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These Are A Few Of My FAVOURITE Things

Canadian Small Business Gift Guide- MOM Edition

By Foxxy MomBossPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
This is Me, just your average Badass Mompreneur trying to make the world a better place.

Well this is a new thing to do, putting myself out there and letting people in. So with that in mind; I did a thing.

I started a business venture completely out of my wheelhouse and education. I'm an entrepreneur, and a Mom (I'm a Mompreneur), and I wanted a way to help other Mompreneurs make more money and gain visibility. So 7 months ago I had a brilliant idea to create a directory for Mom-owned business. And since I know so many Mom-entrepreneurs in other provinces, I knew it couldn't just be here in Quebec, I needed to make it Canada wide. And it needed to be inclusive, as in POC Mom-owners, Indigenous Mom-owners, trans Mom-owners, marginalized Mom-owners; ALL MOM BUSINESS OWNERS. My criteria are 1) Are you a Canadian? 2) Do you consider yourself a Mom at some point in your life? 3)Do you have a registered business? That's it.

So to get to the point of this, I'm listing my Gift Guide for 2020 AND 2021, because these ladies need to to stay in your mind longer than just one month.

*First on my list is Precious Delights. I met this Mompreneur through a FB group we're both members of. She is such a talented woman, not just in her products she sells (which are the Bomb!) but as a human. She. Is. SO. Kind. She's never met me in person, and yet she's willing to pass my proposal on to those who need it. She was honestly sent by the Universe to help this business succeed. She is a Ride Or Die member of our Sisterhood, and as Authentic as they come. She even created a series of Black Girl Magic and Black Boy Joy items to meet the needs she wasn't seeing in shops.

(c)Precious Delights 2020

Precious Delights - Tara Lee Gooding

I'm in love with this I Am Beautiful message and how unique she is, plus she's just so adorable.

You can find more items like this on her Etsy Page-

** Then Tara hooked me up with Monika, and she blew me away. I'm STILL in awe of the items she's been doing for custom orders lately. When I perused her shop, I knew she was special and her dedication to her craft is unparalleled. She's originally from Poland, where she learned to crochet, knit, cross stitch and sew from her mother. She even creates her own patterns! I'm in love with the shawl I bought from her (in which they are never the same, so you know your piece will be one of a kind), and she makes really perfect keepsakes for your kids, or yourselves (I'm planning a custom order as I type this).

A Very Special Bunny- Executive colour decision by a Wise Young Lady (c)Tuppti Crochet 2020

Tuppti Crochet - Monika Helfer

This Mama is so freaking talented, I can't even. This is one of MANY small toys she makes that is so safe for little hands and little mouths. AND her shawls are beautiful and so comfortable. You can see mine just below.

(c)Tuppti Crochet 2020

You can find lots of shawls, toys and digital download patterns on her Etsy page here-

*** While scouring Instagram for Mom-owned business in Canada (which is time intensive, hence the need for my directory), I came across Brianna and her partner Barbra.

Combined they have 7 kids, and together they own B.BabyCo. I only got to talk to one half of the team- Brianna, but I learned so much about her and their mission. They have this phenomenal work ethic and they are so environmentally conscious. Brianna has a big heart, and can easily be swayed with a good story, but in spite of (or because of) that you know you can trust her implicitly. They have Beautiful, Eco Friendly, and Sustainable items in their shop. It's too bad my youngest already has enough Christmas gifts, otherwise I'd be maxing out my credit card buying ALL THE THINGS.

B.BabyCo- Brianna and Barbra

One Tree Planted is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to global reforestation. They plant trees to restore nature and biodiversity. They also raise awareness about the importance of trees, offer businesses like ours a simple sustainability solution, and motivate younger generations to do something positive for the environment.

(c)BBabyco 2020

You can find this item and many more on their website-

They started out as two friends sharing baby products they liked, and turned that into a full business that can ship worldwide, though the majority of their customers are in Canada and the US. They even sell used items on their site as pre-owned! They really are eco-friendly and we need more of that in the world right now.

Brianna even has the most selfless "I'm Rich Bishes" dream. After securing her family in their financial future, she wants to open a Center in Haiti for pregnant teenagers. There these young Mamas-to-be will learn how to take care of their children and themselves, as well as learn a trade to allow them to contribute to their community and continue to support their families, even if they're single Mamas. What a noble and selfless aspiration, we really want to help her achieve this goal.

**** I learned about Whiney and her business through the same FB group I met Tara in. Whitney was one of the very first interviews I did, and I was so captivated by her company's Vision and Voice that I didn't get a chance to really delve into her personal life much, but I will rectify that soon enough. Her company is called FLY Brand Boutique, and FLY stands for First Love Yourself. Her brand is all about Women Empowerment and Self Love. I knew immediately that I was going to love working along side her. They aim to create a community where women have a voice, and they show others that we really can Have It All! She is a survivor, which already endeared her to me, and since finding herself she really wants to give back as much as she can.

FLY Brand Boutique- Whitney Alexandra

(c)FLYbrandboutique 2020

(c)FLYbrandboutique 2020

You can find these shirts and so many more items on her website-

Whitney and I gelled so much in our conversation, she believes in herself 100% and she wants Us to believe in ourselves too. Who wouldn't want to support that message in a world where our mental health has been stretched to the breaking point? For her (and myself) the pandemic has been a blessing in disguise, allowing us to focus on building our respective brands and reaching out to a broader audience. I am so glad we found each other and I'm budgeting my pay cheques to buy more of her products.

*****And Last but certainly not least, we come to this wonderful woman-entrepreneur. I met her from a mutual friend's Business Connect event (thanks Desiree). She herself is not a mom, but she is a serial entrepreneur and so is Her Mom. She grew up in a home that was encouraging to her free-spirit and ingenuity. Her Mom is a Mompreneur who never found full success in her ventures. That is until these two wonderful women teamed up and created a unique business together.

Sapid by Mus-ir - Sylvia Moore & Camille Crepeau

*Explore cooking healthy dishes while turning the exercise into a game for the pickiest eaters. *20 vegetarian recipes *Nutritional, well balanced dishes *Shaped like animals *Includes substitutions for all types of dietary restrictions

(c)MusIr 2020

(c)MusIr 2020

You can find this book and more content as it becomes available at-

So I bought this book for my kiddos already, though we haven't gotten a chance to use it yet, but I have high hopes (in which my 4yo will probably dash) of trying some of them out during the Christmas Break. This book makes cooking with littles fun and interactive. It even has a page teaching children how to read a recipe. Whoever thought we were going to have to have that skill as parents right? Teaching your kids to tie their shoes, sure, but I never imagined I'd actually have to articulate to my boys to how read a recipe, it just never crossed my mind. These ladies make it so much easier to teach basic cooking skills to your kids that might have them turning into the next Food Network Star, or in the very least, a major catch when they grow up. Sylvia is extremely innovative and thinks outside the box, a testament to her parenting as well as her business savvy. She even created a Treasure Hunt for her kids when they were little (that's totally something I would do, even though my kids would probably give up before they found the 2nd clue).


So that's it, a few of my favourite things from the women I've gotten a chance to meet in the last few months. I'm so proud to be able to find a way to promote their companies and enhance their lives. It's my path in life to help other Canadian Mompreneurs find success in their dream jobs.

If you're interested in finding more amazing products and services from local Mom-owned businesses, please consider following my business on social media at:

And keep checking in for when our site goes live -

The Two most important days in your life are: 1) The Day You Were Born 2) The Day You Find Out WHY

And remember; Always leave room for the Universe to work it's Magic- especially around Christmas time.


About the Creator

Foxxy MomBoss

I'm a happily married Mompreneur with 2 young kids. My past is very sordid and fraught with lots of adventure. This is my outlet to tell some of those stories without getting roasted by my family or risking my integrity as a business owner.

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