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The hidden truth about owning an employment agency 

Yes, I actually own an employment agency, Online Jobs Agency LLC. You can find me at

By Courtanae HeslopPublished about a year ago 5 min read
The hidden truth about owning an employment agency 
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Wait… Before we begin… Let me introduce myself:

As the Chief Executive Officer of Online Jobs Agency, I am responsible for driving the overall strategic direction and success of the company. With a Master's Degree in Human Resources Management, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to my role.

I am skilled at identifying and implementing effective solutions to complex problems, and have a track record of consistently delivering results. Some of my key responsibilities include business development, financial management, and HR. I am also responsible for developing and executing strategic plans to achieve company goals.

In my role as CEO, I have consistently demonstrated my ability to drive growth and profitability through effective leadership and decision-making. My strong communication and interpersonal skills have allowed me to build and maintain strong relationships with clients and stakeholders.

I am passionate about helping organizations find the right talent and supporting them in their growth and development. If you are seeking a dynamic and experienced leader to drive the success of your organization, please don't hesitate to reach out.

You can connect with me on: Linkedin

Now, let's get into it…

If you're reading this, chances are that you've been thinking about starting your own employment agency. Well, I have some advice for you: don't do it. Or at least don't do it alone. Yes, running an employment agency is an incredible opportunity to help people find meaningful work and enjoy their careers more than ever before, but it can also be a lot of work and require skills that aren't immediately obvious if you don't have experience in the field (like knowing how to write resumes).

Don't do it alone

It's important to note that owning an employment agency is not for the faint of heart. You will need to have a team, and you'll need to be able to lead that team. You'll also have to be able to manage people. If you're not good at doing any of these things, then you should reconsider your decision before opening an employment agency - it won't get any easier once it's up and running!

You cannot do this alone. The only way your business will succeed is if everyone works together as a unit and each person contributes their own specific skillset into helping make it happen.

Grow organically

In order to grow organically, you need a clear vision of what your company is and isn't. For example, don't try to be everything to everyone. If you're trying to sell yourself as an employment agency for every type of job out there, people will get confused about what you actually do. You're better off focusing on one niche and building from there by offering clients more services over time - but only if it's something that fits with your brand identity.

Don't go too broad but don't go too narrow either

You need to find a balance between going too broad and too narrow. For example, if you only focus on recruiting for one industry or company, you will miss out on lots of job opportunities. If you recruit for every industry and every position, then it will be hard for people in your network to know what kind of jobs they should send to you.

It's important that your network knows how your services can benefit them so they continue sending quality candidates your way. However, don't go too wide either! Your business cannot grow without some form of specialization so that when clients ask about their career interests or needs, they know exactly where to send them (i.e., which types of companies/industries).

Start with what you know best

Before getting into the nitty-gritty of running an employment agency, it's important to start with a clear vision for your company. You'll want to know what you're passionate about and what your strengths are so that you can focus on these things first.

The first step is finding people who share the same values and interests as you do. It's better if those people are already friends or family members, because then it won't feel like work for them or for yourself! (You'll still need to pay them though.) The next step is choosing what kind of business model makes sense based on how many employees there will be at any given time - such as "full-time" vs "part-time". Finally: pick an industry where everyone knows each other well enough already so there aren't many awkward conversations between strangers when they come into contact outside their office space - but also make sure not too much competition exists either because that could get ugly quickly…

Do it because you love it

If you're going to make a go at running your own business, then you need to have the passion for it. Don't do it because you think it will be easy or because someone else has done it and made money from it - you can spend all day reading about how other people have done well, but if there isn't an internal motivation that fuels your desire to succeed, then nothing will change. The time and effort required for success in this field is immense - but so is the reward!

  • Be patient with yourself as well as others. A lot of things are going to be out of your control when starting out: finding clients and employees may take longer than expected, training new hires might take more time than anticipated (or worse yet - you might not even get any applicants), etc. It's important not only that you keep up your spirits during times like these but also that you remember where patience comes from: being patient with others while they learn and grow within their jobs is key; after all, we were all beginners once upon a time!

Starting your own employment agency is hard and you need to know what you're doing

Starting an employment agency is hard. You need to know what you're doing, have a vision of where you want to go and a plan for how you will get there. You also need to be able to adapt your plan as you go.

If this sounds like a lot of work and responsibility, that's because it is! The good news is that if starting your own employment agency seems overwhelming right now, there are other options available that may make things easier on you (and provide some additional benefits).


Starting an employment agency is hard, but you can make it easier if you do your research and know what to expect. Don't go into this venture alone and don't let anyone with little experience tell you that it's easy because they haven't done it themselves yet. Remember that there are plenty of resources out there for people like us who have decided to take on this challenge. It's not easy by any means but if that doesn't stop us then nothing will!


About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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