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Slow and steady pays off on Vocal Media

Results cannot be guaranteed but consistency does have rewards.

By Cheryl E PrestonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Writing for a living whether on Vocal or other platforms is not easy because there is no way to predict the outcome of a story. Yesterday I received a $50.00 payout from Hubpages that took 6 months to earn. Hubpages pays about the same rate as Vocal if you are not a member of Vocal Plus. On Vocal I have earned as much as $60.00 in one day but this is not the norm. Results cannot be guaranteed but I have found that slow and steady does have its rewards. Y

If you find your nack and make it your niche and ride it out, there will be a payoff. In the meantime, you might pour your heart and soul into an article only to find that it does not gain any traction. You know this is the one and the money will roll in only it does not. What almost all writers desire more than money is to be read. The earnings come along with the process but first, someone has to take notice of your work. I recall an article that circulated on Facebook off and on for about 4 years that I know made somebody out there some cash, but it was not even true.

It was a fictitious story about a child who allegedly was shot in the head with a nail gun and the family needed prayer. I did several fact checks that discounted the story and yet it continued in one form or another. Each time that bogus article surfaced I pondered the fact that someone was getting paid with each hit. Most times the article said a boy had been shot with the nail gun but on a few occasions I read that it was a girl. This story was being passed around and reshared for at least 4 years. I wondered how much money, I, myself, and other writers would make if the same was done with our work?

Last night I received a notice from Vocal that someone had anonymously sent me a $20.00 tip for my story Lisinopeil brings the cough from hell which you can read below. This meant so much to me because this article was written over one year ago. For a month after publication, there were 0 reads and I was distressed because I knew the information was worthwhile. I knew a few people who experienced what O did and desired to. Put the info out there for others who were struggling. I also wanted to warn the public in advance.

When no one read this story O felt as though my tree crashed in the woods and there was nobody around to hear the sound. I don’t know why the anonymous reader left such a large tip. Perhaps he, she, or they were experiencing the cough from hell, and reading this article gave them answers. I am thankful for the tip as well as the individual taking time to read. When I reread the article I noticed errors that O missed although I had proofread it several times.

” Oh Vocal Media please allow Grammarly so that those like me can make their articl better.’ I’m thankful this individual got the gist of what was written and did not send me a Facebook IM pointing out my errors as some have. The $20.00 tip is a side note in this article. The fact that it was given lets me know that evergreen articles are continuing to be read. I have one Sagging pants have a dark history rooted in American slavery and rape, that has been steady with views for an entire year.

It just got bumped from the number 2 position. Most of my top views come from writing soap spoilers because they get instant hits. The two articles that are at the top gained their views within a matter of a few days which is not typical of everything I write. I find that combining evergreen stories and breaking news to be an ideal combination.

What I enjoy the most is when an article I wrote is no longer in the 0 pile which means somebody read it. Looking at so many 0’s when you put your all into a story can be depressing. This is why I appreciate the anonymous tip so much. It let me know that my writing makes a difference and that one year later the story is still being read. I continue to have an average of about 30 stories that have no reads and I don't like it but that is a part of this reality as a writer.

Regarding the story about the cough from hell, if just one person tosses their Lisinopril and their body begins to heal then I have done my job. I am not just a writer but a whistleblower, muckraker, and champion of those who suffer because of a lack of knowledge. I enjoy exposing fraud in politics, the church, and the medical profession. It is a blessing when someone takes the time to read what I write but I am even more blessed when the words that are written can improve a life or prevent a tragedy. Vocal writers stay the course, slow and steady and it will pay off.

It would be nice if I could write 2 or 3 stories a week but at this time that does not yield the desired result so I write as many each day as I can. I enter Vocal challenges and have won 2 thus far. I read the articles of other creators and leave tips when I can and it all eventually will work together for my good. Give it some time but don't give up because featured articles, tips, and challenges along with views are worth it.


About the Creator

Cheryl E Preston

Cheryl is a widow who enjoys writing about current events, soap spoilers and baby boomer nostalgia. Tips are greatly appreciated.

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