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The Little Black Book

The book that changed two friends lives forever

By Blake GannPublished 3 years ago 2 min read

This is a story about two friends that find a strange black book found in a abandon house inside of a very old safe. A story that makes you think and questions your friends loyalty.

One summer evening in Texas two really close friends Fred Jackson and George Smith that have known each other all of their lives like to explore abandon buildings anything that seemed mysterious. Well they came across this 2 story stone home built in the late 50s that had been abandon for decades. They decided to explore it when they went in boards rotted holes everywhere in the walls furniture that had been sitting for years with a nerve aching feeling that something bad had happen in that house. Well while creeping through this abandon old house Fred finding old jewelry and old clothes still hanging in the closet dust lingering no air flow through the house. When George was walking through the house up to the attic he noticed a slot in the wall that was lifted up by the old curling wall paper. He hollered “hey Fred come up here and look at this hole in the wall I found” he then replied “hold on George I’m on my way up. Once George got up there they both was a bit hesitant bout sticking their hands in a old wall but following conversations they convinced each other to see what was inside. What they found little did they know would change their lives forever. They found a safe small but heavy rusted almost all the way through, so George and Fred had no problem working their way into it. George found papers anywhere from important documents to earrings then lastly a little black book that was wore, faded, and falling apart

Fred opened the book wondering what it said George said “well what does it say, is it a fortune”. Fred simply replied “it’s instructions to a wealth beyond your belief George, But it’s a going to take a while to get to it." so after multiple task and traveling note after not of clues and phrases along the way it seemed like they were getting absolutely nowhere with this little black book. Fred wanted to give in and quit George insisted to keep going and find it. They met a lot of people along the way that thought their journey was bizarre and ridiculous. there were tension grew between them to the point they couldn't stand each other. The time grew slow and the journey was endless. George finally gave in and wanted to quit the evil in the book had caused imagination that was not real it was like a dream that tested their friendship and at the end of the book there were no fortune or anything pleasant at the end. It turns out the book was one of five. which to Fred that didn't make any sense to why there would be so many books that led to nothing. he decided to pick up and find these other 4 books with George but little did Fred know the madness of the book had drove George to end his own life, with a letter that wrote "I'm sorry the book made me do it." When the rest of book were found they were blank hundreds of pages just blank with the saying your wasting all your time to find nothing.


fact or fiction

About the Creator

Blake Gann

I’m just here to write stories to pas the time

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