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Start Earning $10,000 Per Week by Mastering These Simple Skills

Have you ever heard that a lack of money can be a problem? What do you think? A lack of funds is never, ever, ever an issue. That is to say, a lack of money is merely a symptom of a larger problem; it is not the cause of the problem.

By FlorinPublished 2 years ago 9 min read

What the issue is really is a lack of skill. Have you ever heard of lottery winners who suddenly found themselves with a windfall of millions of dollars, only to find themselves broke and bankrupt a few years later?

In fact, they were sometimes worse off financially.

So, what’s the deal? They have money, but not the skills of the wealthy.

I am wealthy. Not because of my money, because I began with none.

I owed money.

I owed hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Because of my abilities, I am wealthy.

So, today I’ll teach you the seven skills that I’ve mastered.

If you want to be wealthy, I believe you must understand and master seven skills.

1. The ability to persuade customers to buy from you.

That’s what I mean by “closing ability.” Do you know how to say good-by? Can you explain the worth of what you do to potential clients?

Do you know how to ask compelling questions that persuade people to buy?

Are you at ease conversing with strangers, presenting your ideas, or demonstrating your product or service?

Closing skill is, in my opinion, one of the most important, if not the most important, skill to master if you want to be wealthy.

You’re closing when you’re talking to customers. When negotiating with vendors, try to persuade them to give you better terms. Guess what? You’re almost done.

You’re closing when you’re talking to your employees.

So that’s the first skill.

2. Speak in front of groups.

That is what I mean by public speaking ability.

Do you know what the most common fear in people’s lives is?

It’s not a snake, nor is it death. The most common fear of most people is public speaking.

Now, why are so many people afraid of speaking in front of large groups?

Most of the time, they are concerned about whether they will sound stupid, how they will appear, or whether they will say something incorrectly.

All of these things, but when you look at great leaders, almost all of them are great public speakers, such as Steve Jobs, right?

Tony Robbins and Warren Buffett are two examples. Public speaking is one of the skills that has changed my life. Years ago, I enrolled in an online class to improve my English and reduce my accent, as well as to improve myself through public speaking.

Through public speaking, I gained confidence and self-confidence. So, ask yourself if you are afraid to speak in front of large groups. Do you know how to present your ideas in front of a group? Can you express yourself with conviction and certainty?

Are you able to interact with your audience? You might get sweaty palms.

If you’re anything like me, your face will turn pale and your knees will be locked at first. That’s fine.

Public speaking is a skill that can be learned, but it is one of the most valuable skills that you must master if you want to be wealthy.

3. Copywriting Ability.

In print, this is what I call persuasion. That is referred to as your copywriting ability. Take note of the fact that I mentioned copywriting ability. Now, when I say copywriting, I’m not talking about being perfectly grammatically correct, though that is important, but I’m also not talking about what you learn in school, academic writing; I’m talking about communication.

I’m referring to, perhaps, your website or video. I’m referring to your email.

How do you use written words to communicate? Now, why is this so significant? Because in day-to-day communication, all of the emails you send, all of your social media posts, the agreement, the contract, your lending post, or your blog.

Much of that is done through written communication, and knowing how to communicate effectively through written words gives you a tremendous amount of leverage.

Let me give you a good example:

Assume you created a social media post and have a sizable following; this gives you leverage because what you see and write is seen by hundreds, if not thousands, of people.

Millions of people could be affected in my case. In fact, copywriting was the first skill I learned, and it was the skill that changed my life.

How In my early twenties, I went from losing money and not making enough money to earning $10,000 per month.

So, there’s copywriting. That is not something that is taught in school. School taught us to write, but it did not teach us to copywrite, so skill number three is the ability to communicate with words in print.

4. Communicate with your team in a clear and effective manner.

I’m referring to your ability to lead.

To be an effective leader, you must be able to communicate effectively.

Do you know what your company’s vision is, and are you communicating it to your team members? Do you communicate your vision to your team in a clear and concise manner? Do you know how to foster a positive culture in your workplace? All of that, you see, is leadership ability.

Business is not a one-man show. Not only is business an intellectual sport, but it is also a team sport. It is a corporation. You are only as good as the people on your team.

It is critical to cultivate leadership skills in order to inspire, motivate, and lead your team.

5. Manage and organise your time to achieve the best results.

Some people call this time management. That is what I mean by priority management because, at the end of the day, we only have 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year.

Because we all have the same amount of time, it is impossible to manage time. What you can control, however, are your priorities. What are the most important things you need to concentrate on? One of the most important things that will help you get closer to your objectives. The issue is that school never taught us how to manage our priorities, did it?

You do your homework, take exams, take care of your family, and do a variety of other things, but most people never take the time to slow down and look at what we do and ask themselves, “OK, why am I even doing this at all?”

What are the benefits of these activities? We never ask those profound questions to ourselves, and, at the end of the day, priority management is truly self-management. How do you keep yourself in check?

And, if you can manage your time efficiently and effectively every day, and focus on just a few things, those two or three things you know will get you the results you want if you do it consistently.

Rich people understand this and recognise the value of their time, which is why they avoid what I refer to as “minimum wage” activities.

We delegate if someone can complete the task for less than the value of your time.

That brings us to skill number five.

6. Financial statement reading ability

That is what I mean by financial literacy. This skill is no longer taught in schools.

How do we assess our performance in school? Your student ID. Do you get a “A,” a “B,” or a “C”?

We look at financial statements in the real world, in the business world.

Your financial statements serve as your report card. It informs us about your financial situation. How well do you manage your finances?

“Well, are you asking me to be an accountant, take an accounting course, or be a bookkeeper, or something like that?” you may be thinking.

No, but you do need to understand financial jargon. Financial literacy is the language of money, and it explains how money works. Your balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement are all important. When you look at the statement and see the numbers, do you think, “Oh my God, man, I don’t know what’s going on,” or “I’m not making enough money this year, in this poll,” or “I’m having a loss this year in business,” or can you read between the lines?

What is it trying to tell me? What is the plot? Isn’t that how I manage my money?

And you must understand the fundamentals of some of these monetary jargons:

return on investment, credit score

Profit and loss, capital gain, and capital loss

Depreciation and capital loss

That is what you need to understand about a lot of these words. Nothing can be improved if it is not measured. So, financial literacy is an extremely important skill to master if you want to be wealthy.

7. The ability to control one’s own mind.

That is what I refer to as your mindset skill. Frustration, negativity, fear, envy, depression, limiting belief, and procrastination are all symptoms of a limiting belief.

How do you deal with your emotions? How do you keep your mind in check?

You see, you can get all of the other six skills right, and you can master all of the other six skills, but it won’t work if you don’t have the right mindset. I’ve said it before, but part of thinking is managing your mind, as Napoleon Hill wrote in his book Think and Grow Rich.

What are you nourishing your mind with?

How many times have you known exactly what you needed to do to achieve your goal, but you couldn’t get yourself to do it because of procrastination?

How many times in your life have you let opportunities slip through your fingers because you are unable to motivate yourself to step up and take action due to a self-limiting belief? How many times have you known that other people believe in you but you don’t believe in yourself because of a self-limiting belief?

That is all mental ability.

So there you have it: the seven skills that will make you wealthy. If you want to know how I went from a poverty consciousness to a millionaire mindset, read on.

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