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Unsung Heroes

Credit where credit is due

By JULIE GUERREROPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Day by day we acknowledge all healthcare workers for their tireless dedication in helping other people in both critical and terminal health survive to live another day. We also acknowledge the ones that are in grocery stores, Costco and Amazon Workers. Maybe once or twice transportation people that drive buses or trains. I keep thinking that is not enough. Who at times like these are we not giving enough credit to for doing their part? After a lot of thought, I would like to acknowledge the ones who have not been given enough credit (these are not in any particular order of importance).

1. To the teachers who struggle to adapt to the changing times to keep their student's attention. We all know it is easy to get distracted as a person, how much more for children, adolescents and early adults or maybe even the older adults.

2. To the garbage/trash collectors/recycling centers. Growing up in a third world country, I know what it is like when the trash is not picked up every week. Not everybody appreciates or thinks of this, but you guys matter a lot.

3. To the ones that ensure we have working electricity, water, phone, and internet. At this crucial time where everybody is doing their part to stay at home, we are grateful for keeping us sane. Without these services, we would not be able to educate or entertain our children, discover, and try new things like cooking or baking, or continue our work from home.

4. To the cooks and restaurants, even to the fast food chains, without you a lot of the people would not have a decent meal...unfortunately not everyone can cook even with the recipe, Alexa or Youtube.

5. To the government workers, you make sure everything necessary is processed like the stimulus checks, social security, Medicaid/Medi-Cal, cash aid, etc. Without them in the background, we would not be able to survive this long.

6. To the pets who keep us company and give us the happy moments and to mother nature who has been with us through thick and thin. There are multiple moments we seem to take you for granted but we know you are always there to support us like any parent would, even when their kids misbehave.

7. To Law enforcement and Military personnel, for ensuring order despite risking you and your families lives. We would never enjoy much of the freedoms we have right now that people are so proud to have.

8. To Non-profit organizations, Red Cross and the like, who work tirelessly to find a way to get donations whether cash, items, services, or blood, without you how would the other organizations, including hospitals, survive?

I know there might be a lot of others that I have not mentioned but I wanted to stress the most important group that I think make up 90% of the heroes: the ones who made it possible for all of the ones I mentioned above to give their all to this cause-THE ONES THAT STAYED AT HOME! You are the Unsung Heroes out of all of this. If 90% of the people didn't care about others, instead of just 100,000 people that died (not to make light of them dying), it might be the other way around, only 100,000 left alive. Now that is what chaos looks like. And so, from the bottom of everyone's heart that benefited from your sacrifice, THANK YOU. Without you, there would not be anything to look forward to if only one or two persons survived this whole pandemic.


About the Creator


Grew up in a middle income family, open-minded and have a great sense of humor. I make myself laugh most of the time, unintentionally. =)

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