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Three Books on Blogging

Embracing the short-form for the long-form writer

By Nathan J BonassinPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Three Books on Blogging
Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

When it comes to writing, in my experience anyway, there is the daunting idea of writing something longer than, say, a short story or essay. The idea of having enough story to fill out an entire novel can be enough to turn some writers away from starting in the first place.

So what to do?

The best way to overcome this is to find ways to create small pieces that fit together to make a longer story. As a writer, give yourself small goals or milestones. Creating smaller completed pieces that fit together, in the end, can make the idea of a book seem easier to achieve.

These three books on blogging can help you make sense of making a book out of individual stories.

How to Make Money Blogging - Bob Lotich

Making money with your blog probably means you are doing everything right. A successful blog depends a lot on ensuring that Google knows exactly what your blog is about, a process known as SEO. If you've been in the blogging world for any amount of time, you've heard the term, and hopefully have some grasp on the process. Translating SEO into the book world means having a good story that draws your reader in. Learning this from blogging through AB tests and through the process of trial and error can help increase your success as a book writer.

The Golden Rules of Blogging (& When to Break Them) - Robin Houghton

Every blogger knows that there are rules to blogging. At the same time, every successful blogger knows when to take a risk and break these rules. Understanding these rules is critical to success, especially when it comes to damaging your reputation as a writer. Once one of these blogging sins has been committed, it is there forever for everyone to see. These errors can risk the authority of your blog. The same goes for a published book. There are at least several books I have tried to read and just simply couldn't make it. These books were so poorly written and contained so many grammatical errors, that reading them made my head hurt. Don't let this be you when you publish your book.

How to Blog a Book - Nina Amir

How to Blog a Book presents the idea of presenting and publishing your book one peace at a time. A blog works perfectly for this. As a writer, you can present a chapter at a time at your own pace, whether you choose monthly, weekly, or daily. In a digest-style format, you can rely on readers returning to your blog to see the next installment post for your book and for any updates in between. Once it is all there, the book can be published in its entirety in one volume. It sounds strange to think of publishing a book to charge money for once it is all out there for free on a blog, but musicians have been doing this for years to pre-release music for streaming for free before the album goes on sale. If they can do it, writers can do it too.

Putting a book together is all about putting the pieces of a puzzle together in the right order. Blogging your book gives you an opportunity to play with the order and see how each chapter interacts with the others. With that in mind, along with the goals you have set for yourself, try out the process of blogging a book.


Writing since high school, Nathan J Bonassin started off as a poet and songwriter. He studied creative writing in college, earning a BA in English from Texas Tech University. Since, then he has written about food, whiskey, spirituality, and writing. He is currently working on his first ebook, a project twenty years in the making.

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Nathan J Bonassin

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