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Success, a seemingly simple word, may not be so simple to do. Perhaps everyone aspires to success, but what is success in the end? Maybe everyone has their view, and everyone's view is different. And what I am going to say now is also my view of success.

By BobbyPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

 Success, a seemingly simple word, may not be so simple to do. Perhaps everyone aspires to success, but what is success in the end? Maybe everyone has their view, and everyone's view is different. And what I am going to say now is also my view of success.

  In this impatient society, too many people desire success. They aspire to the same as successful people, with fame and fortune, but have they asked themselves, have they ever truly paid, have they ever worked hard, struggled? Perhaps they think of success too simply, success is that easy? Is it just a quick fix?

  I think that to succeed, first, you can move, when you can move yourself to cry, you will have succeeded, this is my view of success. Maybe you can move others, or even move heaven and earth, but you just can't move. So, I think this is not a success, when you can move yourself to tears, you will be successful, or you are not far from success.

  Moved to cry, certainly not their cry a little, then feel that they have succeeded. Only when you for their own goals, ideals, to work hard, to genuinely struggle over, will there be. When others are looking down on you, and laughing at you, you are still struggling and working hard for your own goals; when others are relaxing and entertaining, you are still working hard for your goals and ideals; when others are saying you are wrong and urging you to give up, you are still convinced that you are right and keep going hard for it. Only in such an environment, you can know how much you have paid, and how much pressure and frustration you have endured that others have not.

  The road to success may be this way, need to experience too many setbacks and tribulations, and the trials and tribulations, I am afraid that only those who have experienced them will always know. Perhaps many times, we think of success as too simple. Because I believe that every successful people have spent at least a few years, or even a dozen years, or even decades toward their goals, the constant pursuit, continuous efforts, to have their ultimate success. However, many times, we often only see the aura of their success, but not before their success, they struggled in silence for their goals. I once heard a successful person say "the road they choose, even if they kneel to finish". And this arduous road, how he came, I'm afraid only he knows best, most understand. And what we see is always just the surface, skin, and hair

  When you go for their own goals, to struggle, to work hard, which only you know the hardships, you pay how much only you know. But I believe that when you succeed, you will be able to move yourself to tears. That is the success of your tears of joy because you know that you have paid so much, you will eventually have results, harvest, success on the road, you have experienced too many things that others have not experienced, you know that their success is not easy to come by. You will cry, the kind of crying that is from the deepest part of your heart, is the most unconcealed and hypocritical and can move your own. Even if you do not reach your goal in the end, I believe that you still succeeded, you can still move yourself to cry, because you went to work for your goal, to struggle, and will not regret your initial choice. On the road to success, you have experienced the pains that others cannot. I believe you will still be optimistic about life because you have experienced so much on this road to success. I believe success is still waiting for you shortly, just because you understand, grow too much, experience, and mature.

  Each person's road to success may not be the same, but I believe that success requires every person who wants to succeed to work hard and struggle, and every road to success is full of bumps, and only those who firmly believe in their goals, and constantly strive and struggle to achieve the ultimate success. But there is one thing I always believe in, and that is, when you can move yourself to tears, you've succeeded!

  Believe in yourself, believe in your own goals, withstand the trials and tribulations that ordinary people can not bear, and constantly work hard, and struggle, success will eventually be yours!


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