the written word to express their ideas and share their stories with the world. The act of writing helps them organize their thoughts, build upon their own experiences, and tell other people's stories. The right words can feel empowering, allow us to escape our problems for a little while, or help us feel less.

The process of writing our ideas down on paper or in pixels is the best way to understand a subject and develop deep insights. It's how we come to know our world and ourselves. So, is there a best way to learn about the world and ourselves? Through the act of writing, of course.

By Aaron Burden on Unsplash

The Role of an Author

Being an author is much different than the roles we typically see. From a distance, it may seem as if an author just has to sit and write, but much more goes into the job. There are deadlines, research, and brainstorming that each plays a vital role in the process. An author can be anyone from a woman who writes children's books for a living to someone who only writes as a hobby.

The role of an author is to use their unique perspective or niche to provide a service or entertainment for those who need it. Authors often create books, write essays and articles, make speeches, and much more. It's not an easy job as you have to do all the work yourself. The end product is always a reflection of your own imagination and creativity.

By Patrick Fore on Unsplash

The Life of an Author

Being an author is a complicated and lonely process. To be an author means to create something from your words and put it on paper for the world to read. It means pouring your heart out onto each page of your book. It means being vulnerable and exposing your thoughts and feelings to the world, all while knowing that people will judge you for them. It's a process that many believe they're incapable of doing because they don't think they have what it takes.

By Wilhelm Gunkel on Unsplash

It's Tough to be an Author

I always tried to write my own stories as a child. I grew up reading Stephen King and books like Dragonlance and Shannara. The idea of seeing my name on the cover of a book or hearing someone say, "Oh, you're the author of _____" always felt like such a big deal to me. As I got older, I realized that being an author is not easy. It's not glamorous or exciting all the time, and it's hard work. This point hit home as I became a content writer.

Just because you want to be an author doesn't mean you have what it takes. To be a writer, you have to be willing to work hard and write a lot. You have to be dedicated and passionate about your writing. You have to be able to do this for an extended period, and you have to do this alone.

By NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Do Authors Research Their Books?

Aspiring authors are often asked if they do research for their books. Some say yes, some say no. Research is an integral part of anything produced by humans, including art, design, music, etc. Research is also critical for authors when they write their books. Books are products, but they are also art, and they are meant to be enjoyed and enjoyed by the reader. So as you are planning to write your book, or even if you are already writing it, you need to be sure that what you are writing is true. Even fiction needs to sound believable.

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About the Creator

Matthew Angelo

I am a traditional and self-published author and content/copywriter. I write in many genres like fantasy, urban fantasy, horror, romance, and science fiction.

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