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the smile behind closed doors


By Olivia TeaguePublished 11 months ago 4 min read

Have you ever been to church and seen nothing but women all around with the most cheerful smiles on there faces and think to yourself "these women are so happy to be here why should I oh it doesn't look so bad their singing and giggling as if they're high school students around they're crush 'but you later find out who the person there giggling about and blushing around "scandalous" right. What If this is actually what's going on and the truth itself is way darker than you thought. At first especially watching the documentary made me feel so bad for these poor girls who endured so much by this heartless man .This Netflix serious is called In The Name of God :A holy Betrayal which is defiantly worth watching . I am talking about the "Infamous" JMS church of South Korea where a man named

Jung Myung Seok "don't be fooled by that smile" who did horrible things to his women followers in the name of his religion. That is very still active to this very day. Now who is this man and why would he do such a heinous thing to these women. Well It all started in 1980 where he started a small church called Ae-chun Church or Church of Providence. This is where he finds his first female victims who were nothing but college students who would probably attend his events in their colleges football fields or stadiums or even at a fun school event with friends. It wasn't until the late 90s when he fled to Hong Kong when his allegations began to surface. I mean serious if your not guilty of anything why run away right but to his followers once the allegations began to spread they still believed this man was the messiah that he literally was god and this man actually believed he was. When he would hurthis followers he would call it love that while they were having personal relations with him these women were being brought to life again into a new person as another way to say it. In the Netflix serious you meet a women by the name of Maple Yin who in my opinion is a very brave and strong person to stand up and talk about her moments within the "cult''.

She was a young high school student living her carefree days worrying about homework and test in the bright city of Hong Kong and one day she gets approached by fellow JMS Members and in the year 2012 she joins the JMS church even though the leader is presumably in jail for 10 years of his crimes. Apparently, according to sources, before he gets you alone with him he asks for your full body pic in a bikini and nude so while this man is in prison he would constantly receive picture of these young brainwashed women . It was never their fault in the first place just like every person you look for a way out of the world the first person to ever want to show her any gratitude to your life these people would use that feeling of guilt and grief as leverage and that' s how Maple was manipulated into this church . All she wanted was someone to talk to and to accept her for being a mess who would like to drink and hang out with boys. This follower who talked to her non stop and every word the follower spoke she stongely believed. Soon this follower convinced her to send pictures of her and so she did and while in prison Jung would get pictures all the time and the ones he liked he would invite to the prison including Maple. So after 10 years of him serving his sentencing Maple began being Jung's favorite. He praised her for her singing and she even became the church's anchor. For ten years Jung Myeong Seok had her do many things for the church. She became a very popular member of the church. After awhile Jung invited her to Cheonggiwa which was where he lived and so that same night he did bad things to her and told her not to tell her dad because he wouldn't understand and she would explain everything in her interviews in the documentary.

She goes and tells someone what the hell just happened her and they just brush it off and convinces her that he really loves her and he wants to give her all his love. You know even after all of this when she tried to expose JMS they did everything to stop her from talking to anyone especially for her interviews. And in 2022 Jung Myung Seok was put under arrest once more for the what happened to her and maple being so damn brave allowed more women to step up and talk about there days within JMS. To this day the church is very much still active ,but these silenced women can finally voice their experiences.

fact or fictionreligion

About the Creator

Olivia Teague

history and kpop

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