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Trying to Get Out of The Desert

There is a story that there is a small village in the Western Sahara Desert, before it was discovered, it was a piece of the poor ridge, no one there has ever gone out of the desert. It is said that it was not that they did not want to leave there, but they tried many times but could not go out.

By BobbyPublished 2 years ago 16 min read
Trying to Get Out of The Desert
Photo by Tim de Groot on Unsplash

There is a story that there is a small village in the Western Sahara Desert, before it was discovered, it was a piece of the poor ridge, no one there has ever gone out of the desert. It is said that it was not that they did not want to leave there, but they tried many times but could not go out. When a modern Westerner arrived there and heard about it, he was determined to make an experiment. He walked north from the village of Beer and ended up walking out in three and a half days.

  After this incident, he finally understood that the reason why the people of Bair could not walk out of the desert was that they simply did not know the Big Dipper. Therefore, he told a local youth to get out of the desert. Just rest during the day and walk towards the northern star at night, you can get out of the desert. The young man did as he said, and three days later did come to the edge of the desert.

  The young man became the pioneer of the race, and his bronze statue was erected in the middle of the small town, with a line engraved on the base of the statue: A new life begins with a chosen goal.

  I don't know what this story can bring to you, what you think of when you read it.

  People who achieve relatively great success in any field almost always act in a way that points to the goals they set for themselves. With a goal, the inner strength will find a direction, and drifting without a goal will eventually get lost.

  1、There are goals to achieve success

  If we want to become a top student in learning, the first step to take is to set a goal to become a top students in learning.

  Because there is no goal there is no motivation, how high people can go depends on whether to find their own goals, only the right direction, to last and steady to go on is expected to reach the "top". A person without a goal, just like a ship without a rudder, can only go with the flow, can not grasp, and is finally stranded in despair, failure, and depression on the beach.

  The world-accepted definition of success is: success is the gradual achievement of a meaningful set of goals. The goal is the essence of the soul of success, and the achievement of the goal can almost be equated with success. Success guru Napoleon Hill once said, "Setting clear goals is the starting point for all achievements. Only 3% of the world's people can set their goals in life, which is the fundamental reason why successful people are always a tiny minority. Most people fail because they don't set clear goals and never take their first steps.

  According to the results of a study, 5% of Americans write their personal goals on paper and tell others, while the remaining 95% do not set goals. The reason for this is, on the one hand, the mindset and, on the other hand, the method, i.e., perhaps the fear of setting goals and then having them fall flat in the end and being laughed at by others in exchange for frustration. Others do not know the importance of goals or do not know the method of setting goals. When setting a goal, the most important thing is not "how" to achieve the goal, but "why" to set the goal.

  There is a tracking survey on the impact of goals on life at Taiwan University, the target is a group of young people with similar intelligence, education, and environmental conditions.

  The 25-year tracking survey found that their life situation is very different. 4% of people with long-term goals have hardly changed their life goals over the past 25 years, and they always work hard in the same direction; after several years, they have almost become the top successful people in all walks of life, and there are many white-knuckle entrepreneurs, industry leaders and social elites among them.

  9% of people with short-term goals live mostly in the middle and upper classes of society, and their common feature is that some short-term goals are constantly achieved, and their quality of life is steadily rising.

  61% of people with indifferent goals live almost in the lower middle class of society, they live and work peacefully, but have no special achievements.

  26% of those who have no goals, almost all of them belong to the lowest stratum of society, living a very unsatisfactory life, often unemployed, needing social assistance, and often complaining about others and society.

  The investigators thus concluded that goals have a tremendous guiding effect on life. Success, in the beginning, is just a choice, if you choose the goal, will have what kind of achievement, will also have what kind of life.

  2、How to set goals

    A goal is a situation or standard that you want to achieve. In the process of learning, once you set a goal, you will have power from deep inside and try to move forward toward the goal set. A goal, a hope, inspires people to keep pursuing progress upward. Therefore, to improve academic performance and efficiency, it is necessary to set very clear goals in the process of learning.

  (a) How to establish a learning goal that suits you?

  Generally speaking, determining one's own learning goals should conform to the following principles.

  (1) Follow your own will

  If you believe in yourself sufficiently, in a sense, you have the confidence and ability to engage in any activity and reach any goal. Once you dare to determine your own learning goals and devote almost all your energy to this goal, you are sure to get good grades in the exams and get into the desired university in the entrance exams.

  (2) Decide on your interests and strengths

  The goal is not necessarily set in stone, it can change with your strengths, not too high and not too low. One of the top students in the college entrance examination said: "In the first year of high school, I could only guarantee myself to go to Wuhan University; in the second year of high school, I changed to Renmin University; in the third year of high school, I locked my goal to Peking University and struggled more than that. I like this kind of catching up, going after the ideal of being far ahead, and in catching up, I learned that I am the master of my own free and easy life."

  (3) Let the goal draw you forward

  The goal should be able to motivate you to overcome all kinds of setbacks and difficulties, and strive for it, and can play a good role in disciplining and urging yourself.

 (ii) What kind of objectives should be established?

  Learning goals can be divided into two elements.

  One is the goal of learning or the overall goal of the learning stage. For example, do you want to know what you are studying for? For yourself, for your parents, or for others who need to be thanked and appreciated? To get ahead in the future, to go to college, to prove your worth? These are all good reasons. As long as you think that it can give you a source of motivation to push you in the direction you want to go and work hard, you can set it as your goal. It can be produced, which is a milestone in life.

  The second part of the learning goal is to achieve the first step goal. It is from this step-by-step goal that the overall goal of one's learning can ultimately be achieved. For example, what knowledge must I master in this lesson, what should I include in this day's review, what effect should I achieve in this month's study, as small as one hour, as large as one month, one semester, one year, all must have goals, only then can I not slacken, not relax, step by step towards my ultimate goal?

  (C) How to set goals

  (1) Determine your long-term goals

  Long-term goals in life, the result of a decade, two decades, or even decades of struggle for it, should be set more ambitious so that it is conducive to the development of their potential. However, due to the existence of certain uncertainties, life goals do not have to be very specific and detailed, as long as there is a clear direction for them.

  (2) Set medium-term goals

  Long-term goals are relatively distant, so they should be broken down into some medium-term goals, generally, medium-term goals can be three to five years, and high school students can "college entrance exams" as the boundary. For example, "what kind of university to enter after three years", etc.

  (3) Set short-term goals

  High school students can set their goals in stages according to the academic year and semester. Short-term goals should not conflict with the school's study tasks and should take into account the possibility of achieving each subject's study goals. In terms of time, short-term goals can be divided into school year goals, semester goals, half-semester goals, etc.; in terms of content, short-term goals can be divided into learning goals for various subjects such as math, language, foreign language, etc.

  (4) Analyze your current situation

  Setting goals outlines a blueprint for your future, depicting the time and requirements to reach your final destination, but how exactly to start is also based on your current situation. Therefore, it is important to fully analyze your current situation. For example, what are your strengths and weaknesses, how to give full play to your strengths and overcome your weaknesses, what is your potential in each subject, whether you have given full play to it, what is your performance in each subject, and how is your deviation, and how to remedy it, what is your study perseverance and diligence, what is your study method and study efficiency, and what improvements are needed, etc?

  (5) Make an action plan

  According to the actual situation of your learning potential, learning performance, learning method, and effort make your action plan, mainly to clarify what measures you will take in what areas. For example, in foreign language learning, you should invest more time outside of class, choose better English reference books, improve your reading ability and increase your vocabulary; in language learning, increase the number of books and newspapers read outside of class, gradually enrich your composition materials and improve your composition ability.

 3、Take immediate action and set out towards the goal

  Once our goal is established, we must take immediate action to implement it. Sitting still is never going to raise the grade. Want to achieve good results, want to become a talented student, you can not sit still, from now on, to "stand up! Take action! Do it now!" Because the soul of success is movement!

  The most imperfect action is a hundred times better than the best plan on the shelf.

  One of the most expensive costs of living is: waiting for tomorrow in everything. Don't put your hope in tomorrow, hope is always in today, hope is in now.

  Take action now! Only immediate action will make our dreams a reality. Only immediate action will allow us to surpass our opponents and surpass ourselves.

  I should also remind you that most people always vow to do something before they do it, but once they do it, they often only have three minutes to warm up, or "three days to fish, two days to sunbathe". Therefore, we have to persistently move toward the goal.

  (B) luck excuse syndrome

  Nowadays, there is an epidemic in society, people love to say "Good luck!" "You're lucky!" This kind of language as an auspicious word is unquestionable, but such words spread widely, especially among students, with this kind of thinking, to sum up, the reasons for their learning success or setbacks, which will have a negative effect, every exam down always someone said: "My luck is too bad, review the memory of things, not a test, special test I can not do down the question ". Some students who were late or smoked received critical words from teachers and said in a demoralized way: "I'm so unlucky, I was touched by teachers again". There are a few people who go to a fortune teller to draw lots to know their luck and believe it, making the luck excuse syndrome even worse.

  People who suffer from luck excuses often attribute their setbacks or failures to their bad luck, and instead of learning from their setbacks and failures and turning them into victories, they sit back and wait for good luck. In turn, it seriously hinders his learning progress, to the point that it must be cured. There are two ways to prevent and cure.

  First, accept the scientific concept of cause and effect. We all know the truth that you get what you sow and you get what you get. We also often say: "a little work, a little harvest", you can compare the success of learning with poor learning, to see what causes success and failure, and how much luck plays a role. Thus understand: good academic performance depends on hard work and good methods, never luck.

  Secondly, you should not think that you can get something without working. The fortune-teller can't predict your future. Only by yourself, by practice, by the scientific method, and by your struggle and struggle, is the right way to the road to success.

  (C) interest excuse syndrome

  Some students do not do well in a certain study, and the results are very poor, ask them what is the reason, and they will justifiably say: "I am not interested!" Some students say, "I have no interest in learning, I can't learn, I don't want to learn!" If you don't want to study, you can say you have no interest, and if you don't want to do something, you can say you have no interest in it.

  The main symptom of interest excuse disorder is an unwillingness to learn or unwillingness to do things, the essence is laziness: one is lazy thinking, unwilling to work on the content of learning, unwilling to memorize, more unwilling to use their brains to think, so they can not learn; second is lazy action, unwilling to do, more than hard work, even the basic homework tasks are not completed.

  It can be seen that the main reason for not wanting to learn or do something is laziness, not lack of interest.

  How to combat it?

  The first thing is to be diligent and conscientious. If you work hard and earnestly to learn, you will have gains and interest, and you will no longer use lack of interest as an excuse; secondly, you should correctly understand that interest is not innate, it is the result of hard work, and interest is cultivated later, formed in practical activities, and is constantly changing.

  (iv) Diligence excuse syndrome

  Diligence is an important factor for success in learning, but diligence is not the only condition for success. In addition to diligence, methods and intrinsic motivation are also needed for success. Some students one-sidedly emphasize the importance of diligence without regard to other important factors, and once they fail the exam, they still hold on to diligence, consume time, die studying, take pain as a consolation, and use it as an excuse, saying "I did my best, I can't help it if I can't learn". Some students forget to study and work hard, and can be called "desperate", but the effect is not cared about, only to seek comfort in the heart, "I tried! I've worked hard! I have no shame!" We say they are suffering from diligent excuse syndrome.

  How to prevent and control the diligent excuse syndrome?

  First, diligence plus method, based on diligence to pay attention to learning methods, improve learning efficiency; learn to remember and think, improve the quality of learning; firm grasp and flexible use of knowledge; strengthen the ability to self-regulation, the spirit of the subject. In short, learning methods and independent thinking is good medicine to prevent and control diligence.

  Second, cultivate a strong interest in learning. Under the condition of diligence and improving the efficiency of learning, experiencing the joy of learning something, can enhance the interest in learning, interest in learning better.

  The third is to stimulate deep learning motivation, that is, to further stimulate the students' higher-level needs for knowledge, creativity, and aesthetics. Take learning as the satisfaction of their own high-level needs, as an indispensable part of their lives, this time your potential to stimulate can reach the highest level. The diligent excuses that only focus on brute work and blind learning without regard to results can be completely cured.

  Good thinking and diligence full of interest is the basic guarantee of successful learning.

  (E) Environmental excuse disorder

  Some students do not study hard, have poor learning results, and poor performance, not from their subjective aspects to find the reason, but blame the environmental conditions, the reason for their learning failure all to the objective environment, such thinking deeper and deeper can not extricate themselves, they suffer from environmental excuse disease, they often complain about poor school conditions, life is also poor, can not study at ease; also complained about the classroom is not peaceful, the teacher can not understand the lecture; there are students for The poor family conditions and inferiority complex, compared to others have food, clothing, and money, etc., the treatment of this disease are the following.

  First, treat the environment correctly. It is difficult to ask the environment to adapt to themselves, only to adapt themselves to the environment. With a positive attitude toward the external environmental conditions to absorb the beneficial nutrients for my use, not just see the poor side of the environment. The right attitude is like what Wei Shusheng, a special teacher, said: "Change yourself, the sky is wide; blame the environment, the sky is dark, and you can not help yourself. Remember that it is better to seek others than to seek oneself.

  Second, recognize the factors that determine the success or failure of learning, the environment is one of the important factors, but the decisive role is the subjective factors. The external environment is the external cause, and the subjective factors of people are the internal cause. Treatment of environmental excuses must first learn to find the cause on their own and then is to play their subjective initiative, to improve their learning efficiency.

  Third, seek good learning methods to improve learning ability and learning efficiency. For example, learning to remember and think, developing a positive self-concept, increasing self-confidence and self-esteem, realizing individual potential and stimulating inner motivation, etc.


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  • test2 years ago

    I hope to publish more of these articles and look forward to your updates

  • vernettalploupe2 years ago

    Excellent work

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