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Top 10 Perceived Skills With Growing Demand by 2025

Cultivate them now to secure a bright future.

By Victoria KurichenkoPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Image credit: Gustavo Fring on Pexels

Did you know, on average TikTok influencers (13 -18years old) can make $200 to $20,000 per a sponsored video? I was shocked when I learned it.

I was thinking, “Jesus, these young bloggers can earn that much from a single video! I feel like a granny in my 26 having no interest in TikTok.”

This fact made me think about the current job market trends and the rapid changes we are not always ready to predict.

If a 26-year-old marketer asks this question, what can 40-50-year-old people do? Can they remain competitive in the job market when there is no evidence of how tomorrow will look like? Jobs that are popular today might no longer exist tomorrow.

As a young professional, I want to remain competitive and skilled, even though it is challenging to follow the trends and quickly acquire new skills.

In this article, I want to share some ideas on what a young professional or a graduate can do today to become competitive in the job market and secure a bright future.

These tips might not be evident for everyone, and they are not taught at schools these days.

Top 10 Perceived Skills With Growing Demand by 2025

I’ve recently stumbled upon a “Future of Jobs Report 2020” published by the World Economic Forum in October 2020.

The report has 163 pages, making it a bit boring to read, but some chapters caught my eye, and I felt a need to share my thoughts about it.

According to the report, these are the top skills with a growing demand that young professionals need to cultivate to remain competitive in the next five years:

Top 10 skills to cultivate by 2025. Source: Future of Jobs Report 2020

You might have noticed that most of the skills are about creativity and self-improvement. It is not by chance.

Monotonous, shallow jobs are being automated these days, and the trend will continue growing. Recruiters hunt bright minds that can come up with innovative, outstanding ideas to create new content, new design, new products, new services, and new demand.

I share a few tips on what you can do to develop these skills and increase your value on the job market.

Develop and Maintain a Habit of an Avid Learner

To stay up to date, people need to learn every day. Those who do not self-improve will eventually be replaced by someone else.

If you know what’s in demand today, you are already one step ahead to be a competitive candidate in the job market.

Even if you do not possess the needed skills yet — you can master them. Knowledge is accessible more than ever before now. All you need to have is persistence, self-management, and willingness to learn something new.

Hubspot Academy offers free marketing courses for everyone willing to dive into email marketing, social media, SEO, paid advertisement, etc.

Coursera offers many courses that you can study for free.

You can master Google tools, like Google My Business, Google Analytics, or Gooogle ads via Google Skillshop, and become a certified expert in a few months.

You can also master Facebook advertising with the help of a Facebook blueprint course.

I’ve named just a few options I know and regularly use to keep learning. However, you can literally find free, paid, corporate or individual courses online in seconds.

I also learn from people who have already achieved a milestone I aim to reach since they can share actual to-do steps. It helps to save valuable time and get great results faster.

Always listen to and follow the advice from people more experienced than you are.

How to find like-minded people? I use Linkedin groups, Facebook communities (like Digital Nomads Worldwide), Medium, Vocal, where great minds hang out every day.

You might not even notice when your online connections become friends and soulmates that will inspire you to change the way you live your life.

Do Not Limit Yourself to a Single Major

Do not stick to a single major you’ve got at a high school! The world is changing day-by-day. These changes affect your life in some way. As a result — you are changing!

Instead, try to understand what else might interest you. What else can you do to make yourself feel happy, fulfilled, self-actualized? These should be your focus areas to remain competitive in the market and diversify your income sources.

I’ve never imagined myself as a writer until March 2020. I just did it! I published my first post, and it went well.

I see a massive demand for skilled content creators. Hence, it makes sense to keep developing writing skills.

I used to be afraid of working with individual clients since I thought I am not good enough. Last year, I broke through my impostor syndrome and started freelancing. I can do what I like and get paid for it.

If you feel your life needs changes — then start making these changes now! You are the only one who can do it.

Do not sit and wait for others to steal your piece of the pie. Instead, do it yourself.

The more self-confident and professional you become, the more people will start hunting you with job offers.

This is already another story, which might become a reality for you one day. Hopefully soon!

Often Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Everything new is scary! Always.

A lot of people prefer being in their comfort zone rather than experiencing stress and new challenges. But this is not about you. If you are reading this article, I assume you want to break through fears and change the way you live your life.

I know this pain. I’ve been through it too.

I knew I did not want to always be an average marketer at a small agency doing things people ask me to do. I knew I wanted to be location-independent and have full control over my life.

To do it, I needed to diversify and upscale the income sources. It would allow me to enjoy my work, earn more, and live the life I want.

Here is what I did:

  • I started blogging on Medium to develop my writing skills and create a portfolio. In 5 months, I earned $3,000 from a single Medium article and published over 70 articles that I share on social media and show to potential clients.
  • I’ve got 1k+ followers on Medium, which makes my profile credible.
  • I met many exceptional and independent individuals who I learn from every day. Following others' suggestions, I’ve started developing my freelance account on Upwork, which turned out to be an exciting journey. I’ve got my first dream-client, and it smells like a long-time collaboration.

Why am I sharing all these facts? To show you that success does not come to people who are afraid of trying new things.

Publishing your first piece online, meeting your first client, having a job interview with a camera on, holding an online webinar — are just a few examples of what you can do to put yourself on the next level.

Working outside of the comfort zone helps develop stress tolerance.

You are forced to learn more to cope with a challenging task; you have to learn how to ask the right questions to get the right answers; you eventually develop professional and persuasive communication skills.

It is crucial to remain competitive in the current and future job market.

Become an Active Social Media User

I used to neglect social media for a long time.

I’ve seen many questions from random people asking for advice. I did not understand why many people waste their precious time to write in-depth comments for those who did not even dare to spend a second googling answers.

It was frustrating for me, but I’ve completely changed my perspective when I started blogging myself.

I chose LinkedIn as a primary platform to share my content, grow the audience, and socialize with others.

I share my posts on LinkedIn with a few catchy headlines and repost others’ content if I find it worth spreading. I do it 2–3 times a week. Besides, I tend to add 3–5 relevant hashtags to increase the posts' impressions.

To my surprise, LinkedIn users started to like, share, and comment on my posts. I grew from 0 to almost 500 connections without much effort. These days, I often get invites and collaboration requests through LinkedIn.

Social media helps to build authority and trust around your name. People eventually become loyal and follow you for more content and expert opinion.

Social media is no longer a place to post random images only. If your goal is to find a better job one day, increase your paycheck, or start freelancing — you can do it with the help of social media.

Social activity helps to prove your expertise and eventually build a personal brand, where recruiters will be coming to you, not vise versa.

Final Thoughts

If you ask your parents how the world looked like a decade ago, you will get a completely different picture: no digital environment, no popular blogging industries, no home office, nothing. But we have it all now.

What will happen in 5, 10 years? No one knows, but everyone wants to be successful, self-actualized, and happy.

React fast, adapt, and keep learning is a brief recipe to remain competitive and win in this changing world.


About the Creator

Victoria Kurichenko

Self-made marketer & content writer. Writing daily. Creating SEO-friendly content for 3 years.

My site:

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